Ellefi S. (2022).
Profitability of variable rate application of fertilizer (P, K). Mémoire (Master 2 MIDAS) : CIHEAM-IAMM, Montpellier (France). 46 p. Master 2 Thesis. Economics. Programme: Mediterranean farming system design for a sustainable food-system [MIDAS]. Co-accreditation University of Montpellier, Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM. Confidential.
Titre : | Profitability of variable rate application of fertilizer (P, K) |
Auteurs : | S. Ellefi |
Type de document : | Thèse, Mémoire, Master |
Année de publication : | 2022 |
Format : | 46 p. |
Note générale : | Master 2 Thesis. Economics. Programme: Mediterranean farming system design for a sustainable food-system [MIDAS]. Co-accreditation University of Montpellier, Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM. Confidential. |
Langues : | Anglais |
Langues du résumé : | Anglais ; Français |
Catégories : |
Catégories principales 06 - AGRICULTURE. FORÊTS. PÊCHES ; 6.6 - Technique Agricole (sols, engrais, mécanisation)Thésaurus IAMM RENDEMENT DES CULTURES ; FERTILISATION ; SYSTEME DE PRODUCTION ; FRANCE |
Résumé : | Farmers were always skeptical and questioned the economic profit of the adoption of site-specific fertilization technologies under uncertain climate conditions. In the light of this, the present study aims to examine the profitability of applying variable rates of phosphorus and potassium, in northern French context. The study involves the use of yield data and applied fertilizer maps, for two fields called Facca and Groux respectively in cropping campaigns 2018/ 2019, 2019/20 and 2018/2019, 2020/21. The results showed an increase in yield and profit in Groux field during 2020/19. But the yield increase is not proven to be correlated to fertilizers modulation only, because the year 2021 have witnessed higher rates of precipitation during the spring season. So, it remains not possible to neglect or separate the impact of water specially that the field is maintained in a rainfed non irrigated production system. Yet, when we compare CV% of the yields and profits its obvious that CV% of profit between the studied years is lower than yield CV%, this allows to assume that variable rate application of fertilizers tend to homogenize profit in field zones. In the same study framework, profit maps were generated using ArcMap application, for the diagnosis of spatial variability of economic return under applied fertilizers in different field zones. The visual depictions of these maps showed that profit maps are sensitive to yield map, however the field zones do not show the same behavior as yield. Which means that zones with lower yield do not correspond always to lower profit. These maps can then be used as a support to improve, redirect, or even question a change in practices on the operation of variable rate application of fertilizers. |
Nature du diplôme : | Mémoire (Master 2 MIDAS) |
Université de soutenance : | CIHEAM-IAMM |
Ville de l'université de soutenance : | Montpellier (France) |
Cote : | Réservé lecteur CIHEAM |
Directeur de Thèse : | Belhouchette H. |
Membres du Jury : | Belhouchette H.; Kleftodimos G.; Lecoq M.; Becu M. |