ROTATION CULTURALESynonyme(s)Assolement ;Culture alternée Rotation des cultures |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (51)
Thèse, Mémoire, Master
I. Abbar | 2023Cropping system has to reduce its impact on environmental resources like nitrogen and stay socially and economically sustainable. Introducing lentils in rotation of the cropping system is viewed as a key solution to answer sustainable problems l[...]Article
B. Faye ; H. Webber ; T. Gaiser ; C. Muller ; Y. Zhang ; T. Stella ; C. Latka ; M. Reckling ; T. Heckelei ; K. Helming ; F. Ewert |Most large scale studies assessing climate change impacts on crops are performed with simulations of single crops and with annual re-initialization of the initial soil conditions. This is in contrast to the reality that crops are grown in rotati[...]Article
Monoculture farming pollutes the environment by increasing the use of inputs, accelerating soil erosion, polluting water resources, raising carbon level in the atmosphere, and decreasing biodiversity. Therefore, farmers are advised to implement [...]Article
The expanded use of water-intensive crops, such as maize, has exacerbated soil drying and water scarcity in watersheds with large irrigated surfaces. As we face climbing drought risks, water can be conserved in such areas by adopting agricultura[...]Article
M. Pittarello ; F. Chiarini ; C. Menta ; L. Furlan ; P. Carletti |Conservation Agriculture includes practices focused on the conservation and the restoration of main soil features, such as organic carbon content, structure, and biological diversity and activity. Our study was conducted in three farms in North-[...]Article
S. Baronti ; F. Ungaro ; A. Maienza ; F. Ugolini ; A. Lagomarsino ; A.E. Agnelli ; C. Calzolari ; F. Pisseri ; G. Robbiati ; F.P. Vaccari |Over the past 30 years, farming in the Alpine region has undergone important changes: the average number of animals per farm and the use of external inputs have increased while the diversity of farming practices has decreased, becoming similar t[...]Article
G. Billen ; J. Garnier ; J. Le Noë |De nombreux travaux récents montrent que, à surface agricole constante, il est possible dassurer lapprovisionnement alimentaire de la France, de lEurope et du monde sans engrais industriels azotés. Au prix cependant de profonds changements st[...]Article
S. Jaziri ; H.C. M'hamed ; M. Rezgui ; S. Labidi ; A. Souissi ; M. Rezgui ; M. Barbouchi ; M. Annabi ; H. Bahri |Conservation agriculture based on no-tillage (NT) and crop rotation allows to enhance soil health. Based on data collected from long-term trials in a semi-arid region of Tunisia, results showed that NT increased significantly soil organic carbon[...]Article
A. Biarnès ; J.-S. Bailly ; I. Mekki ; I. Ferchichi |CONTEXT In cultivated landscapes, land use patterns related to the diversity of crops, their spatial arrangement into patches and their succession over several years influence many biophysical processes and the production of ecosystem services a[...]Article
This paper presents an integrated strategic-tactical planning model for the sugar beet supply chain problem. The model includes the critical agricultural and industrial decisions coupled with the transportation of crops by capacitated vehicles f[...]Article
M. Oliveira ; C. Castro ; J. Coutinho ; H. Trindade |Legume-based cropping systems have been promoted as a sustainable alternative to fertilizer-based systems. However, the efficacy of this strategy for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Mediterranean agroecosystems is still not well kno[...]Article
Intensive agricultural farming systems have negative impacts on the ecosystem. Therefore, the use of crop rotation emerges as an opportunity to improve the environmental sustainability of agricultural systems. In the region of Galicia in north-w[...]Article
M. El Janati ; N. Akkal-Corfini ; A. Bouaziz ; A. Oukarroum ; P. Robin ; A. Sabri ; M. Chikhaoui ; Z. Thomas |Circular agriculture is an effective approach for the management of soil organic inputs that improves soil fertility and cropping system sustainability. We developed a cropping system typology and assessed effects of crop rotation, organic ferti[...]Article
Turkey ranks fourth among the tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum L.) producers in the world and the tomato varieties extend to 40 % of the total vegetable yield of the country. Farmers have continued to cultivate tomato due to the economic potent[...]Article
Les prairies permanentes constituent sous nos latitudes un important réservoir de biodiversité. Alors que les prairies de montagne diversifiées ont jusquici été relativement épargnées, lenjeu de nos travaux est de proposer des modes de conduit[...]Article
