INDUSTRIE ALIMENTAIRESynonyme(s)Industrie des oeufs ;Entreprise agroalimentaire ;Agro alimentaire ;Agro-alimentaire ;Agroalimentaire ;Industrie agro-alimentaire Entreprise agro-alimentaireVoir aussi |
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C. Besic ; M. Bakator ; D. Dordevic ; D. Cockalo ; S. Stanisavljev |The domestic agribusiness sector has an important role in economic development and in economic growth. The goal of the paper is to analyze potential influencing factors on sustainable agribusiness. The research methodology included qualitative c[...]Article
I. Atanasovska ; S. Choudhary ; L. Koh ; P.H. Ketikidis ; A. Solomon |This paper presents a systematic literature review on the concept of social value emerging from circular economy (CE) practice implementation in agri-food eco-industrial parks. The results show that social value stemming from CE practices is sub[...]Article
N. Noui ; M. Douffi ; N. Ghomrani |LAlgérie est un pays avec une économie basée essentiellement sur les hydrocarbures. LÉtat a pour objectif de réduire la dépendance de léconomie algérienne en diversifiant ses exportations. Dans cette perspective, de nombreuses mesures ont été[...]Article
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world economy since 2020. This study analyzed the impact of the pandemic on innovative agri-food companies from different branches of agro-industrial activity located in Extremadura (Spai[...]Article
The dairy processing industry is the largest subsector in the EU food industry and is characterised by high concentration. We investigate the extent of output market power exerted in EU dairy processing, applying an advanced stochastic frontier [...]Article
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a commitment to sustainability through innovation, sustainable economic growth and the diversification of economic activities. The social economy and the revaluation of rural heritage play a fun[...]Article
La PAC a beaucoup fait pour moderniser le secteur agricole, assurer la compétitivité de lindustrie agro-alimentaire et sécuriser les besoins alimentaires des mangeurs européens. La PAC a timidement pris le tournant de la durabilité à partir des[...]Article
V. Chatellier ; F. Cadudal ; P. Chotteau ; B. Duflot ; P. Heydemann |En modifiant la structure de la demande en types de produits animaux du fait de laugmentation de la consommation à domicile au détriment de la restauration hors foyer, la pandémie de Covid-19 a exigé une forte adaptation des acteurs de la trans[...]Article
Increasing awareness of sustainability in the agri-food sector is leading to a gradual transition toward lower-impact farming systems, such as organic and biodynamic farming. The environmental performance of organic wines has largely been compar[...]Article
For farmersgrowers, the routes to market can be complex as their produce moves through the food value chain to the final consumer. The workings, management and governance of food value chains, in turn, shape what is grown and where it is grown [...]Article
A. Dima ; E. Arvaniti ; C. Stylios ; D. Kafetzopoulos ; D. Skalkos |Traceability is becoming an essential tool for both the industry and consumers to confirm the characteristics of food products, leading industries to implement traceability to their merchandise. In order for the Computer Technology Institute and[...]Article
The purpose of this paper is to develop a measurement instrument for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) critical factors, practices and performance and validate it in the food industry. A literature review was conducted in order to ident[...]Article
The world is changing rapidly in the age of Coronavirus. The long period of deprivation, economic austerity and anxiety that is foreseen will usher new consumer attitudes and behaviors, which will change the nature of todays capitalism. There a[...]Article
Although reducing food loss and waste (FLW) is a global concern, there is a scarcity of literature devoted to the selection of suitable mitigation strategies. Previous studies are more focused on the disposal or valorisation of FLW, rather than [...]Article
La traditionnalité est un axe stratégique important dans le secteur alimentaire. Pourtant, sa définition et son opérationnalisation restent imprécises. Cette recherche conceptualise la traditionnalité perçue dun produit alimentaire à laide de [...]Article
Léconomie circulaire (EC) occupe une place prépondérante dans le discours des pouvoirs publics. Elle sapparente à un nouveau paradigme pour le développement durable, mais le concept semble divisé entre approches théoriques et pratiques diverse[...]Article
A green and resilient (G-Resilient) supply chain network is designed for perishable products under disruption risks and epistemic uncertainties. This study aims to minimize effects of the disruption by presenting new strategies, such as multiple[...]Article
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to suddenly adapt their daily operations. This has also affected the agri-food sector, which is one of the main sectors of the Spanish economy in terms of exportations. Hence, the purpose of this study [...]Article
La filière agroalimentaire est fragilisée et connaît des contrastes régionaux. Mener une seule politique de réindustrialisation nest pas forcément pertinent.Article
V Kovacevic ; D. Brenjo ; S. Cvetkovic ; L. Rajnovic |The aim of this paper is to determine the current situation in the field of geographical indications schemes (GI), obstacles for futures development and to provide recommendations for GIs development in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montene[...]Article
The main topic is Serbian agro-food potential. Serbia possesses exceptional natural resources having in mind it is located in the most favourable region of the north latitude. If this potential is used in an optimal measure, it would bring excep[...]Article
E. Raptou ; K. Mattas ; E. Tsakiridou ; G. Baourakis |The present study explored COVID-19 outbreak impacts on the food system in terms of agro-food production, distribution networks efficiency, and emerging food consumption patterns according to food experts' perspectives. Individual level data wer[...]Article
Women contribute decisively to the economy and have an important participation in agricultural exploitation in the world, providing their labor. But if they had better access to technology and training in a more equitable way, they could contrib[...]Article
M. Hamam ; M. D'Amico ; C. Zarbà ; G. Chinnici ; J. Toth |Eco-innovations that reduce the environmental effect of manufacturing and consumption are seen as critical components of sustainable development and a critical component of the transition to a circular economy. Food systems address the issue of [...]Article
Collective action among producers is a corrective measure for power imbalance, which affects primary producers in agro-food supply chains. As associations of producers and processors, Interbranch Organisations (IBOs) promote dialogue, best pract[...]Article
Cet article sinterroge sur la fabrique de la transparence au sein des filières alimentaires à partir de la restitution de deux négociations au cours desquelles lindustrie et la grande distribution ont arbitré sur la circulation et le partage d[...]Article
In 2011, Tunisia went through a revolution which transformed its modern history. Currently, the country is experiencing a moment of transition in which it faces problems, both on a social and economic level. The region Kroumerie-Mogods, in the n[...]Article
Contemporary agriculture is increasingly oriented toward the synergistic adoption of technologies such as the Internet of Things, Internet of Farming, big data analytics, and blockchain to combine resource protection and economic, social, and en[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Alim'agri, n. 1572 - Février 2022 - Agriculture, alimentation, agroalimentaire, pêche, forêt... Les chiffres qui comptent
Agri-food is the second manufacturing sector in Italy, due to its strategic nature. However,it is affected by several problematics, and one of the most severe is the generation of wastes and by-products. The circular economy could be a winning a[...]