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Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (59)

À laide dune expérimentation en salle, menée auprès de 161 consommateurs, cette recherche apprécie linfluence de trois formats daffichage (échelle multicritères, note et logo « produit durable ») de deux types dinformations (environnemental[...]![]()
Recognition of the link between the origin of local food, farming practices and their territorial settings is important in increasing consumers trust and perceived value of quality schemes. Using the concepts of social learning and Participator[...]![]()
In recent years, GI cheese consumption has attracted increasing interest among consumers, due to its beneficial properties for local economies and the surrounding environment. Given the high importance that consumers ascribe to geographical indi[...]![]()
F.G. Santeramo ; R. Manno ; M. Tappi ; E. Lamonaca |Trademarks are useful territorial marketing policies contributing to the economic growth of a certain region. However, the complexity of these strategies from a marketing and legal perspective requires a deeper understanding of the functioning o[...]![]()
Lobjectif de cet article est danalyser la relation entre la connaissance du label bio et lintention dachat du consommateur, en prenant en considération leffet médiateur de la confiance. Les résultats issus de la macro PROCESS de Hayes (2018[...]![]()
The purpose of the research is to evaluate the impact of different kinds of information disclosures of milk labels, investigating the interest among consumers based on their consumption behaviours and characteristics. In this research, all the a[...]![]()
Similar to other foods, the concept of natural wine is much debated due to the lack of a clear and regulated definition, leading to a proliferation of heterogeneous norms and standards proposed from different natural wine associations at nationa[...]![]()
D. Skalkos ; I.S. Kosma ; E. Chasioti ; T. Bintsis ; H.C. Karantonis |In the rising new global economic and social period, after the COVID-19 pandemic, traceability is expected to be a critical parameter for the selection of foods by consumers worldwide. Accordingly, traditional foods (TFs) can become the foods of[...]![]()
V. Amicarelli ; G. Lagioia ; S. Sampietro ; C. Bux |Food waste represents a multi-sectoral issue and influences the economy, society and environment. Considering that over 50% of food waste is generated from household consumption, the issue has been included among the 17 Sustainable Development G[...]![]()
Today, the food sector is largely excluded from climate protection policies. Nevertheless, the food sector is responsible for about 20 per cent of greenhouse gases. Food policies could substantially contribute to the EUs ambitious climate goals[...]![]()
Despite the abundant evidence on the adverse effects of a food safety crisis on consumers, surprisingly little research has been conducted to explain the importance of consumers who are forgiving of failure. Drawing on a social intuitionist mode[...]![]()
This conceptual paper presents a model that may be used to redress the power balance between retailers and suppliers in the supply chain through better information symmetry and mutual dependence. It explores power dependence and resource depende[...]![]()
D. Lawo ; T. Neifer ; M. Esau ; S. Vonholdt ; G. Stevens |Consumer information and engagement are important for establishing sustainable consumption practices. While previous research on information provision with traceability apps focused on persuasion at the point-of-sale, consumer research highlight[...]![]()
At least 30% of food is wasted during the journey from farm to processor to retailer to consumer in the United States, accounting for an estimated 20% of the environmental impact of the food system. The food waste problem is well characterized, [...]![]()
Short food supply chains (SFSCs) have become a topic of growing interest among consumers, researchers and public bodies in Europe. There is a need to increase demand in SFSCs so that solutions to improve the environmental sustainability of logis[...]![]()
Distribution systems for food can change quickly in emergent markets, requiring new competences for consumers, and even in some European countries we have seen considerable changes in the distribution system for food in recent decades, raising t[...]![]()
Carbon footprint (CF) labels on agri-food products represent one of the most important tools to convey information to consumers about the greenhouse gases emissions associated with their purchase behaviour. Together with the growing interest of [...]![]()
Cette recherche exploratoire vise à étudier les représentations sociales du gaspillage alimentaire à travers létude de la presse quotidienne régionale. La compréhension des représentations sociales est la première étape pour adapter les stratég[...]![]()
T. Borelli ; T. Borelli ; D. Hunter ; S. Padulosi ; N. Amaya ; G. Meldrum ; D.M. de Oliveira Beltrame ; G. Samarasinghe ; V.W. Wasike ; B. Güner ; A. Tan ; Y. Koreissi Dembélé ; G. Lochetti ; A. Sidibé ; F. Tartanac |Calls for a global food system transformation and finding more sustainable ways of producing healthier, safe and nutritious food for all have spurred production approaches such as sustainable intensification and biofortification with limited con[...]![]()
E. Eftestol-Wilhelmsson, ed. ; S. Sankari, ed. ; A. Bask, ed. | Cheltenham [Royaume-Uni] : Edward Elgar | 2019This topical book examines the issues surrounding climate change and sustainability in relation to the freight transport sector. Written by an interdisciplinary team of contributors, the book approaches the topic from a multitude of perspectives[...]![]()
Les informations nutritionnelles inscrites sur les étiquettes peuvent avoir un impact positif sur les choix alimentaires des consommateurs, leur permettant ainsi de mieux juger des bienfaits des aliments sur la santé en général et conduisant à d[...]![]()
Laugmentation de létiquetage du pays dorigine (PDO) des aliments fait partie de la prolifération en cours des informations fournies aux consommateurs. Cependant, avec la mise en uvre de létiquetage PDO, les consommateurs peuvent parfois se [...]![]()
The second Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) challenges the world to achieve food security and improve nutrition by 2030 but food insecurity and micronutrient deficiencies remain stubbornly high and rates of overweight and obesity are rising th[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
J.-L Joseph ; D. Marmier | Paris [France] : Journaux Officiels | Les Avis du Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental | 2018Initiés par la France, les 5 signes officiels de qualité et d'origine (SIQO) sont les seuls, parmi les nombreuses mentions figurant sur les étiquettes des produits alimentaires, à être garantis par lÉtat et reconnus au niveau européen. Les « pr[...]![]()
The availability of and preference for eco-friendly products have increased; however, understanding of sustainable products is still insufficient because most studies have been focused only on organic products. The availability and understanding[...]![]()
Dans cet article nous modélisons la demande alimentaire en présence dallégations nutritionnelles associées aux produits. Lobjectif est de répondre aux interrogations quant à lefficacité dutilisation de ces instruments et dégalité daccès au[...]![]()
Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Annales des mines - Responsabilité et environnement, n. 73 - 01/01/2014 - Consommation et environnement : l'information des consommateurs sur l'impact environnemental des produits
N. Homobono, coord. | 2014![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
T. Damien | Paris [France] : Journaux Officiels | Les Avis du Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental | 2014Face à lévolution des modes de vie et de consommation et au nombre croissant de nos concitoyens en situation dinsécurité alimentaire, permettre à chacun daccéder à une alimentation de qualité, saine et équilibrée, constitue un défi ambitieux.[...]