La mise en oeuvre à grande échelle des principes de l'agroécologie et de l'agriculture biologique est une option proposée pour répondre aux enjeux de durabilité de l'agriculture. Toutefois la capacité de tels systèmes à répondre aux enjeux de sé[...]Article
In Tunisia, the development of the irrigation within the water scarcity context, remains one of the crucial issues of agricultural activity. The phenomenon of climate change is likely to make the problematic while threatening the country's food [...]Article
Best management practices that could improve sustainability of dairy farming systems in northern Italy include crop rotation, green manure, sprinkler or drip irrigation, incorporation of crop residue, and adoption of a nutrient management plan. [...]Article
D. Derrouch ; F. Dessaint ; E. Felten ; B. Chauvel |Le semis direct sous couvert repose sur lapplication simultanée et continue de trois principes : la réduction quasi-totale du travail du sol, une couverture organique des sols et une rotation diversifiée. Ce système agricole adopté en Fra[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Our study aims to simulate scenarios depending on the type of soil (low and high water retention capacity WHC), the type of rotation (2/3 years), and different management amounts (fertilization and irrigation) in the crop growth model CropSyst[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
« Combien ça coûte de produire une tonne de maïs ? Et un hectare de blé ? De soja ? » est une question qui se pose et se répète pour tout ingénieur ou conseiller dans le domaine agricole. Les références technico-économiques en grandes cultures p[...]Article
I. Felix ; V. Laudinot ; B. Chorro |Les progrès techniques des 70 dernières années et en particulier les progrès de l'agrochimie nous permettent aujourdhui de produire sans avoir recours aux rotations. En plein champ les monocultures (blé, orge, maïs, etc.) et les rotations très [...]Article
E. Degani ; S.G. Leigh ; H.M. Barber ; H.E. Jones ; M. Lukac ; P. Sutton ; S.G. Potts |Given the challenges posed to agriculture by future climatic changes, and the need to reduce environmental impacts, a key challenge is to develop resilient food production systems. Ecological intensification is an approach proposed to partially [...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
Chapter 13 - Challenges in maximizing benefits from ecosystem services and transforming food systems
Future cropping systems need to produce enough quantities of food in correct proportions to meet the dietary and nutritional preferences of a huge and dynamic population while preserving the environment. Spatial and temporal arrangement of crops[...]Ouvrage
L. Laajili Ghezal ; T. Stambouli | Saarbrücken [Allemagne] : EUE. Editions Universitaires Européennes | 2019Les effets combinés du changement climatique global et des activités humaines sur la dégradation des ressources naturelles, engendrent des coûts économiques et sociaux importants liés aux conséquences de ces modifications et aux remèdes proposés[...]Article
M. Hammouda ; J. Wery ; T. Darbin ; H. Belhouchette |In an uncertain socio-economic and climatic context, sustainable farming is a major challenge for farmers as well as for their agricultural advisors. It is therefore essential to develop a decision support tool (DST) that is likely to be useful [...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
R. Kettani, coord. ; A. Nabloussi, ed. ; N. Bahri, ed. ; M. Ferrahi, ed. ; R. Moussadek, ed. ; A. Bentaibi, ed. ; R. Tirazi, ed. | Meknès [Maroc] : INRA | 2018Cet ouvrage reprend les actes du séminaire organisé sur le même thème par le CRRA Meknès en décembre 2018. Il est constitué de 13 articles auxquels ont contribué 23 auteurs, essentiellement des chercheurs de lINRA.Thèse, Mémoire, Master
LITCMI sintéresse à la fève pour ses fonctions agroécologique, économique et agronomique diverses : elle est un fertilisant naturel et constitue un apport protéique très important. Ainsi, elle permet de diminuer les pollutions liées aux intran[...]Ouvrage
Comment réduire significativement, voire supprimer, le recours aux herbicides ? Faut-il viser l'élimination des " mauvaises " herbes ? Celles-ci ne font-elles pas partie de la flore indigène de nos régions ? Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques et [...]Article
J.-M. Meynard ; A. Charlier ; F. Charrier ; M'H. Farès ; M. Le Bail ; M.-B. Magrini ; A. Messéan |Dans le dernier demi-siècle, les territoires et les exploitations agricoles se sont de plus en plus spécialisés. Or, on sait aujourdhui quune diversification des cultures serait nécessaire pour réduire lusage des intrants (pesticides, engrais[...]