Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (119)

CONTEXT In French mountain territories, origin-linked quality schemes have been widely used to address competition from more productive regions, but such schemes have tended to specialise a territory's agriculture around specific products. Today[...]![]()
While mountain family farmers rely on cultural, financial and material resources passed on from previous generations, new entrants typically lack such intergenerational amenities. Applying the concept of ?generativity? to agriculture prove valua[...]![]()
Evaluations of the sustainability of the viticulture associated with wine production are still scarce in the literature. Usually, the carbon footprint assumes the environmental dimension, while the economic pillar is focused on market orientat[...]![]()
Lélevage pastoral traditionnel des oasis de montagne du Haut Atlas central est confronté à de fortes contraintes menaçant sa durabilité. Le présent article se propose didentifier ces contraintes, dexplorer les stratégies dadaptation des past[...]![]()
We analyse the theoretical tenets underpinning geographical indications (GIs) and seek to determine whether the number of producers engaged in them matters. To do so, we develop a qualitative methodology to focus on two small-scale cheese produc[...]![]()
This paper investigates and analyses social farming in the Aosta Valley, a tiny Italian mountain region in the Alps. It aims to highlight the features of social farming in this region, focusing on the social mission and economic sustainability. [...]![]()
Most studies on climate changes impacts on agriculture focus on modeling techniques based on large-scale meteorological data, while few have investigated how farmers perception of climate changes impacts can affect crop diversity and crop man[...]![]()
Les tensions de rôles au travail des agriculteurs constituent un sujet très actuel encore peu traité. La mutation des systèmes agricoles conduit les agriculteurs à endosser de nouveaux rôles en particulier en matière de distribution de leur prod[...]![]()
Malgré leur statut de propriété domaniale mise en défens, les montagnes tunisiennes connaissent un phénomène de « retour » des ruraux et des formes dexploitation et doccupation variées depuis la révolte du 14 janvier 2011. Cela met fin à la di[...]![]()
Mountain grazing systems, based since ancient times on common land, are finding it increasingly challenging to ensure their economic viability. Although marginal in productive terms, these systems are high-value natural areas that provide multip[...]![]()
CONTEXT Ongoing decreases in family farms and livestock numbers in European mountain areas are linked to multiple interconnected challenges. The continuity of such farms concerns society at large since they also act as landscape stewards, and th[...]![]()
M. Teston ; M. Orsi ; G. Bittante ; A. Cecchinato ; L. Gallo ; P. Gatto ; L.F.M. Mota ; M. Ramanzin ; S. Raniolo ; A. Tormen ; E. Sturaro |This study is part of a project (Sheep Al.L. Chain, RDP Veneto Region) aiming to improve the competitiveness of local sheep breed farms through valorization of their links with mountain agroecosystems. We considered two local sheep breeds of the[...]![]()
La présente étude tente dexaminer lexpérience algérienne récente en matière de labellisation des produits de terroir, et ce à travers le cas de la figue sèche de Beni Maouche. Nous nous interrogeons sur le processus dappropriation de cette in[...]![]()
European mountain areas have experienced a persistent loss of agricultural land and economic activities over time, with negative effects from both an environmental and a cultural perspective. In 2012, the European Union devised the mountain prod[...]![]()
C. Mazzocchi ; G. Sali |The valorization of typical food products contributes to local economy sustainability. The European Union introduced the optional "mountain product label (European Commission, EUR-Lex 2014, European Parliament 2012) to promote the mountain econ[...]![]()
The marginalization of mountain regions in Mediterranean Europe since the mid-20th Century has triggered important socioeconomic and environmental changes that are putting the survival of highly regulated and environmentally adapted landscapes i[...]![]()
The potential capacity of an agricultural community to adapt to climate change is directly related to several indicators, mainly the initial state of local farmerss perceptions to climate and adaptation, the socio-economy, the space and biophysi[...]![]()
Petites fermes des villes, petites fermes des montagnes et soutiens de la Politique agricole commune
Ce papier présente à partir denquêtes de terrain deux grandes stratégies de maintien partagées par des petites exploitations agricoles dans des territoires aussi différents que le périurbain de Montpellier et les Baronnies des Pyrénées. La prem[...]![]()
Dans une optique de transition agroécologique, il y a une demande croissante pour évaluer si et comment la diversité au sein des systèmes délevage peut accroître leur multiperformance. Nous proposons une analyse croisée de la capacité de cinq o[...]![]()
A. Wezel ; S. Stöckli ; E. Tasser ; H. Nitsch ; A. Vincent |An ongoing decrease in habitat and species diversity is occurring in many areas across Europe, including in grasslands in mountain areas, calling for adapted biodiversity management and measures. In this context, we carried out 79 interviews wit[...]![]()
Mountain beef and wine: italian consumers definitions and opinions on the mountain labelling-scheme
Despite the importance of mountain areas and mountain farming, the literature on studies on consumers opinion concerning mountain food products is not numerous. In order to contribute to filling this gap, this study aims at exploring Italian co[...]![]()
Le paysage agraire des montagnes de Slovaquie est marqué par une forme spécifique de biens collectifs agricoles et forestiers, les urbáriat. Lhistoire de son établissement retrace les conflits entre les régimes de domanialité et de propriété pr[...]![]()
The shift towards more sustainable consumptions and habits have had tangible impacts on food markets, which have accepted this challenge by offering a variety of certification systems to pull consumers aside. However, food purchasing choices are[...]![]()
Mountain regions are characterized by complex interrelations between human and natural systems. Political and socioeconomic drivers at various scales affect mountain farming systems functioning, resulting in farm structural changes (management, [...]![]()
Mountain husbandry systems and their related products may directly or indirectly provide either ecosystem services (ESs) or disservices to humanity. The present study aims to evaluate the perception that a local mountain community has towards an[...]![]()
C. Dibari ; S. Costafreda-Aumedes ; G. Argenti ; M. Bindi ; F. Carotenuto ; M. Moriondo ; G. Padovan ; A. Pardini ; N. Staglianò ; C. Vagnoli ; L. Brilli |As the basis of livestock feeding and related performances, pastures evolution and dynamics need to be carefully monitored and assessed, particularly in the Alps where the effects of land abandonment are further amplified by climate change. As s[...]![]()
M. Berton ; G. Bittante ; F. Zendri ; M. Ramanzin ; S. Schiavon ; E. Sturaro |In the European Alps traditional, low-input dairy farming systems still coexist with modern high-input intensive systems. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of different Alpine farming systems on the environmental footprint, production ef[...]![]()
The multifunctionality of agriculture is often understood as a normative political notion aimed at fostering the sustainable development of rural areas. Considering it as a locally, socially-constructed concept, the objective of this paper is to[...]![]()
Evaluation of the French Less Favoured Area (LFA) agricultural programme over the period 20072013 calls into question the cost-efficiency of this multi-objective programme. This article confirms the multiplicity of objectives assigned to this p[...]