PRODUCTIVITESynonyme(s)Rendement économique Performance de l'entreprise (rapport production/facteurs de production)Voir aussi |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (406)
M. Sardo ; D.D. Chiarelli ; F. Ceragioli ; M.C. Rulli |Feeding a growing population with healthy food while preserving the natural ecosystem's resources is a critical challenge of our century. In Egypt, the increasing demand for food commodities and the intensive consumption of freshwater resources [...]Article
P. Nota ; D. Curzi ; O.K. Haase ; A. Olper |This paper investigates the impact of heat waves on the productivity of the Italian food industry. Using daily weather and firm-level data for the 2004?2019 period, we show that a heat wave causes, on average, a reduction in Total Factor Product[...]Article
Water scarcity is a growing social, economic, and political issue, especially in Southern European countries that are becoming even more arid and where different crops can be cultivated only if irrigation is possible. In this context, strategies[...]Article
Increasing agricultural productivity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is an important channel for reducing poverty and food insecurity. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to boost agricultural producti[...]Article
N. Borghino ; L. Wissinger ; K.-H. Erb ; C. Le Mouël ; T. Nesme |Organic farming has gained attention as a sustainable form of agriculture. However, concerns have been raised about its relatively low productivity. This paper reviews 23 modeling studies devoted to the large-scale implementation of organic farm[...]Article
Amidst the rapid evolution of digital technologies and their prospective implications for agricultural productivity, farmers are increasingly turning to Agriculture 4.0. As digitization permeates every facet of agriculture, the potential for boo[...]Article
The European Green Deal aims to mitigate the environmental impact of food production while improving the income of primary producers and strengthening the EU's competitiveness. We examine how the degree of ecologisation affects farms' total fact[...]Article
T. Mabhaudhi ; T.L. Dirwai ; C. Taguta ; A. Sikka ; J. Lautze |While there is a proliferation of Decision Support Tools (DSTs) to enhance agricultural water productivity (AWP) and related objectives such as food security, an assessment of their adoption and performance is not known to be undertaken. To deve[...]Article
Olive groves are an important element of the Mediterranean landscape and heritage and contribute significantly to the areas rural economies. The primary interest of researchers and policymakers lies in the economic performance of this activity,[...]Article
In 2009, the ETC Group estimated that some 70% of the food that people globally consume originates in the peasant food web. This figure has been both embraced and critiqued, and more recent critiques have focussed on analysing farm productivit[...]Article
Context Organic farming is a fast-growing system considered a holistic approach that benefits the environment. However, previous studies have reported varying results on its productivity when compared to conventional farming systems. Moreover, t[...]Article
This paper looks for empirical support to the existence of a positive nexus between economic and environmental performance in farming as implied by the Sustainable Intensification hypothesis. As the ecological scale at which this nexus actually [...]Article
Small farms constitute the vast majority of agricultural holdings in the world. Therefore, there are the questions of how the small farm sector should evolve and whether economic and environmental goals can be pursued simultaneously. The main ob[...]Article
Productivity is an always-hotly-debated issue within the EU agricultural policymaking, particularly concerning the effect of subsidies distributed via the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The cereal sector is under particular political scrutiny[...]Article
Depuis la fin des années 2010, lagriculture numérique connaît un essor important caractérisé par la création dentreprises, de dispositifs de recherche mais également la mise à lagenda des politiques publiques. Nous proposons ici de comprendre[...]Article
The economic effects of global warming have gained considerable attention in the recent economic literature. While the relationship between rainfall and agriculture is well known, precipitations alone do not capture the soil water availability, [...]Article
J. Sanou ; A. Tengberg ; H.R. Bazié ; D. Mingasson ; M. Ostwald |Global population growth, especially in developing countries, will most likely require an increase in agricultural production, but the sustainability of this production cannot be achieved without the preservation of ecosystem functions. Therefor[...]Article
Dans le plan France 2030, une enveloppe de près de trois milliards deuros est prévue pour décarboner et accroître la productivité de lagriculture. Les objectifs sont ambitieux, mais il faut veiller à ce quils ne soient pas entravés par des ph[...]Article
Climate change and agriculture are inextricably linked and influence one another. Many studies have been conducted on the topic, but none have focused on developing and developed countries. This study aims to investigate the relationship between[...]Article
This study aims to measure the total productivity of agricultural production factors through the calculation of the Malmquist index for six Mediterranean countries during the period 2003-2018. The results indicate that the growth of agricultural[...]Article
Considering population projections, which are estimated to be 10 billion people in the world by 2050, agricultural demand is expected to rise by about 50% compared to 2013 levels, even under a moderate economic development scenario. The number o[...]Article
CONTEXT Both long-term climate trend and interannual climate variability are projected to affect agricultural activities. Actually, major changes in climate patterns have already occurred, affecting crop yields and livestock productivity. OBJECT[...]Article
S. Davidova ; N. Hostiou ; M. Alebaki ; A. Bailey ; Z. Bakucs ; J. Duval ; P. Gouta ; S. Henderson ; A.-L. Jacquot ; P. Jeanneaux ; B. Jendrzejewski ; K. Kilcline ; V. Konstantidelli ; P. Kostov ; L. Latruffe ; L. Schaller ; K. Van Ruymbeke ; L. Védrine ; J. Veslot ; L. Vranken ; P. Walder |Ecological farming, such as organic and low-input farming, is gaining popularity in the public discourse. One question is how this type of farming may impact farm labour from a socio-economic point of view. The article first discusses how low-in[...]Article
A.C. Sánchez ; H.N. Kamau ; F. Grazioli ; S.K. Jones |Diversified farming systems are promoted as a pathway to more sustainable agricultural production. Yet widescale adoption may be slow because of uncertainty about the viability of farmer livelihoods on diversified farms and entrenched perception[...]Article
After the Second World War, technological advancements helped to develop agriculture and meet urgent food needs. The green revolution was based on the cultivation of new high-yielding varieties, the adoption of plant protection measures, and syn[...]Article
Lagriculture actuelle fait face à des enjeux majeurs, dont celui dassurer de manière durable un approvisionnement alimentaire à une population mondiale en forte croissance. Face à cet enjeu, une amélioration de la productivité agricole en veil[...]Article
S. Hakkou ; M. Sabir ; N. Machouri |Les truffes constituent au Maroc une ressource naturelle importante pour léconomie rurale et peuvent jouer un rôle important dans lallégement de la pression sur les ressources forestières et pastorales. Cependant, on note un manque de connaiss[...]Article
This paper adopts an alternative method for the analysis of the CAP's impact on farms' productivity based on a system of equations derived from a non-nested three-factors CES production function. With this method, we estimate the elasticity of s[...]Article
The mitigation of agricultural greenhouse gases emissions is a globally relevant environmental and policy issue. For efficient mitigation, it is important to appraise whether and how much these emissions are linked to the economic performance of[...]Article
Agricultural production and productivity are important from multiple perspectives, including environmental protection, food self-sufficiency, renewable energy sources as well as economic returns. The earlier literature has sparsely addressed the[...]