Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (257)
Global foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2023 decreased marginally, by 2 per cent, to $1.3 trillion. This headline figure was affected by wild swings in financial flows through a small number of European conduit economies; excluding the effect [...]Série
UNCTADs World Investment Report 2023 reveals a widening annual investment deficit that developing countries face as they work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The gap is now about $4 trillion per year up from $2.5[...]Série
Global flows of foreign direct investment recovered to pre-pandemic levels last year,reaching $1.6 trillion. Cross-border deals and international project finance were particularly strong, encouraged by loose financing conditions and infrastructu[...]Article
L.R. Trento ; G.M. Pereira ; C.J. Chiappetta Jabbour ; N.O. Ndubisi ; V. Mani ; M. Hingley ; M. Borchardt ; J.U. Gustavo ; M. de Souza |This exploratory paper investigates how to reduce 25% of the potential perishable processed food disposal (PPFD) in the industrial-retail sector in a specific emerging economy The data were collected through 28 semi-structured interviews with su[...]Article
H. Bernhardt ; M. Bozkurt ; R. Brunsch ; E. Colangelo ; A. Herrmann ; J. Horstmann ; M. Kraft ; J. Marquering ; T. Steckel ; H. Tapken ; C. Weltzien ; C. Westerkamp |Industry 4.0 is currently considered the structural implementation of networked and cooperative digitalisation and the next step in technological and social development. The aim of this paper is to examine how these structures are also suitable [...]Série
Global flows of foreign direct investment have been severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, they fell by one third to $1 trillion, well below the low point reached after the global financial crisis a decade ago. Greenfield investments in[...]Ouvrage
Sustainability Metrics and Indicators of Environmental Impact: Industrial and Agricultural Life Cycle Assessment covers trending topics on the environmental impact of systems of production, putting emphasis on lifecycle assessment (LCA). This me[...]Article
La relation industrie-agriculture : état des lieux et impact sur la croissance économique en Algérie
LAlgérie a adopté une stratégie dintégration industrie-agriculture dont lobjectif est la mise en place dun système national de production dans une dynamique douverture à linternational permettant une croissance économique durable. Ce trava[...]Article
Z. Jnikhat ; K. Lamrani ; M. Mdafai |This paper analyzes the phenomenon of the artificialization of the coastal space between Azemmour and Jorf Lasfar, and its impact on the natural landscape, as a result of different human interventions such as urbanization, industrial, tourism,[...]Série
The World Investment Report, now in its thirtieth year, supports policymakers by monitoring global and regional FDI trends and documenting national and international investment policy developments. This years Report naturally takes stock of the[...]Article
The concept of inclusive business has gained a central place in development policy and practice. that the underlying premise is that by making small scale farmers part of their business model, companies can increase their profitability and at th[...]Article
Farmers income risks and marketing channel choices: case of date palm processing in Biskra, Algeria
This article aims at analyzing Algerian farmers choices of marketing channels in the date-palm supply chain. Five main marketing channels were investigated: local market, intermediaries, conditioning structure, processors contracting and comple[...]Article
LUnion européenne a mis en place et finance des jumelages entre administrations de ses États membres et, notamment, des pays méditerranéens. Cet « instrument », parmi dautres mécanismes de coopération, présente loriginalité dentretenir des c[...]Article
J. Hale ; K. Legun ; H. Campbell ; M. Carolan |We are living in an era of the audit. Sustainability indicators are used to ensure that industries are behaving responsibly. The audits are well elaborated in their environmental requirements, but they are often less directly engaged with issues[...]Article
The aim of the study is to envision, through an inductive scenario planning methodology, future scenarios of the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry in the context of a circular economy (CE). The study uses an exploratory scenario plannin[...]Ouvrage
Cet ouvrage a pour objectif de faire létat des lieux général dun pays qui est sans doute un des moins étudiés des pays de la rive sud de la Méditerranée.Appréhendée bien trop souvent par le gigantisme de son territoire, par son économie rentiè[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
P. Pommier ; K. Robin, coord. ; M. Allani, coord. | Paris [France] : IPEMed | Études & Analyses | 2019Cette étude, réalisée entre mars et avril 2014, tente de donner une représentation du phénomène de clusterisation de léconomie dans les trois pays du Maghreb. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, lintérêt pour les clusters sest affirmé tant[...]Ouvrage
Le secteur agroalimentaire français traverse une crise profonde et les tentatives pour y remédier se sont trop souvent focalisées sur les aides à lagriculture. Le problème se situe pourtant à laval : les industries de transformation alimentair[...]Article
Depuis son indépendance, le Maroc a développé une politique industrielle remaniée selon les conjonctures nationales et internationales, mais à la fin du deuxième millénaire, et malgré les réformes et les efforts fournis, les résultats sont resté[...]Série
The World Investment Report supports policymakers by monitoring global and regional foreign direct investment trends and documenting national and international investment policy developments. The policy chapter of this years report takes stock [...]Article
This paper investigates the nature and degree of complementarity between environmental innovation and organizational changes in firms. We study the relationships of complementarity between eco-innovation processes and organizational and technica[...]Série
Global flows of foreign direct investment fell by 23 per cent in 2017. Cross-border investment in developed and transition economies dropped sharply, while growth was near zero in developing economies. With only a very modest recovery predicted [...]Ouvrage
A. Hamdouch, ed. ; T. Nyseth, ed. ; C. Demazière, ed. ; A. Forde, ed. ; J. Serrano, ed. ; N. Aarsaether, ed. | Londres [Royaume-Uni] : Routledge | 2017This book project highlights creative approaches to planning and local development. The dynamic complexity, diversity and fluidity which characterize contemporary society represent challenges for planning and development endeavours. While resear[...]Série
Au-delà des guerres civiles et des tensions géopolitiques qui marquent la planète, la scène mondiale se recompose autour de deux pôles majeurs, les États-Unis et la Chine : les États-Unis de Donald Trump proches de céder à la tentation protectio[...]Série
In 2016, global flows of foreign direct investment fell by about 2 per cent, to $1.75 trillion. Investment in developing countries declined even more, by 14 per cent, and flows to LDCs and structurally weak economies remain volatile and low. Alt[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Pour, n. 229 - 01/10/2016 - Les usines à la campagne
C. Margetic, coord. ; H. Deffobis, coord. ; J. Sisman, coord. | 2016Quand les campagnes françaises ne sont pas étudiées comme des territoires essentiellement agricoles, elles sont souvent regardées comme des espaces récréatifs ou de nature. Que ce soit dans la littérature universitaire ou dans les politiques da[...]Série
Chute spectaculaire des prix sur la plupart des grands marchés mondiaux, de lénergie aux minerais et métaux et à lagriculture, tensions géopolitiques, guerres et attentats, difficultés monétaires et financières, crises parmi les pays émergents[...]Série
L'Étude économique de l'OCDE pour la Turquie 2016 examine les récents développements économiques, politiques, et les perspectives et jette un regard plus détaillé sur : renforcer le secteur manufacturier et participer aux chaînes de valeur mondiales.Série
In 2015, global flows of foreign direct investment rose by about 40 per cent, to $1.8 trillion, the highest level since the global economic and financial crisis began in 2008. However, this growth did not translate into an equivalent expansion i[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Revue d'économie industrielle, n. 152 - 01/10/2015 - Des clusters aux écosystèmes industriels locaux