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The process of standardization within the dominant agrifood system is being accompanied by growing demand for differentiated high-quality food products that are environmentally sustainable. In this scenario, Alternative Food Networks (AFNs) coul[...]Article
CONTEXT In French mountain territories, origin-linked quality schemes have been widely used to address competition from more productive regions, but such schemes have tended to specialise a territory's agriculture around specific products. Today[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
La ville dAlger connait lémergence dinitiatives promouvant une alimentation « saine » et « locale ». Lobjectif de ce travail qui sinscrit dans le cadre du projet FADMA était de caractériser la diversité de ces initiatives, de comprendre la [...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Ce rapport examine l'organisation quentretiennent les plateformes agroalimentaires numériques avec les producteurs en lien avec la promotion dun approvisionnement sain et local en France. Létude repose sur un échantillon de 90 plateformes afi[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Ce mémoire porte sur la capacité des établissements de la restauration collective à sapprovisionner en produits locaux et durables en mettant en lumière le rôle des Projets Alimentaires Territoriaux dans le développement et le renforcement de c[...]Article
Favoriser lapprovisionnement local dans la restauration collective est considéré comme un levier important de réduction de limpact environnemental de lactivité agricole et alimentaire. Ce travail étudie les effets de choix organisationnels et[...]Article
Through an analysis of the sowing and harvesting times across all the regions of a tailored-for-wheat world geographic partition, we assess the temporal possibility of modifying the acreage of wheat crops in some regions in an attempt to offset [...]Article
Cet article sintéresse à la répartition spatiale des exploitations agricoles commercialisant tout ou partie de leur production en circuit court (CC). Lobjectif est didentifier, à laide de léconométrie spatiale les facteurs déterminants du c[...]Article
Local food studies have stressed the importance of local food systems (LFS) in shortening the linkages between producers and consumers and in promoting resilient territories. Food consumption patterns are mostly studied around ruralurban dynami[...]Article
South Italy is characterised by a semi-arid climate with scarce rain and high evaporative demand. Since climate change could worsen this condition, the need to optimise water resources in this area is crucial. In citrus cultivation, which involv[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
S. Ben Ali | 2023Access to healthy, sustainable food for all is at the heart of current public policy. Territorial projects are increasingly developing in favour of more sustainable food systems. Adopting a territorial approach to food encourages local supply ch[...]Article
Special Denomination labels for fresh food products, such as 'local', 'fair-trade', 'organic' and similar market-narrowing movements have gained a lot of attention over the last few decades. While these movements have some clear benefits and ben[...]Article
This article analyzes how climate change influences the exports of agricultural goods and the specialization of nations (e.g., comparative advantages) by altering farmers' capability to use available water. Our main contribution is methodologica[...]Article
This article presents a methodological approach for the location, characterisation and prospects of multifunctional agrifood systems territorialised on the Spanish State administrative scale. The proposal is applied to Spain, although it can be [...]Article
Third party certified food labelling schemes can be used to reduce asymmetric information in anonymous markets. However, in short food supply chains (SFSCs) trust linkages can be also built through direct contact between consumers and producers.[...]Article
La filière agroalimentaire est fragilisée et connaît des contrastes régionaux. Mener une seule politique de réindustrialisation nest pas forcément pertinent.Article
Social, economic, and environmental concerns have boosted interest in local food systems as well as alternative or transitional models of food production, distribution, and consumption. Recent studies suggest that more attention is needed to unc[...]Article
A. Tregear ; Z. Anicic ; F. Arfini ; B. Biasini ; M. Bituh ; R. Bojovic ; R. Brecic ; M. Brennan ; I. Colic Baric ; D. Del Rio ; M. Donati ; J. Filipovic ; F. Giopp ; A. Ilic ; G. Lanza ; K. Mattas ; S. Quarrie ; A. Rosi ; M. Sayed ; F. Scazzina ; E. Tsakiridou |Increasingly, policymakers are setting ambitious goals for sustainability in public procurement, integrated across different pillars. Such ambitions are apparent in public catering services, where procurement models have been shifting towards gr[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
The world's food and artisanal heritage encompasses a multitude of products linked to their origin that rely on the knowledge, skills, practices and traditions developed collectively by local producers over time and transmitted across generation[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
The world's food and artisanal heritage encompasses a multitude of products linked to their origin that rely on the knowledge, skills, practices and traditions developed collectively by local producers over time and transmitted across generation[...]Article
The change of scale and potential reconfiguration of decision-making powers make the French context of reterritorialization of food seem favorable to the transition of agri-food systems in certain areas. However, it also includes a movement towa[...]Article
Due to the growth of the urban shadow, farming systems in metropolitan areas (MAs) are characterized by specific environmental, economic, and social pressures. Urbanization pressure and its related threats, as well as the opportunities resulti[...]Article
La filière courte est une tendance qui s'observe depuis quelques années, qui n'est plus seulement l'émanation de quelques entreprises ou filières éparses. La crise de la Covid vient encore accélérer le déploiement de filières amont-aval courtes,[...]Article
As countries develop, agriculture's role as domestic employer declines. But the broader agri-food system also expands, and the scope for agriculture-related job creation shifts beyond the farm. Historically, technological revolutions have shaped[...]Article
La loi davenir pour lagriculture, lalimentation et la forêt de 2014 vise à favoriser une relocalisation de la production alimentaire à léchelle locale en mettant laccent sur le rôle des acteurs locaux. Elle propose comme dispositif les proj[...]Article
La « transition agricole et alimentaire » associe des objectifs décologisation et de relocalisation. Les vecteurs et modalités de la relocalisation alimentaire restent peu étudiés, notamment sur le plan spatial. À partir denquêtes menées dans [...]Article
Considering the current pandemic, in which changes in the food system and the relationship between food and society are under discussion, I take the opportunity with this editorial to offer some points for debate.Article
La pandémie de coronavirus, déclarée le 11 mars 2020 par l'OMS, conduit à penser que d'autres agents pathogènes pourraient se propager dans les années à venir. La mondialisation des échanges peut donc transformer une épidémie localisée en pandém[...]Article
Agricultural specialization has disconnected crop and livestock production in many farms and regions. As a result, crop farms are deficient in nitrogen to fertilize their crops, while livestock farms are deficient in proteins to feed their anima[...]Article
J. Sarkis ; M.J. Cohen ; P. Dewick ; P. Schröder |As members of the Future Earth Knowledge-Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production we have as virtually everyone else paid close attention to the COVID-19 pandemic which is one of the most comprehensive and tragic p[...]