AIDE AGRIENVIRONNEMENTALESynonyme(s)Mesure agrienvironnementale |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (123)
T.B. Diop ; T.B. Diop ; S. Blancard ; S. Legras ; S. Marchand ; L. Védrine |The agricultural detrimental effects on the environment are a source of concern. Public mea-sures, such as agri-environmental schemes (AES), have been designed to incentivize farmers to adopt more sound environmental practices on the farm. In th[...]Article
Farmers' preferences toward practice- and results-based agri-environmental schemes (AES) are analysed using a labelled choice experiment. The analysis focuses on schemes involving an innovative satellite-based monitoring system, with different e[...]Article
R. D'Alberto ; S. Targetti ; L. Schaller ; F. Bartolini ; T. Eichhorn ; E. Haltia ; K. Harmanny ; F. Le Gloux ; D. Nikolov ; T. Runge ; D. Vergamini ; D. Viaggi |The agri-environment-climate measures of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy are incentives aiming to reduce negative environmental impacts and increase positive effects generated from agriculture. Several criticisms have been addresse[...]Article
Successful implementation of Europes agri-environmental policies faces various obstacles, several of which are closely linked to participation. Effectively increasing adoption of agri-environmental-climate measures (AECM) requires a deeper unde[...]Article
A. Spiegel ; C. Heidecke ; J.G. Fournier Gabela ; D. Stepanyan ; M. Söder ; F. Freund ; A. Gocht ; M. Banse ; B. Osterburg |Summary In the EU's climate policy, agriculture is covered as an Effort-Sharing (ESR) sector, i.e. a sector beyond the Emission Trading System and LULUCF. Despite ambitious climate targets for the ESR sectors and an emerging focus on the need fo[...]Article
A. Sander ; J. Ghazoul ; R. Finger ; S. Schaub |Understanding the behavioural factors that influence farmers' intentions to participate in agri-environmental schemes is crucial for delivering sustainability in agricultural landscapes. Drawing on a qualitative synthesis approach, we seek to un[...]Article
C. Schulze ; K. Zagórska ; K. Häfner ; O. Markiewicz ; M. Czajkowski ; B. Matzdorf |Ensuring that farmers' ex ante preferences are accounted for is crucial for the design of effective agri-environmental contracts. We present a systematic review of 127 discrete choice experiment (DCE) studies of farmers' preferences with respect[...]Article
S. Schaub ; J. Ghazoul ; R. Huber ; W. Zhang ; A. Sander ; C. Rees ; S. Banerjee ; R. Finger |Agri-environmental schemes (AESs) are increasingly implemented to promote the adoption of environmentally friendly practices by farmers. We use a systematic review to explore the role of behavioural factors and opportunity costs in farmers' deci[...]Article
E. Kelemen ; B. Megyesi ; B. Matzdorf ; E. Andersen ; L.G.J. Van Bussel ; M. Dumortier ; C. Dutilly ; M. García-Llorente ; C. Hamon ; A. LePage ; R. Moruzzo ; K. Prager ; F. Riccioli ; C. Yacaman Ochoa |Innovative agri-environmental contracts are increasingly studied in the literature, but their adoption has been relatively slow and geographically scattered. Action-based agri-environmental measures remain the predominant policy mechanism across[...]Article
La future PAC affiche une plus grande ambition climatique et environnementale recherchée via notamment le nouvel instrument de l'éco-régime du premier pilier. Cet article analyse les conditions d'accès des agriculteurs à l'éco-régime français pa[...]Article
K.H. Dakpo ; L. Latruffe ; Y. Desjeux ; P. Jeanneaux |In this article, we assess farms technical efficiency accounting for their production heterogeneity and correcting for the potential endogeneity associated with the adoption of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) agri-environmental schemes (AESs).[...]Ouvrage
A. Autréau ; J. Cayron, préf. | Paris [France] : L'Harmattan | Alternatives Rurales, ISSN 0751-3925 | 2022Depuis le milieu du XXe siècle, l'agroécologie est un mouvement cherchant à ce que l'agriculteur puisse vivre de sa terre, en étant autonome, tout en respectant l'environnement. Dans le cadre du futur modèle agricole envisagé par la France et l'[...]Article
Diffuse water pollution is a major problem in many agroecosystems, especially in irrigated areas linked to ecosystems of high ecological value. Pollution abatement policies imply the modification of agricultural measures and are usually rejected[...]Article
