Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (233)
T.B. Diop ; T.B. Diop ; S. Blancard ; S. Legras ; S. Marchand ; L. Védrine |The agricultural detrimental effects on the environment are a source of concern. Public mea-sures, such as agri-environmental schemes (AES), have been designed to incentivize farmers to adopt more sound environmental practices on the farm. In th[...]Article
Farmers' preferences toward practice- and results-based agri-environmental schemes (AES) are analysed using a labelled choice experiment. The analysis focuses on schemes involving an innovative satellite-based monitoring system, with different e[...]Article
In this paper, we investigate how farms' environmental and economic efficiency is shaped by Pillar I CAP subsidies over time and by spatial effects originating from subsidies received by neighbours. To reach this goal, we estimate a spatial stoc[...]Article
Organic agriculture is a sustainable form of farming that can protect the environment. However, the high production costs of organic agriculture deter farmers from switching to organic farming. To support the development of organic agriculture, [...]Article
Government support for enterprises can be provided in different forms, such as subsidies, tax incentives, or direct public investment. Government support can also be given to develop environmentally and socially responsible initiatives. In the a[...]Article
There has been an increase in the demand for agricultural products and different support programs are implemented by countries to keep a sufficient, economically active population in agriculture. The aim of this study was to examine the impacts [...]Article
C. Schulze ; K. Zagórska ; K. Häfner ; O. Markiewicz ; M. Czajkowski ; B. Matzdorf |Ensuring that farmers' ex ante preferences are accounted for is crucial for the design of effective agri-environmental contracts. We present a systematic review of 127 discrete choice experiment (DCE) studies of farmers' preferences with respect[...]Article
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) continues to represent a substantial part of the European Union's budget. Although the second pillar is co-financed by national governments, European funds represent the vast majority of public spending on ag[...]Article
Precision agriculture technologies can help reduce nitrogen losses and the associated negative environmental impacts. As the adoption rate of such technologies in small-scale farming systems is still low, additional policy measures are required [...]Article
Over the last decades, urban agriculture (UA) and controlled environmental agriculture (CEA) have been growing in many urban areas of the world to supply fresh food locally and to provide multiple benefits for the sustainable development of urba[...]Article
Productivity is an always-hotly-debated issue within the EU agricultural policymaking, particularly concerning the effect of subsidies distributed via the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The cereal sector is under particular political scrutiny[...]Article
La future PAC affiche une plus grande ambition climatique et environnementale recherchée via notamment le nouvel instrument de l'éco-régime du premier pilier. Cet article analyse les conditions d'accès des agriculteurs à l'éco-régime français pa[...]Article
This paper analyzes the dynamic effects of agricultural subsidies on food loss using the two-stage dynamic panel model. The results reveal that dynamic adjustments exist in agricultural productivity (0.56) and food loss (0.58), with a U-shaped c[...]Article
This paper assesses how efficiently Common Agricultural Policy direct payments enhance farm incomes by applying a quantile continuous treatment effect model on the Italian Farm Accountancy Data Network sample. Adding to previous analyses, we sho[...]Article
In recent years, there has been a significant change in Turkeys agricultural support policies, especially on livestock supports. The livestock support, with a share less than 5% in total has in early 2000s has reached up to 35% at the end of 20[...]Article
The agro-food industry, while critical for establishing food security, is the most environmentally impactful industry since it causes biodiversity loss and the conversion of natural land to farms and pastures, requires pesticide and fertilizer u[...]Article
On assiste au renouvellement des petites exploitations agricoles. De plus en plus détudes de cas et travaux statistiques montrent quaujourdhui certaines petites exploitations françaises sinscrivent dans un modèle innovant et performant. Cet [...]Article
Innovation in labour organisation and social conditionality: implications for farm advisory services
There is growing concern about the evolution of working conditions for employees on European farms. In the new Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), financial support to farmers will soon be subject to a social conditionality clause. As a result of t[...]Article
C. Staboulis ; D. Natos ; A. Gkatsikos ; E. Tsakiridou ; K. Mattas ; W. Bojar ; P. Baranowski ; J. Krzyszczak ; O. Parra Rivero ; A. Ojeda Roldan |The present paper attempts to investigate whether the Sub-Measure 6.1 Start-Up Aid for Young Farmers payments of the 20142020 Rural Development Programme have a role to play in explaining Greek farms export orientation and export performance[...]Article
A. Gkatsikos ; D. Natos ; C. Staboulis ; K. Mattas ; M. Tsagris ; A. Polymeros |Generation renewal in farming is an urgent matter for European policy institutions that strive to maintain social cohesion and improve economic development in rural areas. Aids to young Europeans to enter the agricultural business sector have be[...]Article
The European Union Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) publishes data for the representative farms of several European Union (EU) farm types, regions and countries. In this database, the published data for the farm types allow us to assess seve[...]Article
Romanian agriculture is characterised by the presence of small farm enterprises, with an average value of land capital of less than 5 hectares in more than 95% of cases. The aim of this research was to assess the level of technical efficiency in[...]Article
The new legislative proposals related to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform 2021-2027 aim to promote a sustainable and competitive agricultural sector. The new CAP supports agriculture in making a much stronger contribution to climate, [...]Article
A. Vaccaro ; I. Agosta ; A. Montelelone ; A. Giampaolo ; D. Macaluso |Article 19(4) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 provides that business start-up aid for young farmers, non-agricultural activities in rural areas and the development of small farms shall be conditional on the submission of a business plan. Therefo[...]Article
Une nouvelle Politique Agricole Commune (PAC) entrera en vigueur en 2023, suite à ladoption dans chaque État membre dun Plan Stratégique National (PSN) actuellement en cours délaboration. Dans ce contexte, deux questions sont placées au cur [...]Article
La mesure du revenu agricole, lanalyse de ses principaux déterminants et limpact des politiques publiques sur son niveau et son évolution constituent des enjeux importants. En effet, celui-ci est tout à la fois un indicateur de la performance [...]Article
Reconnues pour la qualité de leurs produits et leur rôle environnemental, les petites exploitations agricoles sont aussi créatrices demplois. La PAC dispose pour les promouvoir de certains leviers qui mériteraient dêtre davantage investis.Article
Les ambitions du Pacte vert européen se concrétiseront-elles grâce à la nouvelle PAC ? Elles appellent en tout cas des interventions des autorités publiques beaucoup plus fortes dans les secteurs agricole et alimentaire.Article
Petites fermes des villes, petites fermes des montagnes et soutiens de la Politique agricole commune
Ce papier présente à partir denquêtes de terrain deux grandes stratégies de maintien partagées par des petites exploitations agricoles dans des territoires aussi différents que le périurbain de Montpellier et les Baronnies des Pyrénées. La prem[...]