Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (56)
B. Guidani ; M. Ronzoni ; R. Accorsi |The transition of Agri-Food Supply Chains (AFSC) toward sustainable patterns able to secure safe, quality, and affordable food whilst preserving natural and anthropogenic ecosystems is a key challenge of this century. Increasing production and d[...]Article
R. Ramanathan ; Y. Duan ; T. Ajmal ; K. Pelc ; J. Gillespie ; S. Ahmadzadeh ; J. Condell ; I. Hermens ; U. Ramanathan |Food waste is a serious problem worldwide, including in Europe. Research efforts are being carried out to reduce food waste. In this paper, we focus on using modern digital technologies (also known as Industry 4.0 technologies) to reduce waste i[...]Article
Subjective behavior of decision makers (DMs) is paramount when modeling information and communication technology (ICT) adoption choices in irrigated agriculture. Here, efficient ICT-aided irrigation plans often involve a certain degree of uncert[...]Article
V.S. Yadav ; A.R. Singh ; R.D. Raut ; S.K. Mangla ; S. Luthra ; A. Kumar |The need for Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is felt across agriculture food supply chain (AFSC) to tackle the global demand for food items and concerns regarding food safety and security. Further, this transformation is possible due to recent advancement[...]Article
A. Kayad ; M. Sozzi ; D.S. Paraforos ; F.A. Rodrigues ; Y. Cohen ; S. Fountas ; M.-J. Francisco ; A. Pezzuolo ; S. Grigolato ; F. Marinello |The applications of digital agriculture technologies are increasing rapidly with increased interest from the new generation of farmers to use digital solutions. Such technologies include several in-field and remote sensors besides data processin[...]Article
The digitalization of data has resulted in a data tsunami in practically every industry of data-driven enterprise. Furthermore, man-to-machine (M2M) digital data handling has dramatically amplified the information wave. There has been a signific[...]Article
A. Costa ; J. Soares ; E. Salas-Leiton ; A. Bordalo ; S. Costa-Dias |The fisheries industry has been one of the most immediate and severely impacted sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns in particular. This study aimed to gather detailed information about the new initiatives that, preferentially on an on[...]Article
With the rapid developments in ICT, the current agriculture businesses have become increasingly data-driven and are supported by advanced data analytics techniques. In this context, several studies have investigated the adopted data analytics pl[...]Article
The development of Web 2.0 technologies and social media, along with the emergence of wikis, blogs, online communities, and social networks, has rapidly transformed e-commerce. This phenomenon is commonly known as social commerce, an evolution o[...]Article
We examine whether projection bias is also present in virtual environments. Two hypotheses were tested using a between-subject experiment with three conditions: (i) experimental context (virtual vs. real); (ii) consumption periods (today vs. tom[...]Article
L. Prause ; S. Hackfort ; M. Lindgren |This article asks how the application of digital technologies is changing the organization of the agri-food system in the context of the third food regime. The academic debate on digitalization and food largely focuses on the input and farm leve[...]Article
W. Liu ; W. Liu ; X.-F. Shao ; C.-H. Wu ; P. Qiao |This review examines literature from 2011 to 2020 on information and communications technologies (ICTs) and blockchain technologies (BTs) in agriculture. To describe the status of the subjects and identify issues for future research, we utilized[...]Article
Digital twins are being adopted by increasingly more industries, transforming them and bringing new opportunities. Digital twins provide previously unheard levels of control over physical entities and help to manage complex systems by integratin[...]Article
The emerging Information and Communication Technology play a vital role in electronic agriculture. The application of such technologies as blockchain, Internet-of-Things, wireless sensor networks, cloud computing, and machine learning can improv[...]Article
The number of tasks that nowadays are accomplished by using unmanned aerial vehicles is rising across many civil applications, including agriculture. Thus, this work aims at providing the reader with an overview of the agronomical use of unmanne[...]Article
In this study, we analyze how crop management will benefit from the Internet of Things (IoT) by providing an overview of its architecture and components from agronomic and technological perspectives. The present analysis highlights that IoT is a[...]E-Book
