Catégories principales > 12 - EDUCATION. FORMATION. INFORMATION. GESTION DES SAVOIRS > 12.6 - Politique Scientifique. Recherche
12.6 - Politique Scientifique. Recherche |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (96)
The use of the term 'living lab' is now widespread, and in agrifood studies has been incorporated into research funding requirements. However, the methodological skills and prerequisites for successful living labs are not particularly well artic[...]Article
Institutional change strategies that prioritize transparency, fairness, and respect will advance inclusive agri-food systems innovation. This short communication posits that institutional change strategies are a linchpin, necessary for Internati[...]Article
Simulation models have co-evolved with agricultural research methods over the last 60 years and they are now a widely accepted and deployed component of agricultural research and development. Modelling supports research in a very diverse range o[...]Article
CONTEXT Agricultural innovations and their applications are increasingly recognized as crucial mechanisms for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Actors in agricultural research for development (AR4D) frequently use Agricult[...]Article
Agrifood systems are facing significant challenges, science and innovation are key to shift the trajectory towards ensuring sustainability and resilience. Thus, scaling assumes a critical role in agricultural research for development (AR4D). Sca[...]Article
C. Conti ; A. Hall ; H. Percy ; S. Stone-Jovicich ; J. Turner ; L. McMillan |Agricultural Research Organisations (AROs) are being urgently called to provide solutions for agri-food system transformation. However, contrasting visions of how transformation should be achieved create difficult choices for AROs. This paper re[...]Article
La très grande fragilité des écosystèmes supportant la production alimentaire nécessite une réflexion alternative sur les orientations de la recherche scientifique, ainsi quune analyse audacieuse des politiques publiques à mettre en uvre pour [...]Article
The urgency of redesigning the way food is produced and consumed has implications for the systems perspective of agronomy. An increasingly important strain of research addresses the 'how-to' question associated with the transformation of "maldes[...]Article
Cropping system models are deployed as valuable tools for informing agronomic decisions and advancing research. To meet this demand, early career scientists are increasingly tasked with building crop models to fit into these system modelling fra[...]Article
Les auteurs partent du constat quen réponse aux spécificités de la recherche sur les problèmes ayant trait à lenvironnement, au développement durable et à la transition écologique et sociale nécessité de les aborder en tenant compte de[...]Article
Agent-based models (ABMs) are an increasingly popular choice for simulating large systems of interacting components, and have been applied across a wide variety of natural and environmental systems. However, ABMs can be incredibly disparate and [...]Article
M. Stoian ; R.A. Ion ; V.C. Turcea ; I.C. Nica ; C.G. Zemeleaga |This article investigates how governmental agricultural R&D expenditure affect economic prosperity and sustainable development, attempting to verify the hypothesis that agricultural research and development expenditures are among the key factors[...]Article
Participatory action research involving farmers and researchers is crucial to enhance the adoption of farming innovations and ensure the long term sustainability of agroecosystem restoration. However, the factors for successful participatory res[...]Article
Many agricultural researchers are now turning away from the traditional postal surveys to email surveys of farmers an option that is increasingly viable as digitalisation continues to permeate rural areas. However, email surveys often result i[...]Article
Over the last two decades, experimental economics has been gaining relevance in the research of a wide range of issues related to agriculture. In turn, the agricultural activity provides an excellent field of study within which to validate the u[...]Article
Larticle présente le retour dexpérience sur la conduite de linterdisciplinarité dans 14 projets dun programme sur la gestion intégrée de la santé des animaux. Les difficultés rencontrées portent sur lacculturation et léquilibre entre[...]Article
B. Fu ; M. Stafford-Smith ; Y. Wang ; B. Wu ; X. Yu ; N. Lv ; D.S. Ojima ; Y. Lv ; C. Fu ; Y. Liu ; S. Niu ; Y. Zhang ; H. Zeng ; X. Liu ; Y. Liu ; X. Feng ; L. Zhang ; Y. Wei ; Z. Xu ; F. Li ; X. Cui ; S. Diop ; X. Chen |Given the increasing speed and intensity of ongoing climate change and human interventions, more systematic research is needed to realize the Sustainable Development Goals in drylands. The current research status of drylands globally was reviewe[...]Ouvrage
Vous êtes chercheur et vous avez choisi daller au contact des acteurs dune entreprise ou dune organisation pour les interviewer ou les observer. Vous avez opté pour une méthode compréhensive, appelée généralement recherche qualitative. Par où[...]Article
A.F. Fieldsend ; E. Cronin ; E. Varga ; S. Biro ; E. Rogge |Innovation rests not only on discovery but also on cooperation and interactive learning. In agriculture, forestry and related sectors, multi-actor partnerships for co-innovation occur in many forms, from international projects to informal act[...]Article
N. Chams ; B. Guesmi ; J. María Gil |Due to the climate change and increased attention toward environmental management issues, the agri-food sector has been extensively relying on research, development, and innovation (RDi) to transform conventional agricultural production into a s[...]Article
N. Vivier, animateur ; J.P. Bordes ; C. Huyghe ; E. Collin |Aux nombreux défis anciens que devait affronter lagriculture pour produire plus et mieux, sen ajoutent maintenant de nouveaux, qui se montrent pressants : changement climatique et mondialisation des échanges qui entraînent une circulation acc[...]Article
Cet article apporte des éléments déclairage sur les liens entre science et développement territorial. Pour un territoire, en particulier métropolitain, une stratégie de développement économique incluant les activités scientifiques passe par deu[...]Ouvrage
T. Deetjen | 2020From research topic to journal article in seven clear steps Are you feeling frustrated with your research? While many books teach only individual research skills, Published provides the breadth to guide you through your research journey from st[...]E-Book
Research papers are the primary vehicle for the global communication of highly complex, fast-moving information, and they need to be written and understood by all participants quickly and effectively. Science communication is increasingly interd[...]E-Book
Research publications, projects, and teaching learning theories have become very important to universities, institutions, organizations, and industries. Many submissions are rejected due to author's lack of writing and research skills. This new [...]Article
Dans le cadre du projet AdaMont, un concept de système de management de ladaptation (SMA) sinspirant des pratiques du système de management de la qualité (SMQ) a été proposé. Ce concept permet de donner un cadre rigoureux pour mettre la démarc[...]E-Book
B. Heimann, ed. ; L. O'Brien, ed. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2019New developments - scientific, technical, societal and political - influence not only the agenda for research but also research structures, resource requirements (human and otherwise), education and training programs and interfaces with partners[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Dossiers d'Agropolis International (Les), n. 23 - Juin 2018 - Systèmes complexes de la biologie aux territoires
2018Le 1er janvier 2016, les anciennes régions Languedoc- Roussillon et Midi-Pyrénées fusionnaient pour devenir la nouvelle région Occitanie / Pyrénées- Méditerranée (réforme territoriale de 2015). Aussi, ce numéro de la série les dossiers dAgropol[...]Article
L. Temple ; A. Gaunand ; G. Trouche ; E. Vall |Confrontés aux évolutions des enjeux et modèles de développement touchant les secteurs de lagriculture et de lalimentation, les organismes de recherche interrogent les méthodes dévaluation des impacts liées aux activités de recherche. En effe[...]