Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (63)

An integrated approach of carbon footprint calculation for agricultural sector through smart-farming
Agricultural production and, by extension, the agri-food sector, significantly contribute to the greenhouse effect, as farming practices and inputs are among the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). However, through the Smart Farming [...]![]()
In today's world, agriculture is not only about food production but also a critical factor in global environmental change, economic stability, and human health, among other aspects. With population growth and increasingly scarce resources, explo[...]![]()
E. Frasnetti ; P. Ravaglia ; D. D'Ammaro ; E. Capri ; L. Lamastra |Nowadays, there is a pressing demand for precise tools to quantify sustainability and assess the contributions of products and processes to sustainable development. This requirement extends to the wine industry as well. In 2013, the European Com[...]![]()
D. Vackárová ; H. Medková ; P. Krpec ; J. Weinzettel |Agricultural activities utilize provisioning ecosystem services while degrading nature?s contributions to people of natural ecosystems. These impacts are partly driven by international trade and consumption abroad. The objective of this Communic[...]![]()
F. Mohammadi Kashka ; Z. Tahmasebi Sarvestani ; H. Pirdashti ; A. Motevali ; M. Nadi ; M. Valipour |The increase in population has increased the need for agricultural and food products, and thus agricultural production should be increased. This goal may cause increases in emissions and environmental impacts by increasing the consumption of agr[...]![]()
M. Pergola ; A. Persiani ; D. D'Ammaro ; V. Pastore ; C. D'Adamo ; A.M. Palese ; G. Celano |This paper aimed to analyse and compare the environmental and energy sustainability of two orchards (peach versus kiwifruit) located in Southern Italy using Life Cycle Thinking. To this end, anthropogenic energy, CO2 emissions, biogenic energy a[...]![]()
Agriculture and related activities generate a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions with environmental and biodiversity implications. Based on the European objectives proposed by the Green Pact, this paper assesses the carbon footprint [...]![]()
B. Martin-Gorriz ; J.A. Zabala ; V. Sanchez-Navarro ; B. Gallego-Elvira ; V. Martínez-García ; F. Alcon ; J.F. Maestre-Valero |Crop diversification is becoming increasingly important for preserving soil and ecosystems health and, subsequently, crop productivity and sustainability. Intercropping practices adopted in monocultural woody crops, with herbaceous crops coveri[...]![]()
What would the effect on the employment and environmental footprint be if Spanish households substituted imported fresh fruits and vegetables with local production? Are the impacts similar over the entire year? Is it possible to find a general p[...]![]()
There is an urgent need to understand the fishing sector, given the uncertainties and the importance it has gained due to the potential of Algerian waters. The main objective of this paper is to establish a diagnosis of the demand for fishery re[...]![]()
Les orientations prises par la France dans Le cadre de la Politique agricoLe commune pour Les années 2023-2027 sont contraires aux objectifs du Pacte vert européen.![]()
V. Fantin ; A. Buscaroli ; P. Buttol ; E. Novelli ; C. Soldati ; D. Zannoni ; G. Zucchi ; S. Righi |Soil organic carbon (SOC) plays a fundamental role in soil health, and its storage in soil is an important element to mitigate climate change. How to include this factor in Life Cycle Assessment studies has been the object of several papers and [...]![]()
A. Manzardo ; A. Marson ; F. Zuliani ; J. Bacenetti ; A. Scipioni |To support the sustainable development of the primary sector, in line with green new deals emerging worldwide, eco-design of new agri-food products is a priority. The wine industry, due to its growing market, has matured the need to develop an a[...]![]()
D. D'Ammaro ; E. Capri ; F. Valentino ; S. Grillo ; E. Fiorini ; L. Lamastra |The wine industry has faced two significant environmental problems in recent years: productivity is challenged by environmental trends such as global warming, and buyers are becoming more environmentally conscious. From an environmental standpoi[...]![]()
Sweet chestnut is a relevant species in Europe for the production of timber and fruit, alongside environmental effects such as biodiversity of protection against soil erosion. In Portugal, chestnut is cultivated mainly for fruit production, in t[...]![]()
Olive oil production shapes the socio-economic and environmental life of many areas of the Mediterranean basin, especially southern Spain, the highest olive oil-producing region worldwide. Olive grove cultivation is tending to intensify from tra[...]![]()
Today, the food sector is largely excluded from climate protection policies. Nevertheless, the food sector is responsible for about 20 per cent of greenhouse gases. Food policies could substantially contribute to the EUs ambitious climate goals[...]![]()
D. D'Ammaro ; E. Capri ; F. Valentino ; S. Grillo ; E. Fiorini ; L. Lamastra |The interest in sustainability, within the wine sector, is growing simultaneously with the awareness of the environmental impacts on climate change generated by the sector itself. In this context, environmental methodologies need to be applied: [...]![]()
Many organisations consider environmentally friendly activities, including the reduction of their carbon footprint, to be a significant aspect of their operation. In this study, a mathematical model was used to calculate the carbon footprint of [...]![]()
Carbon footprint labels allow manufactures to show information about the impact that their food production has on the environment, as well as to help consumers make more sustainable choices. Thus, investigating consumers reaction towards carbon[...]![]()
The ecological footprint (EF) is an important tool for assessing ecological resource occupancy. The three-dimensional (3D) EF changes the EF from a plane to a column, and the bottom (EFsize) represents the human appropriation of the annual natur[...]![]()
J.P. Rajakal ; D.K.S. Ng ; R.R. Tan ; V. Andiappan ; Y.K. Wan |A sustainable agro-industrial value chain is essential for sustained food security. This requires optimised planning of operations and new expansions along the value chain. In this work, a fuzzy-based multi-objective approach is developed for pl[...]![]()
G. Gabbi ; M. Matthias ; N. Patrizi ; F.M. Pulselli ; S. Bastianoni |The environment may constrain economic growth potential. In other words, economic growth cannot be pursued in spite of ecological limits any longer. Here we present an economic growth indicator adjusted by taking into account the current tendenc[...]![]()
To describe and measure the apparent pressures humanity poses to functioning of the crucial Earth systems, scientists have long strived to develop comprehensive indicators, of which environmental footprints are probably the most popularly recogn[...]![]()
Olive cultivation for oil production in Tunisia covers from traditional to innovate cropping systems. The aim of the study was to assess the environmental footprint of the most representative olive growing systems of the actual production of oli[...]![]()
Curbing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to combat climate change is a major global challenge. Although irrigated agriculture consumes considerable energy that generates GHG emissions, the biomass produced also represents an important CO2 sink, wh[...]![]()
M. Lambotte ; S. De Cara ; C. Brocas ; V. Bellassen |This paper assesses the drivers of greenhouse gas emissions and economic performances for a sample of dairy farms Protected Designation of Origin dairy farms in France. Investigating caeteris paribus drivers of performance, we conclude that syne[...]![]()
Carbon footprint (CF) labels on agri-food products represent one of the most important tools to convey information to consumers about the greenhouse gases emissions associated with their purchase behaviour. Together with the growing interest of [...]![]()
The role of agriculture in environmental degradation and climate change has been at the center of a long-lasting and controversial debate. This situation combined with the expected growth in crop demand and the increasing prices of fertilizers a[...]