Promoting sustainable agricultural systems, maintaining biodiversity, and establishing measures to counteract climate change are the clear objectives of the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); however, there is still uncertainty regarding i[...]Article
Effective agri-environmental management of peatlands requires co-ordinated implementation action beyond that on a farm level due to the ecological functioning of the water system at the watershed level. We assess how farmers perceive different c[...]Article
M. Longo ; N. Dal Ferro ; B. Lazzaro ; F. Morari |Agri-environmental measures (AEMs) are meant to foster environmentally-friendly farming techniques. The use of AEMs to enhance agroecosystem quality is still under debate due to site-specific spatial mismatches that often occur between adopted A[...]Article
La conversion au bio est lourde pour les exploitants agricoles, qui doivent revoir leur processus de production. Cela demande du temps et de largent, mais les convertis ne regrettent pas.Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Farmers preferences for agri-environmental incentive programs, learning from experiences in Ontario
E. Lemaitre-Curri | 2021Based on a literature review, an international benchmark, and a case study in Ontario, the dissertation explores farmers preferences for agri-environmental incentive programs. We use literature in agricultural, environmental and behavioural eco[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
D. Bougherara ; L. Ibanez ; M. Lapierre ; G. Le Velly ; R. Préget ; A. Sauquet ; S. Thoyer | Montpellier [France] : Centre dEconomie de lEnvironnement | 2021Ce guide sadresse prioritairement aux acteurs de terrain concernés par laccompagnement des agriculteurs individuels et des collectifs dagriculteurs vers des modèles agricoles économes en intrants et respectueux de lenvironnement, notamment d[...]Article
A. Hanus ; G. Hanus ; H. Coquillart ; E. Midler |En Rhône-Alpes, la mesure agro-environnementale et climatique (MAEC) individuelle « systèmes herbagers et pastoraux » a été ouverte en 2014 en zone de plaine, avant dêtre étendue en 2015, à titre exploratoire, à certains territoires de montagne[...]Article
Lobjectif de cet article est de proposer un état de lart du rôle joué par la conception (design) du contrat agro-environnemental sur la participation des agriculteurs. La diversité des dispositifs en Europe et dans le monde conduit les auteurs[...]Article
Even if agroecology and ecosystem services are multidimensional framework concepts, recognizing the technical, social, and ecological dimensions of agriculture, they have developed from different traditions (conservation biology for ecosystem se[...]Article
Increasing attention on the relationship between agriculture and the environment has led governments to place new emphasis on Agri-environmental policies and organic agriculture to support farmers in developing innovative and sustainable managem[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
G. Kleftodimos | 2019The principal objective of the realized study is to evaluate the economic importance of the behavioral interactions which emerge from managed and wild bees, called bees complementarity in arable crop farms. A particular emphasis was placed on e[...]Article
Effectiveness of Agri-Environmental Schemes (AESs) as tools to enhance the rural environment can be achieved not only by increasing uptake rates, but also by avoiding participating farmers abandoning the scheme once they are in. For this reason,[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Dans un contexte de lutte contre le changement climatique et contre les conséquences engendrées par les émissions des activités humaines, la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre sintègre dans les politiques internationales, européenn[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
R. Harbouze ; P. Le Grusse ; R. Doukkali ; M. Garrabé |Pour obtenir et maintenir une eau potable qui réponde aux normes, les collectivités locales ont le choix entre deux types dactions : préventives par la mise en place de périmètres de protection de captages deau potable (PPC) ou daires dalime[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
M. Trabelsi | 2017Lutilisation excessive de produits phytosanitaires permet de maximiser les performances économiques et productives, mais en contrepartie, lenvironnement ainsi que la santé humaine et animale peuvent être fortement affectés du fait de leur toxi[...]