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E. Garmendia ; A. Aldezabal ; E. Galán ; A. Andonegi ; A. Del Prado ; G. Gamboa ; O. Garcia ; G. Pardo ; N. Aldai ; L.J.R. Barron |Pastoral systems face increasing pressure from competing global markets, food sector industrialization, and new policies such as Europes post-2020 Common Agriculture Policy. This pressure threatens the use of extensive sheep-grazing systems in [...]Article
Mountain grazing systems, based since ancient times on common land, are finding it increasingly challenging to ensure their economic viability. Although marginal in productive terms, these systems are high-value natural areas that provide multip[...]Article
This paper deals with the efficiency level of cereal-dairy sheep production systems in the Mediterranean Basin. It studies them in the Protected Designation of Origin Manchego Cheese, located in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Previous studies hav[...]Article
This study was conducted to determine sheep farmers selection of marketing channels in livestock sales and the factors affecting their choices. The research data were generated from the survey data of 53 enterprises selected via simple random s[...]Article
L.J.R. Barron ; A. Andonegi ; G. Gamboa ; E. Garmendia ; O. Garcia ; N. Aldai ; A. Aldezabal |This article describes a novel methodological approach for the integrated sustainability assessment of pasture-based dairy sheep systems. Most studies on livestock system sustainability focus on animal production, farm profitability, and mitigat[...]Ouvrage
D. Belaïd ; C. Sautter, préf. | Paris [France] : L'Harmattan | Histoire et Perspectives Méditerranéennes, ISSN 0980-5265 | 2021En Algérie, les années 2020 représentent une période charnière. Quelles que soient les forces politiques au pouvoir, le pays devra prendre un virage décisif dans le domaine de l'agriculture. La manne que constituent les hydrocarbures a permis un[...]Article
Sheep farming plays a key role in the sustainability of the most depressed rural regions of Portugal, particularly in the Serra da Estrela region, and is recognized as an important source of income for many local farmers. Thus, the management of[...]Article
Aim of the study: The sheep breeding sector in Turkey has lost its potential to become a highly competitive and efficient sector despite a number of policies being implemented over the years. Therefore, the objective of the study was to empiric[...]Article
C. Paraskevopoulou ; A. Theodoridis ; M. Johnson ; A. Ragkos ; L. Arguile ; L. Smith ; D. Vlachos ; G. Arsenos |European sheep and goat farming faces diverse challenges at global or local scales and constitutes an important sector for many countries, playing important sociocultural, economic and environmental roles. A closer examination of the overall sus[...]Article
A redesign process at the farm level may be required for agricultural production systems to evolve in a manner that reduces their environmental and health impacts. This process leads to imagining configurations described as radical because the[...]E-Book
M. Aderghal, ed. ; D. Genin, ed. ; A. Hanafi, ed. ; P.-A. Landel, ed. ; G. Michon | Marseille [France] : LPED (Laboratoire Population Environnement Développement) | Les Impromptus du LPED | 2019Les spécificités locales se réfèrent à des « objets » qui peuvent être de nature assez différente (produits de terroir, modes de gestion, dorganisation et de fabrication particuliers, territoires entiers se distinguant par des paysages ou des a[...]Bulletin : Revue
Techniques et Culture, n. 63 - 1er semestre 2015 - Pâturages : nourrir ses bêtes et habiter le territoire
L. Dupré ; J. Lasseur ; R. Chappuis-Poccard | 2015« Nourrir le Monde » ! « Respecter lenvironnement et le bien être animal ! » « Se préoccuper des goûts et de la santé du consommateur ! » Lélevage est lobjet dinjonctions sociales et politiques parfois paradoxales que la mondialisation accen[...]E-Book
This book is focused on the challenges to implement sustainability in diverse contexts such as agribusiness, natural resource systems and new technologies. The experiences made by the researchers of the School of Agricultural, Forestry, Food and[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
Bulletin : Revue
Ethnozootechnie, n. 87 - 2009 - Varia n° 9
2009Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
V. Alary ; J.-P. Boutonnet ; C. Dutilly-Diane | 2009Chain analysis aims at understanding the variability of food supply and increasing opportunities for income generation through increased trade. Chain analysis should propose trade facilitation measures that would contribute to enhanced competiti[...]Ouvrage
La steppe algérienne est une formation végétale caractérisée par une flore xérophile où l'homme exerce de façon naturelle l'activité d'élevage. Mais cet écosystème, où l'homme et l'animal vivent en harmonie, se dégrade continuellement perdant d'[...]Article
The employment of farmers in the sheep and goat livestock sector of the Trikala region in Greece was examined by using empirical social research methods. Sample data on population characteristics, education, employment status, and income of farm[...]Film
L'organisation agropastorale dans le Haut Atlas a toujours présenté des difficultés : conflits de tribus, d'autorités, de la colonisation à la période actuelle. Elle était auparavant arbitrée par une double autorité. Ce système complexe ne cesse[...]Article
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
P. Auriol, rapporteur ; U. Grieb ; S. Haidar ; A. Naegele ; G. Saab ; A. Sayegh | Rome [Italie] : FAO | 1980