TOURISME VITIVINICOLESynonyme(s)Tourisme viti-vinicole ;Tourisme viticole Oenotourisme |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (30)

Wine tourism has become an exciting avenue of development for rural wine-producing regions. The channels through which these millenary traditions are transmitted are diverse, and the wineries that practice heroic viticulture can sustainably infl[...]![]()
In the pursuit of sustainability and competitiveness, digital aspects of the tourism experience become increasingly more significant and wine tourism is no exception to this. Still, studies building on established concepts and sustainable practi[...]![]()
En France, les enjeux liés à léconomie du tourisme vitivinicole sont fondamentaux, autant pour laccroissement de la fréquentation touristique des régions viticoles, que pour la stimulation de la vente des produits vinicoles. Malgré la richesse[...]![]()
This is the first study on the brandland link for quality wines with a strong identity produced in extreme territories using the Policy Delphi methodology. The objective of this study is to assess the existence of a relationship between the win[...]![]()
M. Ovidiu Tanase ; R. Dina ; F.-L. Isac ; S. Rusu ; P. Nistoreanu ; C.N. Mirea |In the last decades, wine tourism (WT) has been a topic of study, especially for researchers from large producer countries. The relationship between wine tourism and rural tourism (RT) has been approached from many angles in the past. Ranking si[...]![]()
Despite sustainable wine tourism being one of the hottest topics of the moment, there is still a considerable knowledge gap. If managed with due care and consideration of the regions carrying capacity, wine tourism can be an essential regional [...]![]()
Marketing for wines is a determinant tool for several stakeholders within the wine sector, but there are not many studies concerning the topic wine marketing and even fewer that take a bibliometric approach. In turn, wine is a strategic agri-f[...]![]()
Wine tourism is one of the best opportunities for rural development, but because it is partially exposed to climatic conditions, it is a climate-vulnerable tourism activity. However, an understanding of the potential impacts of global climate ch[...]![]()
Tourism has become a priority in national and regional development policies and is considered a source of economic growth, particularly in rural areas. Nowadays, wine tourism is an important form of tourism and has become a local development too[...]![]()
The study aims to determine the key issues and challenges in wine tourism entrepreneurship and to identify the behavioral, cultural and strategic success factors underlying the development of wine tourism. A biographical research has been used t[...]![]()
F. Legouy, dir. ; G. Giroir, dir. ; S. Boulanger, dir. ; S. Dallot, dir. | Tours [France] : Presses Universitaires François Rabelais | Tables des Hommes | 2021Caractérisé par son esthétique singulière, le paysage viticole est tout autant agricole que culturel, et ses qualités intrinsèques hautement symboliques en font un objet patrimonial. Paysages, patrimoines, tradition et innovation, cépages, sont[...]![]()
The tradition of winemaking on the territory of Serbia dates back to ancient times. Today the activities related to wine production are on the rise, as is the number of wineries, and they participate in the valorization of wine tourism activitie[...]![]()
E. Chiodo ; L. Giordano ; J. Tubi ; R. Salvatore |This paper is aimed at investigating wine companies perceptions and attitudes towards the role of wine routes as an actual tool to improve their tourist attractiveness and sustainable tourism on a territorial level. Through a comparative approa[...]![]()
The design of enotourist routes represents an opportunity for the sustainable development of rural territories. This qualitative study was structured in three parts to reach a cohesion model representing the academic literature, visitors, and wi[...]![]()
Cet article et létude qui le soutient, visent à articuler les enjeux environnementaux de la filière vitivinicole et les dynamiques notouristiques à luvre sur ces territoires viticoles. Lobjectif est de comprendre la manière dont lactivité [...]![]()
Olive oil tourism is an emerging activity that is sparking a growing interest among tourists seeking to partake in this experience and the self-fulfilment it offers. An ever-greater number of olive oil mills are diversifying their businesses to [...]![]()
J.-L. Yengué, dir. ; K. Stengel, dir. | Tours [France] : Presses Universitaires François Rabelais | Tables des Hommes | 2020Incontestablement, le terroir revêt aujourdhui une connotation positive. Cest un signe de qualité recherché, aussi bien par les vignerons qui y voient une reconnaissance dans leurs pratiques des valeurs environnementales et paysagères ; par le[...]![]()
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Les réformes des politiques publiques et les exigences des consommateurs en matière denvironnement ont créé une prise de conscience chez les viticulteurs de la nécessité de réviser leurs pratiques agricoles. Ce renouvellement des enjeux de prod[...]![]()
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
La viticulture et le tourisme sont deux secteurs essentiels en matière économique pour le département de lAude. Par viticulture, on nentend pas uniquement le vin, mais cest une pratique qui enveloppe plein dautres choses : cest une histoire[...]![]()
When wine tourism is approached as a form of consumer behavior, a part of research focuses on the demand side, exploring the consumers who travel to wine regions. Key researchers have commented that there is no stereotypical wine tourist; howeve[...]![]()
Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Cahier thématique AAER, vol. 9 - 1er trimestre 2009 - Territoire et produits sous signe de qualité : exemples, contre-exemples, conflits et débats
CGAAER (Paris, France) | 2009![]()
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
B. Menou | 2006Le tourisme viti-vinicole existe depuis longtemps mais se développe actuellement sous diverses formes en France, puis en Hérault. A la fois tourisme vert et tourisme culturel, le tourisme viticole répond à la demande du grand public de mieux con[...]![]()
E. Montaigne, dir. ; J.-P. Couderc, dir. ; F. d' Hauteville, dir. ; H. Hannin, dir. | Paris [France] : Dunod | 2005![]()
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
S. Hoibian | 2002![]()