Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (49)
F.W. Rainsford ; M. Appleby ; A. Hawdon ; A. Maisey ; R. Lawrence ; I. Semmler ; D. O'Brien ; S. Ogilvy ; J.Q. Radford |Context Natural capital accounting is an emerging approach to help address the challenge of preventing further biodiversity loss while sustainably providing resources for a growing human population. It requires an effective and robust framework [...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
E. Muco | 2024Le capital territorial (KT) est un concept récent, utilisé pour la première fois par la Commission européenne dans les politiques de développement régional. Bien que dans la littérature ce concept soit pris en compte dans le contexte régional, i[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Requier-Desjardins, dir. ; T. Berchoux, dir. ; A. Cobacho, dir. | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | Analyse Diagnostic d'une Zone Rurale | 2024Chapitre d'ouvrage
M. Requier-Desjardins ; J.-M. Salles | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Enjeux Sciences, ISSN 2267-3032 | 2024Lévaluation des coûts de la désertification soulève de multiples difficultés, notamment liées à la définition de la situation à laquelle on compare létat actuel. On doit, dune part, saccorder sur une liste dimpacts liés à la désertification[...]Article
The present study aims to support the Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) implementation in Greece, by synthesizing an indicator that could be used for abiotic attribute assessments and specifically for geodiversity. S[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Requier-Desjardins, dir. ; T. Berchoux, dir. ; A. Cobacho, dir. ; R. Abdelouahad ; A. Bilel ; L. Announ ; C. Ben-Aicha ; S. Ben Hamed ; R. Ben-Moussa ; A. Ben-Salem ; A. El Maaqili ; F. Gheboub ; S. Grosse ; K. Hammadi ; S. Jourani ; R. Mehdaoui ; S. Nadif ; E. Ndjie ; J. Oger ; J. Panegos | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | Analyse Diagnostic d'une Zone Rurale | 2023Article
I. Grammatikopoulou ; T. Badura ; R.J. Johnston ; D.N. Barton ; S. Ferrini ; M. Schaafsma ; A. La Notte |Ecosystem accounting is a statistical framework that aims to track the state of ecosystems and ecosystem services, with periodic updates. This framework follows the statistical standard of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting Ecosyste[...]Article
F. Taghikhah ; J. Borevitz ; R. Costanza ; A. Voinov |Threats to sustainable food production are accelerating due to climate change, population growth, depletion of natural capital, and global market instability. This causes significant risks to farmers, consumers, and financial and policy institut[...]Article
Increasing the levels of ecosystem services that contribute to agricultural production (ES) is a challenge for the sustainability of agricultural systems. Agricultural advisors lack low-data operational approaches for assessing ES and knowledge [...]Article
Soil, a non-renewable resource, sustains life on Earth by supporting around 95% of global food production and providing ecosystem services such as biomass production, filtration of contaminants and transfer of mass and energy between spheres. Un[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Requier-Desjardins, dir. ; T. Berchoux, dir. ; A. Cobacho, dir. | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | Analyse Diagnostic d'une Zone Rurale | 2022Article
Ecosystem services can be defined as the ecosystems contribution to human activities. According to recent assessments, the agricultural sector is one of the most important economic users of ecosystem services in Europe. To assess, value, and ac[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
M. Requier-Desjardins ; L. Chazée ; W. Khechimi ; S. Anougmar ; M. Garrabé | 2022Article
The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) provides an integrated statistical framework which organizes spatially explicit data on environmental quality, natural capital and ecosystem services and links this[...]Article
Cette recherche cible lélaboration dun indicateur multicritère des services écosystémiques culturels (SEC) des zones humides méditerranéennes protégées. Basé sur les perceptions sociales des visiteurs, il vise la mesure de limpact de la visit[...]Article
Le lexique économique employé pour désigner des composantes de la nature est souvent accusé de biaiser nos représentations et nos modes de gestion de lenvironnement. Contribuant au processus de commodification de la nature, il aurait même sa pa[...]Article
The application of true cost accounting (TCA) at farm level requires a common framework and metric for measuring, capturing and valuing sustainability. We propose such a framework and farm metric that build on the four capitalsnatural, social, [...]Article
Cet article présente la construction dune base de données afin de décrire les relations entre les caractéristiques naturelles des parcelles (topographie, géologie, pédologie) et la hiérarchie des appellations dorigine contrôlée (AOC) viticoles[...]Article
Common asset trusts to effectively steward natural capital and ecosystem services at multiple scales
Ecosystems (natural capital) produce a range of benefits to humans. Natural capital is best thought of as common property since many of the ecosystem services it helps produce are non-rival and/or non-excludable. Private property regimes and mar[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
E. Muco ; E. Kokthi ; M. Requier-Desjardins | 2021Cette étude analyse le capital social d'un territoire. Elle examine comment le capital social et le capital naturel se combinent et questionne leur interaction du point de vue du capital territorial. Le capital territorial associe trois dimensio[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Peut-être nest-il pas aussi visuellement saisissant quune forêt verte, ou bien napparaît-il pas aussi vital que leau douce, mais le sol daspect simple est une ressource naturelle essentielle au maintien de la vie sur Terre. Le sol fournit d[...]E-Book
The System of Environmental-Economic AccountingEcosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) is a spatially-based, integrated statistical framework for organizing biophysical information about ecosystems, measuring ecosystem services, tracking changes in ecos[...]Article
E. Sanyé-Mengual ; K. Specht ; J. Vavra ; M. Artmann ; F. Orsini ; G. Gianquinto |Within the scholarly debate, Urban Agriculture (UA) has been widely acknowledged to provide diverse environmental and socio-cultural ecosystem services (ESs) for cities. However, the question of whether these potential benefits are also recogniz[...]Article
A. Capriolo ; R.G. Boschetto ; R.A. Mascolo ; S. Balbi ; F. Villa |We present methods and results of country-based natural capital assessments for four ecosystem services (ES) in Italy. The spatial mapping and the assessment have been carried out in both physical and monetary terms for (i) crop pollination, (ii[...]Article
This paper addresses the topic of a new enterprise model called Community-Based Cooperatives and their contribution to inner areas development and land care. This issue is currently the subject of a growing body of academic literature. The aim o[...]Article
It is now widely recognised that components of the environment play the role of economic assets, termed natural capital, that are a foundation of social and economic development. National governments monitor the state and trends of natural capit[...]Article
Que recouvre léconomie circulaire, à quelles pratiques de consommation et de production correspond-elle ? Et, surtout, quelle est sa portée sur la préservation des ressources naturelles ? Cet article propose de revenir sur lorigine du concept [...]Article
Efficient management of natural resources and environmental assets requires adequate assessment of natural capital on farms. Conceptual frameworks and practical measurement techniques to assess the state of natural capital assets and ecosystem s[...]