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'AGRICULTURE REGENERATIVE' ![Surligner les mots recherchés Surligner les mots recherchés](./images/text_horizontalrule.png)
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L. Schreefel ; R.E. Creamer ; H.H.E. Van Zanten ; E.M. de Olde ; K. Koppelmäki ; M. Debernardini ; I.J.M. De Boer ; R.P.O. Schulte |Global food security is threatened by widespread degradation of agricultural land and associated loss of ecosystem services. In response, farming approaches such as regenerative agriculture are heralded by industries and governments as mainstrea[...]![]()
Regenerative agriculture (RA) is an approach to farming pursued globally for sustaining agricultural production and improving ecosystem services and environmental benefits. However, the lack of a standardized definition and limited bioeconomic a[...]![]()
Small-grain farming systems in Mediterranean climatic regions are characterized by poor quality soils, high climate variability, and resulting heavy agrochemical reliance. The adoption of Conservation Agriculture, based on minimum tillage, perma[...]
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