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A. Bousbia ; Y. Gueroui ; A. Aouadi ; M.D. Teweldebirhan ; R.J.B. Bessa ; G. Symeon ; S. Boudalia |CONTEXT Currently, local cattle breeds are facing numerous challenges, and their disappearance could have social, economic, and environmental consequences. OBJECTIVE This study was conducted in the northeast of Algeria to understand the characte[...]Article
Dans sa conception classique, le projet du barrage vert Algérien a montré ses limites et sest percuté à des insuffisances dordre technique, et ce malgré limportance particulière accordée à sa réalisation. Le diagnostic tiré à cet égard montre[...]Article
Lélevage pastoral traditionnel des oasis de montagne du Haut Atlas central est confronté à de fortes contraintes menaçant sa durabilité. Le présent article se propose didentifier ces contraintes, dexplorer les stratégies dadaptation des past[...]Article
Quantifying the sustainability of the agriculture, livestock, and agri-food industry under a homogeneous criterion is essential to strategize the implementation of sustainable development in the agri-food sector and increase the commitment of st[...]Article
A. Quisumbing ; S. Cole ; M. Elias ; S. Faas ; A. Galiè ; H. Malapit ; R. Meinzen-Dick ; E. Myers ; G. Seymour ; J. Twyman |This paper addresses women's empowerment in agriculture, innovations in its measurement, and emerging evidence. We discuss the evolution of the conceptualization and measurement of women's empowerment and gender equality since 2010. Using a gend[...]Article
Dairy sheep farming is a significant agricultural sector in Mediterranean countries, providing income and employment opportunities in less-favoured areas (LFAs). The economic performance of dairy sheep farms is of significant interest to LFAs. H[...]Série
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
J. De Baerdemaeker, coord. ; S. Hemming ; G. Polder ; A. Chauhan ; A. Petropoulou ; F. Rovira-Más ; D. Moshou ; G. Wyseure ; T. Norton ; B. Nicolai ; F. Hennig-Possenti ; I. Hostens | Strasbourg [France] : European Parliament | 2023An increasingly digitised society involves recording human activity and monitoring products and processes. In the agri-food sector this gives rise to large quantities of data. At the same time, data is also generated for research and scientific [...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Requier-Desjardins, dir. ; T. Berchoux, dir. ; A. Cobacho, dir. ; R. Abdelouahad ; A. Bilel ; L. Announ ; C. Ben-Aicha ; S. Ben Hamed ; R. Ben-Moussa ; A. Ben-Salem ; A. El Maaqili ; F. Gheboub ; S. Grosse ; K. Hammadi ; S. Jourani ; R. Mehdaoui ; S. Nadif ; E. Ndjie ; J. Oger ; J. Panegos | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | Analyse Diagnostic d'une Zone Rurale | 2023E-Book
A. Ickowicz, coord. ; C.H. Moulin, coord. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2023Family-run ruminant grazing systems in the Mediterranean and tropical areas contribute directly to eight of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. For a long time, these livestock systems have been [...]Article
X. Diaz de Otalora ; F. Dragoni ; A. Del Prado ; F. Estellés ; A. Wilfart ; D. Krol ; L. Balaine ; V. Anestis ; B. Amon |European dairy production faces significant economic, environmental, and social sustainability challenges. Given the great diversity of dairy cattle production systems in Europe, region-specific concepts to improve environmental and socioeconomi[...]Article
Les tensions de rôles au travail des agriculteurs constituent un sujet très actuel encore peu traité. La mutation des systèmes agricoles conduit les agriculteurs à endosser de nouveaux rôles en particulier en matière de distribution de leur prod[...]Article
In recent years, there has been a significant change in Turkeys agricultural support policies, especially on livestock supports. The livestock support, with a share less than 5% in total has in early 2000s has reached up to 35% at the end of 20[...]Article
The adverse effects of climate change on agricultural production systems threaten food security. In terms of dairy farming, it affects milk yield, quality, animal health, growth, reproduction, forage crops and rangelands. These effects are not o[...]Article
In Europe today, there is increasing interest in the management of protected spaces, not only in an attempt to ensure their conservation but also because of their enormous potential for promoting rural development. These protected spaces are gen[...]Article