K. Schroeder ; J. Lampietti ; G. Elabed | Washington [États-Unis] : Banque Mondiale | Agriculture and Food Series | 2021The digital agriculture revolution holds a promise to build an agriculture and food system that is efficient, environmentally sustainable, and equitable, one that can help deliver the Sustainable Development Goals. Unlike past technological revo[...]Article
A. Caporuscio ; M. Ferretti ; D. Leone ; F. Schiavone |The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of information technology (IT) solutions on the knowledge sharing process within the sea-land logistics network. To tackle the research aim, we illustrate the case of the Port of Genoa, the mo[...]Article
E.A. Abioye ; M.S.Z. Abidin ; M.S.A. Mahmud ; S. Buyamin ; M.H.I. Ishak ; M.K.I.A. Rahman ; A.O. Otuoze ; P. Onotu ; M.S.A. Ramli |The demand for freshwater is on the increase due to the rapid growth in the world's population while the effect of global warming and climate change cause severe threat to water use and food security. Consequently, irrigation systems are tremend[...]Article
J. Mendes ; T.M. Pinho ; F. Neves dos Santos ; J.J. Sousa ; E. Peres ; J. Boaventura-Cunha ; M. Cunha ; R. Morais |Traditionally farmers have used their perceptual sensorial systems to diagnose and monitor their crops health and needs. However, humans possess five basic perceptual systems with accuracy levels that can change from human to human which are lar[...]Article
Le Programme national de la forêt et du bois 2016-2026 affiche comme objectif daugmenter les prélèvements de bois en France tout en assurant le renouvellement de la forêt. Les forêts de montagne qui représentent environ un quart de la surface f[...]E-Book
D. Bochtis, ed. ; C. Achillas, ed. ; G. Banias, ed. ; M. Lampridi, ed. | Londres [Royaume-Uni] : Academic Press | 2020Bio-Economy and Agri-Production: Concepts and Evidence bridges the knowledge gap between sustainability and bio-economy aspects of agri-production. It complements traditional perspectives of agri-production with advanced engineering, information[...]Article
Lors de leur congrès en juin 2019 à Roanne, les Jeunes Agriculteurs ont consacré leurs débats et adopté leur rapport d'orientation sur la ruralité. Il nous a semblé judicieux de relayer leur message pour les lecteurs de Paysans en présentant une[...]Article
La numérisation de lagriculture renvoie au développement dune diversité doutils mobilisés dans le cadre des activités agricoles et agroalimentaires. Si, comme différentes contributions le suggèrent, ces outils promettent de répondre à des enj[...]Ouvrage
Les agriculteurs dans le mouvement de la numérisation du monde : enjeux économiques et sociologiques
K. Daniel, coord. ; N. Courtade, coord. | Dijon [France] : Educagri | Références, ISSN 1629-7474 | 2019Applications, bases de données, équipements connectés : lagriculture sinscrit sans conteste dans le mouvement de numérisation du monde. Au-delà des enjeux technologiques majeurs, ce phénomène a, pour les agriculteurs, lexploitation, pour la [...]Ouvrage
B. Le Buanec, dir. ; B. Jarry, préf. ; C. Lecoeur, préf. | Paris [France] : Presses des Mines | Académie d'Agriculture de France | 2019L'agriculture française est dans une période difficile et doit affronter des défis techniques, économiques et sociétaux. Face à ce constat, des membres de l'Académie d'agriculture de France et de l'Académie des technologies ont créé un groupe de[...]Article
Cet article analyse la responsabilité sociale des entreprises en tant que régime normatif doté deffets contraignants à léchelle globale. Il montre que larticulation des instruments multilatéraux de standardisation, tels que les codes de condu[...]Article
J.-P. Tonneau ; P. Lemoisson ; E. Coudel ; P. Maurel ; M. Jannoyer ; V. Bonnal ; J. Bourgoin ; P. Cattan ; J.P. Chéry ; M. Piraux ; G. Lestrelin |Le développement territorial a pour ambition de renouveler laction publique et de répondre aux grands enjeux sociétaux. Mobilisant les nouvelles technologies de linformation et de la communication, les observatoires territoriaux sont aussi des[...]Ouvrage
Drones, GPS, puces, capteurs « intelligents », robots de traite, big data... L'agriculture technologique envahit nos campagnes. Elle n'est pas seulement faite pour apporter plus de précision aux travaux agricoles, réduire la pénibilité de certai[...]Ouvrage
Lagriculture, qui est la seule réponse aux besoins alimentaires des populations sédentarisées de plus en plus citadines, a vocation à devenir également une solution pour lenvironnement. Transformer un problème en opportunité pour satisfaire un[...]