Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (158)

V. Slavchevska ; M. Acosta ; T. Ndiaye ; C.M.Y. Park |Rural transformation pathways focused on efficiency and productivity often leave women and marginalized social groups behind in addition to having negative impacts on the environment and nutrition. As rural transformation models are reconsidered[...]![]()
Rural women in low- and middle-income countries face multiple constraints in accessing and benefiting from essential complementary resources, technologies, and services for agricultural production and participation in the agrifood system. This p[...]![]()
This study is the outcome of research on family farming in a coastal valley in northern Spain. The objective of the study is to determine to what degree traditional norms and values persist in the practices of family farmers. A qualitative metho[...]![]()
In this article, we examine how the European Union (EU) acts as an international organisation, developing policies to be implemented by national governments. We focus on agriculture and gender equality. We examine the relationship between the EU[...]![]()
E. Lecoutere ; E.L. Achandi ; E.L. Ampaire ; G. Fischer ; T. Gumucio ; D. Najjar ; N. Singaraju |Inequalities by gender and intersecting sources of social differentiation in access to resources, exercise of agency, and desirable outcomes persist in agri-food systems in low- and middle income countries. Despite decades of development and the[...]![]()
Green transformation, including the latest European Green Plan, is a part of the European Union (EU) environmental policy, with agriculture occupying a special position in this transformation, being both part of the problem and its solution. Wit[...]![]()
Proponents of short food supply chains (SFSC) have lauded their environmental benefits. Nevertheless, most studies on SFSCs have focused on their climate impact, while the synthetic pesticide use by farmers participating in SFSCs has received li[...]![]()
A. Quisumbing ; S. Cole ; M. Elias ; S. Faas ; A. Galiè ; H. Malapit ; R. Meinzen-Dick ; E. Myers ; G. Seymour ; J. Twyman |This paper addresses women's empowerment in agriculture, innovations in its measurement, and emerging evidence. We discuss the evolution of the conceptualization and measurement of women's empowerment and gender equality since 2010. Using a gend[...]![]()
Having long been confined to the role of family farm helper, women now make up more than a quarter of farm managers in France. Alongside that, the agricultural world needs to transition towards more sustainable practices and models. Inadequate o[...]![]()
Women farmers experiences are not necessarily homogeneous between contexts, and overall different social structures might have different spillover effects into agriculture. Despite the so-called feminisation of Greek agriculturemanifested as[...]![]()
M. Berthold, dir. ; M. Boitias, coord. ; J. Hebert, coord. | Berlin [Allemagne] : Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung | 2023Cet Atlas est le fruit dune coopération entre la Fondation Heinrich Böll, Friends of the Earth Europe, BUND et le Pesticide Action Network Europe, et sa version française, enrichie de plusieurs chapitres, est publiée par le bureau de Paris de l[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The economic contribution of women to agricultural and irrigation activities and to the livelihoods, well-being and food security of families and communities is often unrecognized, invisible and mostly undervalued. Moreover, the role of women in[...]![]()
C. Béné, ed. ; S. Devereux, ed. | Cham [Suisse] : Palgrave Macmillan | Palgrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy | 2023This open access book compiles a series of chapters written by internationally recognized experts known for their in-depth but critical views on questions of resilience and food security. The book assesses rigorously and critically the contribut[...]![]()
This decade has been marked by multiple, often overlapping, crises. The COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and the ongoing war in Ukraine have all threatened the fabric of our global food systems. But opportunities can be found amid crises, a[...]![]()
Traduit de l'anglo-américain, le concept de genre s'est progressivement imposé en France au cours des quinze dernières années. Il recouvre désormais un corpus incluant d'autres concepts qui l'ont précédé, tels que "rapports sociaux de sexe" ou "[...]![]()
This article focuses on inequalities in agriculture in the European Union. We examine the mismatch between European legislation on employment and any rigorous interrogation of women's employment position in agriculture. Our central argument is t[...]![]()
There is a strong impetus in international agricultural development to close gender gaps in agricultural productivity. The goal of empowering women is often framed as the solution to closing these gaps, stimulating the proliferation of new ind[...]![]()
The term "feminization of agriculture" is used to describe changing labor markets that pull men out of agriculture, increasing women's roles. However, simplified understandings of this feminization persist as myths in the literature, limiting ou[...]![]()
J. Njuki ; S. Eissler ; H. Malapit ; R. Meinzen-Dick ; E. Bryan ; A. Quisumbing |Achieving gender equality and women's empowerment in food systems can result in greater food security and better nutrition, and in more just, resilient, and sustainable food systems for all. This paper uses a scoping review to assess the current[...]![]()
C. Giray ; B. Yon ; U. Alniacik ; Y. Girisken |Organic foods have been argued to be highly beneficial for human health and environmental sustainability. Interest in organic food consumption has been steadily growing. In practice, music and sounds of nature have widely been utilized in the fo[...]![]()
Providing farmers with essential agricultural information and training in the era of COVID-19 has been a challenge that has prompted a renewed interest in digital extension services. There is a distinct gender gap, however, between mens and wom[...]![]()
Women contribute decisively to the economy and have an important participation in agricultural exploitation in the world, providing their labor. But if they had better access to technology and training in a more equitable way, they could contrib[...]![]()
T. Ben Hassen ; H. El Bilali ; M.S. Allahyari ; I.M. Kamel ; H. Ben Ismail ; H. Debbabi ; K. Sassi |The COVID-19 pandemic-related measures in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region have resulted in many lifestyle modifications, including changes in diet and food buying patterns among adults. However, the pandemic has impacted women and m[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
H. El Yadari ; C. Guelbenzu ; J.-P. Pellissier ; P. Pugliese ; Y. Seghirate ; M. Verivaki | Paris [France] : CIHEAM | 2022![]()
Nous présentons une synthèse des discussions tenues lors du 2e Symposium international sur le travail en agriculture (29 mars1er avril 2021). Lobjectif est de rendre compte des thématiques et des idées échangées, dans un cadre plur[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Although the visibility of women farmers in agriculture is increasing, we have little knowledge about the impact this will have on the environmental management of family farms. Numerous studies have documented that young women farmers show high [...]![]()
Resilient crop-livestock production systems become crucial to face environmental challenges such as climate mitigation. Progress in the SDG 2.4.1 indicator (proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture) requires r[...]![]()
Les femmes représentent 54 % des employés dans le secteur du tourisme, un taux très supérieur à la moyenne d'autres secteurs, où elles ne représentent que 39 %. Le tourisme peut offrir des opportunités de travail aux femmes, en contribuant à leu[...]![]()
The Moroccan agricultural sector employs around 40% of the country's total working population. Since the early 1990s, there has been a striking increase in the proportion of female wage laborers. This article investigates the effect of the gende[...]