Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (105)
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
G. Calabrese ; M.R. Bteich ; M. Requier-Desjardins ; A. Martin ; R. Mehdioui ; P. Reidsma ; G. van de Ven ; K. Boudedja | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | NATAE Project | 2023This document is the Methodological Framework for the Assessment of Performance of Agroecological Practices envisaged in the task 1.2 of the project NATAE (D1.1) and it is developed in interaction with the NATAE Living Lab Guidelines (D4.1) that[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
R. Jalkh ; M. Requier-Desjardins ; E. Lemaitre-Curri | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | NATAE Project | 2023This document presents the ethics guidelines that NATAE partners need to follow in the implementation of the Project activities. It provides the regulations related to the collection and handling and reuse of primary data, the use and processing[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Requier-Desjardins ; K. Papadopoulou ; R. Jalkh ; E. Lemaitre-Curri | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | NATAE Project | 2023This deliverable establishes all quality methods and processes to ensure quality management, quality monitoring of NATAE project and its outcomes according to the main rules and standards of Horizon Europe and to allocate responsibilities for en[...]Article
Farm advisory services have become an important topic in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU). The aim of this article is to draw lessons from the implementation of the regulation and measures of the current 20142022 [...]Article
S. McGarraghy ; G. Olafsdottir ; R. Kazakov ; E. Huber ; W. Loveluck ; I.Y. Gudbrandsdottir ; L. Cechura ; G. Esposito ; A. Samoggia ; P.-M. Aubert ; D. Barling ; I. Duric ; T.J. Jaghdani ; M. Thakur ; N.M. Saviolidis ; S.G. Bogason |System dynamics and agent-based simulation modelling approaches have a potential as tools to evaluate the impact of policy related decision making in food value chains. The context is that a food value chain involves flows of multiple products, [...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
This paper describes a research project, carried out in an Italian public school, to assess whether parents were willing to take part in food procurement decisions, as well as their ability to accurately predict what foods children would pick at[...]Article
L. Seguin ; F. Barataud ; L. Guichard ; M. Bonifazi ; V. Souchère ; S. Bouarfa ; J. Tournebize |Cet article propose danalyser la manière dont la construction transdisciplinaire dun projet de recherche, puis la mise en uvre dune démarche participative sur lenjeu des pollutions diffuses agricoles de leau (nitrates et pesticides), const[...]Article
Les collectifs dagriculteurs offrent un espace privilégié pour conforter ladoption de pratiques agronomiques écologisées, grâce à la construction et à léchange de connaissances. Or, une faible proportion dagriculteurs est engagée formellemen[...]Article
M. Lazali ; S. Boudsocq ; E. Taschen ; M. Farissi ; W. Hamdi ; P. Ralli ; H. Sentenac |Modern intensive agricultural systems generally focus on the productivity of monocultures. They are characterized by a low diversity of crops, with uniform and symmetrical planting layouts. They largely rely on the utilization of chemical inputs[...]Article
E. Ravazzoli ; C. Dalla Torre ; R. Da Re ; V.M. Govigli ; L. Secco ; E. Gorriz-Mifsud ; E. Pisani ; C. Barlagne ; A. Baselice ; M. Bengoumi ; M. Dijskhoorn-Dekker ; A. Labidi ; A. Lopolito ; M. Melnykovych ; M. Perlik ; N. Polman ; S. Sarkki ; A. Vassilopoulos ; P. Koundouri ; D. Miller ; T. Streifeneder ; M. Nijnik |Social innovation (SI) impacts are long-term changes that affect different dimensions of territorial capital (i.e., economy, society, environment, governance) for the territory in which SI occurs. Yet, systematic empirical evidence and theoretic[...]Article
A.F. Fieldsend ; E. Cronin ; E. Varga ; S. Biro ; E. Rogge |Innovation rests not only on discovery but also on cooperation and interactive learning. In agriculture, forestry and related sectors, multi-actor partnerships for co-innovation occur in many forms, from international projects to informal act[...]Article
