Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (49)

Agriculture is the backbone of numerous developing and emerging economies, supporting millions of livelihoods and playing a crucial role. The transformative integration of AI-driven tools, big-data analytics, and advanced technologies, such as d[...]![]()
Due to the increase in food waste worldwide, food supply chains (FSCs) have started to adopt smart technologies and assets aiming to reduce it and several inefficiencies. In light of this, the objective of this research was to verify the state o[...]![]()
S. Ahmadzadeh ; T. Ajmal ; R. Ramanathan ; Y. Duan |Food waste reduction, as a major application area of the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data technologies, has become one of the most pressing issues. In recent years, there has been an unprecedented increase in food waste, which has had a neg[...]![]()
Smart agriculture refers to the specific performance of the smart economy in the field of agriculture; it is a form of agricultural smart economy and an important part of the smart economy. It has played a certain role in promoting rural revital[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
A. Fournarakos ; A. Petropoulou ; K. Kravvaritis ; P. Zafiraki ; H. Panoutsopoulos ; T. Berchoux ; M.C. Lostrangio | 2023This document is the Digital Platform and Toolkit report for the GRANULAR Digital Platform. It has been developed to fulfil the needs of the projects Deliverable 7.2. It summarises the work conducted in the GRANULAR Digital Platform (Task 7.3) [...]![]()
A. Cravero ; S. Pardo ; P. Galeas ; J. López Fenner ; M. Caniupán |Sustainable agriculture is currently being challenged under climate change scenarios since extreme environmental processes disrupt and diminish global food production. For example, drought-induced increases in plant diseases and rainfall caused [...]![]()
The agricultural sector is one of the key sectors that need to be transformed in order to mitigate climate change. The use of predictive models supported by big data ("big data predictive tools") has already been named in the literature as one k[...]![]()
Predicting crop yields is one of the most challenging tasks in agriculture. It plays an essential role in decision making at global, regional, and field levels. Soil, meteorological, environmental, and crop parameters are used to predict crop yi[...]![]()
We are currently living in the era of big data. The volume of collected or archived geospatial data for land use and land cover (LULC) mapping including remotely sensed satellite imagery and auxiliary geospatial datasets is increasing. Innovativ[...]![]()
Protected areas offer unique opportunities for recreation, but the non-market nature of these benefits presents a significant challenge when trying to represent value in the decision-making processes. The most common techniques to value recreati[...]![]()
Le domaine agricole et alimentaire constitue un point névralgique du recueil et du traitement de données numériques. Comment réguler ce big data ? Par lapplication dun droit des communs.![]()
V.S. Yadav ; A.R. Singh ; R.D. Raut ; S.K. Mangla ; S. Luthra ; A. Kumar |The need for Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is felt across agriculture food supply chain (AFSC) to tackle the global demand for food items and concerns regarding food safety and security. Further, this transformation is possible due to recent advancement[...]![]()
A. Kayad ; M. Sozzi ; D.S. Paraforos ; F.A. Rodrigues ; Y. Cohen ; S. Fountas ; M.-J. Francisco ; A. Pezzuolo ; S. Grigolato ; F. Marinello |The applications of digital agriculture technologies are increasing rapidly with increased interest from the new generation of farmers to use digital solutions. Such technologies include several in-field and remote sensors besides data processin[...]![]()
The digitalization of data has resulted in a data tsunami in practically every industry of data-driven enterprise. Furthermore, man-to-machine (M2M) digital data handling has dramatically amplified the information wave. There has been a signific[...]![]()
New players are entering the new and important digital data market for agriculture, increasing power asymmetries and reinforcing their competitive advantages. Although the farmer remains at the heart of agricultural data collection, to date, onl[...]![]()
Y. Kayikci ; S. Demir ; S.K. Mangla ; N. Subramanian ; B. Koc |Approximately forty per cent of fresh products are wasted in low and middle-income countries before reaching consumers. Perishable foods have only a certain shelf-life and they need to be sold for consumption before a specific date. When a produ[...]![]()
With the rapid developments in ICT, the current agriculture businesses have become increasingly data-driven and are supported by advanced data analytics techniques. In this context, several studies have investigated the adopted data analytics pl[...]![]()
This paper considers the digitalisation of food infrastructure as a wider context within which smart farming and big data applications in agriculture are being introduced. It examines the use of digital devices aimed providing traceability and t[...]![]()
F. Ciccullo ; M. Fabbri ; N. Abdelkafi ; M. Pero |Because the volume of food waste is increasing, actions are required to mitigate the environmental and social impact of food waste generation. This paper investigates the business models of 41 selected startups (technology and service providers)[...]![]()
Agricultural Big Data is a set of technologies that allows responding to the challenges of the new data era. In conjunction with machine learning, farmers can use data to address problems such as farmers decision making, water management, soil [...]![]()
This paper examines the current challenges faced by logistics with a focus on the agri-food sector. After outlining the context, a review of the literature on the relationship between logistics and strategic management in gaining and increasing [...]![]()
A. Abraham ; S. Dash ; J.J.P.C. Rodrigues ; B. Acharya ; S.K. Pani | Londres [Royaume-Uni] : Academic Press | Intelligent Data-Centric Systems | 2022AI, Edge, and IoT Smart Agriculture integrates applications of IoT, edge computing, and data analytics for sustainable agricultural development and introduces Edge of Thing-based data analytics and IoT for predictability of crop, soil, and plant[...]![]()
CONTEXT Big data applications in agriculture evolve fast, as more experience, applications, good practices and computational power become available. Actual solutions to real-life problems are scarce. What characterizes the adoption of big data p[...]![]()
Machine learning (ML) expands traditional data analysis and presents a range of opportunities in ecosystem service (ES) research, offering rapid processing of ?big data? and enabling significant advances in data description and predictive modell[...]![]()
Z. Moumen ; I. Elhassnaoui ; W. Khaddi ; M.A. Wahba ; A. Lahrach |Future projection shows that the availability of freshwater per capita will decrease to 560 m3/year by 2030 in Morocco. In this realm of adopting efficient irrigation, alternatives become a priority to overcome water shortage. The presente[...]![]()
Big data represent a new productive factor (the new oil for advocates) that generates new realities in agriculture. By adding an extra cyber dimension to current farming systems, big data lead to the emergence of new, complex cyber-physical-[...]![]()
The lack of industrialization, inadequacy of the management, information inaccuracy, and inefficient supply chains are the significant issues in an agri-food supply chain. The proposed solutions to overcome these challenges should not only consi[...]![]()
Ce livre tente de fournir des informations sur la télédétection à partir de divers concepts de base de la télédétection, ainsi que sur des sujets avancés tels que les grandes données, l'intelligence artificielle et les réseaux neuronaux. Le livr[...]![]()
This article extends social science research on big data and data platforms through a focus on agriculture, which has received relatively less attention than other sectors like health. In this paper, I use a responsible innovation framework to m[...]