Typologie et situation des systèmes délevage dans le nord de Biskra : cas de la commune dEl-Outaya
A. Moustari ; A. Belhadi ; M. Belhamra |Cette présente étude aborde la typologie et la situation des systèmes délevage de la région agropastorale dEl-Outaya Biskra Trois systèmes délevage et trois types dexploitations ont été identifies Lélevage ovin constitue lélevage pivot aut[...]Article
Cet article propose détudier la diversité des pratiques délevage dans les filières fromagères sous indication géographique (IG), au regard des nouveaux enjeux socioéconomiques et environnementaux auxquelles elles sont confrontées. Huit filière[...]Article
C. Mosnier ; M. Benoît ; J.J. Minviel ; P. Veysset |Mixed farming systems are gaining interest both as a risk management strategy and to apply agroecological principles. This study set out to assess the sustainability of mixed systems compared to their specialized counterparts. The Orfee bioecono[...]Article
A. Mayer ; C. Egger ; A. Loyau ; C. Plutzar ; D.S. Schmeller ; V. Gaube |Mountain pastures are embedded in highly sensitive mountain ecosystems and provide forage for livestock during summer. In years when forage in the lowlands becomes scarce due to over-grazing and land degradation, or climate-related extreme event[...]Article
This paper aims to compare the cradle-to-farm gate sustainability of two dairy buffalo systems, according to life cycle assessment guidelines (LCA). Primary data were obtained by five intensive farms with feeding plans based on non-corn silage ([...]Article
S. Baronti ; F. Ungaro ; A. Maienza ; F. Ugolini ; A. Lagomarsino ; A.E. Agnelli ; C. Calzolari ; F. Pisseri ; G. Robbiati ; F.P. Vaccari |Over the past 30 years, farming in the Alpine region has undergone important changes: the average number of animals per farm and the use of external inputs have increased while the diversity of farming practices has decreased, becoming similar t[...]Article
Mountain grazing systems, based since ancient times on common land, are finding it increasingly challenging to ensure their economic viability. Although marginal in productive terms, these systems are high-value natural areas that provide multip[...]Article
O. Godinot ; S. Foray ; S. Lemosquet ; L. Delaby ; N. Edouard |Lefficience et le bilan apparent de lazote sont des indicateurs couramment utilisés pour évaluer les systèmes de production et leurs conséquences sur lenvironnement. De nombreux leviers existent pour les améliorer. Mais le gain global à léch[...]Article
S. Zanni ; M. Roccaro ; F. Bocedi ; A. Peli ; A. Bonoli |Intensive farming is responsible for extreme environmental impacts under different aspects, among which global warming represents a major reason of concern. This is a quantitative problem linked to the farm size and a qualitative one, depending [...]Article
Galicia is one of Spain's leading regions regarding agricultural and livestock production. In the light of the COVID-19 crisis, the permeability to the economic shocks of these sectors led to an unprecedented recession, given the heterogeneity o[...]Article
G. Billen ; J. Garnier ; J. Le Noë |De nombreux travaux récents montrent que, à surface agricole constante, il est possible dassurer lapprovisionnement alimentaire de la France, de lEurope et du monde sans engrais industriels azotés. Au prix cependant de profonds changements st[...]Article
La stimulation des pratiques innovantes au sein des coopératives agricoles est devenue indispensable, notamment, lintégration dune approche logistique visant à gérer la chaîne du premier fournisseur jusquau client ultime. En effet, cet articl[...]Article
A. Mohamed-Brahmi ; D. Tsiokos ; S. Ben Saïd ; S. Boudalia ; S. Smeti ; A. Bousbia ; Y. Gueroui ; A. Boudebbouz ; M. Anastasiadou ; G.K. Symeon |The indigenous cattle populations are threatened by extinction in many countries of the Mediterranean area. The objective of this study is the analysis of local cattle breeds production systems in Algeria, Greece, and Tunisia and the identifica[...]Article
European mountain areas have experienced a persistent loss of agricultural land and economic activities over time, with negative effects from both an environmental and a cultural perspective. In 2012, the European Union devised the mountain prod[...]