S. Canali ; D. Antichi ; S. Cristiano ; M. Diacono ; V. Ferrante ; P. Migliorini ; F. Riva ; A. Trinchera ; R. Zanoli ; L. Colombo |The objectives of this paper are to present the dynamic of organic food and farming (OFF) research and innovation, to outline challenges in deploying programs and accessing funding, and to define key actions to foster the development of tailored[...]Article
J.-M. Ricard ; M. Millan ; B. Rosies ; S. Simon ; P.-E. Lauri ; M. Gabet |Alto est un projet de recherche Dephy Expé du plan Ecophyto II dont le centre CTIFL de Balandran est un des trois lieux de lexpérimentation. Il sagit de concevoir des vergers agroécologiques, très bas intrants phytosanitaire voire sans pestici[...]Article
V. Chable ; E. Nuijten ; A. Costanzo ; I. Goldringer ; R. Bocci ; B. Oehen ; F. Rey ; D. Fasoula ; J. Feher ; M. Keskitalo ; B. Koller ; M. Omirou ; P. Mendes-Moreira ; G. van Frank ; A.K. Naino Jika ; M. Thomas ; A. Rossi |Agroecology calls for a global approach, integrating scientific, practical, and advocacy dimensions, to redesign agricultural systems based on ecological and socio-cultural processes and emphasizing biodiversity. This review is grounded on the r[...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
Féret offers a practice-driven approach to local solutions and regional strategies that contribute to halve food waste by 2030. Building on the EU-funded ECOWASTE4FOOD project, the chapter focuses on the multi-actor arrangements that enable eco-[...]Article
A. Bonfante ; E. Monaco ; P. Manna ; R. De Mascellis ; A. Basile ; M. Buonanno ; G. Cantilena ; A. Esposito ; A. Tedeschi ; C. De Michele ; O. Belfiore ; I. Catapano ; G. Ludeno ; K. Salinas ; A. Brook |The efficient use of water in agriculture is one of the most significant agricultural challenges that modern technologies are helping to cope with through Irrigation Advisory Services (IAS) and Decision Support Systems (DSS). These last are cons[...]Article
S. Lurol ; X. Vernin ; A. Bebin ; P. Husson ; C. Baros ; M.-L Brachet ; M. Chillet ; C. Brabet ; F. Charles |Les recherches menées dans le projet D²Biofruits ont porté sur quatre espèces de fruits jugées sensibles aux pertes. Des méthodologies de quantification et dévaluation des causes de pertes ont été développées grâce à des diagnostics dentrepris[...]Article
Considering the social and ecological obsolescence of the conventional agricultural model and the crisis faced by rural areas, innovative models based on collective initiatives and agroecological practices are emerging. Here, we present the use [...]E-Book
B. Heimann, ed. ; L. O'Brien, ed. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2019New developments - scientific, technical, societal and political - influence not only the agenda for research but also research structures, resource requirements (human and otherwise), education and training programs and interfaces with partners[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
La concertation semble en passe de devenir une norme en matière de gestion des ressources naturelles et de l'environnement. Pourtant, son impact reste difficile à caractériser, ce qui génère une forme de désenchantement auprès de ses promoteurs.[...]Article
T.A. Toop ; S. Ward ; T. Oldfield ; M. Hull ; M.E. Kirby ; M.K. Theodorou |Continuing population growth and increasing consumption are driving global food demand, with agricultural activity expanding to keep pace. The modern agricultural system is wasteful, with Europe generating some 700 million tonnes of agrifood (ag[...]Article
La mise en uvre de lagenda de Lisbonne (2000) sest traduite par dimportants changements dans les modes de pilotage de la recherche académique, en France comme dans dautres pays européens. À travers la présentation de travaux de recherche en[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
La comparaison internationale fait lobjet dun intérêt académique et dune demande sociale croissante. Mais les enjeux conceptuels et méthodologiques de cette pratique de recherche exigeante sont parfois sous-estimés. À partir de lanalyse réfl[...]