Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (32)

While mountain family farmers rely on cultural, financial and material resources passed on from previous generations, new entrants typically lack such intergenerational amenities. Applying the concept of ?generativity? to agriculture prove valua[...]![]()
This article discusses how climate changes are intersecting with other environmental and social pressures to affect farmers in the Lombardy region of the central Italian Alps. Alpine areas are particularly susceptible to climate change. Natural [...]![]()
S. Baronti ; F. Ungaro ; A. Maienza ; F. Ugolini ; A. Lagomarsino ; A.E. Agnelli ; C. Calzolari ; F. Pisseri ; G. Robbiati ; F.P. Vaccari |Over the past 30 years, farming in the Alpine region has undergone important changes: the average number of animals per farm and the use of external inputs have increased while the diversity of farming practices has decreased, becoming similar t[...]![]()
M. Teston ; M. Orsi ; G. Bittante ; A. Cecchinato ; L. Gallo ; P. Gatto ; L.F.M. Mota ; M. Ramanzin ; S. Raniolo ; A. Tormen ; E. Sturaro |This study is part of a project (Sheep Al.L. Chain, RDP Veneto Region) aiming to improve the competitiveness of local sheep breed farms through valorization of their links with mountain agroecosystems. We considered two local sheep breeds of the[...]![]()
European mountain areas have experienced a persistent loss of agricultural land and economic activities over time, with negative effects from both an environmental and a cultural perspective. In 2012, the European Union devised the mountain prod[...]![]()
Mountain farming sustains human well-being by providing various ecosystem services (ES). In the last decades, socio-economic developments have led to worldwide changes in land-use/cover (LULC), but the related effects on ES have not been fully e[...]![]()
S. Ravetto Enri ; F. Petrella ; F. Ungaro ; L. Zavattaro ; A. Mainetti ; G. Lombardi ; M. Lonati |Alpine pastures are agricultural systems with a high provision of ecosystem services, which include carbon (C) stocking. Particularly, the soil organic C (SOC) stocks of Alpine pastures may play a pivotal role in counteracting global climate cha[...]![]()
Les concepts de connectivité et de réseau écologiques ont été intégrés comme éléments clés dans les politiques de conservation de la nature de nombreux pays de larc alpin. Lidée est dappréhender les dynamiques écologiques sur lensemble de l[...]![]()
This paper presents a systemic Adaptation Assessment Framework (AAF) conceived to guide agricultural adaptation mainstreaming into broader policy domains, particularly, those related to rural development. Starting from a review of the main phase[...]![]()
Most of rural resources in the Italian mountain territories, such as forests, pastures, huts, mountain paths, have historically been governed through collective organizations and institutions that have guaranteed the balance between productive a[...]![]()
The shift towards more sustainable consumptions and habits have had tangible impacts on food markets, which have accepted this challenge by offering a variety of certification systems to pull consumers aside. However, food purchasing choices are[...]![]()
Increasing anthropogenic pressures such as pollution, climate change or invasive species can have multiple impacts on ecosystems and the services (ES) they provide. To address the potential effects on ES provision, we propose a geospatial framew[...]![]()
Mountain husbandry systems and their related products may directly or indirectly provide either ecosystem services (ESs) or disservices to humanity. The present study aims to evaluate the perception that a local mountain community has towards an[...]![]()
C. Dibari ; S. Costafreda-Aumedes ; G. Argenti ; M. Bindi ; F. Carotenuto ; M. Moriondo ; G. Padovan ; A. Pardini ; N. Staglianò ; C. Vagnoli ; L. Brilli |As the basis of livestock feeding and related performances, pastures evolution and dynamics need to be carefully monitored and assessed, particularly in the Alps where the effects of land abandonment are further amplified by climate change. As s[...]![]()
M. Berton ; G. Bittante ; F. Zendri ; M. Ramanzin ; S. Schiavon ; E. Sturaro |In the European Alps traditional, low-input dairy farming systems still coexist with modern high-input intensive systems. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of different Alpine farming systems on the environmental footprint, production ef[...]![]()
Better aligning agriculture and environmental policies is an important issue for Mediterranean areas. Minimizing conflicts between the two sectors requires better understanding farmers concerns. Using survey data among a sample of livestock far[...]![]()
Larticle porte sur la mise en uvre des politiques environnementales à partir du cas du parc national de la Vanoise. Sur la base dun travail de comparaison entre deux vallées, la Maurienne et la Tarentaise, larticle montre dabord comment les[...]![]()
Chapitre d'ouvrage
A.-M. Jouve ; G. Vianey | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Indisciplines, ISSN 1772-4120 | 2012Le foncier « ensemble des rapports sociaux ayant pour support la terre » est étroitement lié à la question agricole. Les agriculteurs, qui étaient maîtres de la terre dans les campagnes, doivent maintenant en partager lusage avec les nouveaux a[...]![]()
La précédente livraison du Courrier proposait déjà un article du même auteur : « Changement climatique et agriculture délevage en zone de montagne : premiers éléments de réflexion ». Quand Claire Sérès nous a proposé ce nouveau « papier »[...]![]()
Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Cahiers Agricultures, vol. 19, n. 5 - 01/09/2010 - Transformations des systèmes d'élevage et du travail des éleveurs
S. Cournut ; C. Rawski ; S. Madelrieux | 2010![]()
Lagritourisme dans les Alpes slovènes depuis 1991, choix ou contrainte pour les ménages agricoles ?
Leffondrement productif de lagriculture des régions alpines depuis 1991, la forte contraction des actifs agricoles en 15 ans (-60 %), les pertes demplois et de revenus, engendrent des difficultés de reconversion de lespace montagnard. Larti[...]![]()
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