SECTEUR AGROINDUSTRIELSynonyme(s)Industrie agroalimentaire ;Agroindustrie Secteur agro alimentaireVoir aussi |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (906)
Agro-food networks are characterized by complex material exchanges among farms, processors, consumers, and waste managers involved in fertilization, food, feed and bioenergy production. Better coordination of material exchanges at the local scal[...]Article
Food safety, whether actual or perceived, is one of the major reasons for food waste along the agri‐food supply chain. Food safety hazards at farm level such as mycotoxin contamination of feed, overuse of antimicrobials in livestock diseas[...]Article
Quels pouvoirs informels au sein des circuits courts et locaux agroalimentaires ? Le cas du Limousin
Cette recherche porte sur des collectifs de production agricole en circuits courts et locaux agroalimentaires (CCLA), établis dans le Limousin, souhaitant avoir un fonctionnement démocratique, inspiré directement ou indirectement de léconomie s[...]Article
A. Corallo ; M.E. Latino ; M. Menegoli ; F. Striani |Since the 1990s, governments look to traceability as a part of their safety and quality assurance strategies. This study aims to analyse the diffusion levels of the traceability systems in the Italian agrifood industry. A theoretical framework w[...]Article
The lack of industrialization, inadequacy of the management, information inaccuracy, and inefficient supply chains are the significant issues in an agri-food supply chain. The proposed solutions to overcome these challenges should not only consi[...]Série
FER (Madrid, Espagne) | Madrid [Espagne] : UPA. Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos | Agricultura Familiar en Espana: Anuario, ISSN 1887-9292 | 2020Un año más, el Anuario de la Agricultura Familiar en España sale a la luz gracias a la Fundación de Estudios Rurales, entidad creada en el año 2000 en el seno de UPA con el objetivo de impulsar el estudio y debate de todos los aspectos culturale[...]Article
Les évolutions du commerce et des modes de consommation ne sont pas sans conséquences sur tous les maillons de la supply chain de l'agroalimentaire. Les transformations touchent de nombreux domaines : prévision des ventes, entrepôt, mutualisatio[...]Ouvrage
S. Capelli, coord. ; C. Guillot-Soulez, coord. ; W. Sabadie, coord. | Paris [France] : EMS | Questions de société | 2020A lheure des crises financières, de la crise des revenus agricoles, des burn out professionnels et de la délocalisation des emplois, les entreprises coopératives restent encore discrètes sur leur mode dorganisation. Pourtant, porter à la conna[...]Article
Effective management of the end-to-end process of a food industry is vital for the achievement of the key strategic objectives of this organisation. However, various factors have limited the performance and productivity of the supply chain syste[...]Article
Les travaux portant sur linclusion des petits exploitants dans lagriculture contractuelle dans le monde dressent des constats contradictoires. En Algérie, lÉtat a engagé en 2009 un programme dappui à lintégration des filières lait et tomate[...]Article
D. Kos ; S. Kloppenburg |Globalization of food value chains has increased the demand for greater transparency over where food is produced, how, by whom and with what effect on society and the environment. A range of new digital technologies are available to facilitate t[...]Article
A. de Ravignan ; J. Delépine ; S. Béchaux ; V. Grimault ; C. Mouzon ; J. Macaigne, illus. |À lheure de concocter le menu de fête, votre conscience écologique vous travaille : faut-il renoncer au foie gras ? Bannir la viande ? Les marrons oui, mais le chapon non ? Préférer les fraises cultivées sous serre en Bretagne à lananas import[...]Article
M.A. Miranda-Ackerman ; C. Azzaro-Pantel ; A.A. Aguilar-Lasserre ; A. Bueno-Solano ; K.C. Arredondo-Soto |An important contribution to the environmental impact of agro-food supply chains is related to the agricultural technology and practices used in the fields during raw material production. This problem can be framed from the point of view of the [...]Article
The concept of inclusive business has gained a central place in development policy and practice. that the underlying premise is that by making small scale farmers part of their business model, companies can increase their profitability and at th[...]Article
Private business is increasingly presented as a leading agent of development in policy, also in the pursuit of developmental goals beyond business, such as food security (SDG2 in particular). It is argued that the private sector is more effectiv[...]Article
R. Oostendorp ; M. van Asseldonk ; J. Gathiaka ; R. Mulwa ; M. Radeny ; J. Recha ; C. Wattel ; L. van Wesenbeeck |Inclusive agribusiness models aim at benefitting broad layers of the farming population in developing countries, not only farmers in well-structured value chains, but also (remote) subsistence smallholders producing for local markets. Under clim[...]Article
This article extends social science research on big data and data platforms through a focus on agriculture, which has received relatively less attention than other sectors like health. In this paper, I use a responsible innovation framework to m[...]Article
Current research into the supply chain coordination problem of product quality focuses mainly on the two-echelon supply chain, and most coordination models neglect the demand relationship between quantity and quality. Even in a direct salepatter[...]Article
Changer intelligemment nos modes de production et de consommation alimentaires peut avoir un impact considérable sur notre planète.Article
R. Hinson ; R. Lensink ; A. Mueller |Transformation of agribusiness is critical in light of the Agenda for Sustainable Development. FinTech and the integration of FinTech with other (green) technologies as well as with digitized agriculture plays an important role when it comes to,[...]Article
Entre 1970 et 2000, la performance du secteur agricole, tant dans le domaine des produits bruts que transformés, a conduit la France au second rang des exportateurs mondiaux. Depuis lors, on constate une érosion globale de cette performance, y c[...]Article
In Europe, a core-periphery model has been allowed to develop in rural areas, leading to the marginalization and even abandonment of farms due to low competitiveness, which in turn has negatively impacted on the local agri-food industry. Innovat[...]Article
Alors que les agriculteurs sont devenus très minoritaires dans notre société, lentrée plus tardive en activité, le vieillissement marqué de leur population et les difficultés de transmission du patrimoine foncier contribuent à la diminution rap[...]Article
E. Bottani ; T. Murino ; M. Schiavo ; R. Akkerman |This paper addresses the Resilient Food Supply Chain Design (RFSCD) problem, which is the problem of designing a food supply chain that is resilient enough to ensure business operations continuity in the event of risks or disruptions. Based on a[...]Article
Lobjectif de cet article est dexpliquer les freins existants à la mise en place de solutions efficientes et durables dans les canaux de distribution alimentaire en contexte rural, en se concentrant sur le rôle joué par les leaders de ces canau[...]Article
J. Hale ; K. Legun ; H. Campbell ; M. Carolan |We are living in an era of the audit. Sustainability indicators are used to ensure that industries are behaving responsibly. The audits are well elaborated in their environmental requirements, but they are often less directly engaged with issues[...]Article
C. Bullon ; T. Viinikainen ; L. Li ; C. Rizzo ; J. Remengesau |With globalisation and transformations of our agrifood systems, contract farming (CF) agreements between producers and buyers have gained prominence. But what is CF, and why is there growing interest in it? What is needed for it to be efficient,[...]Article
La stratégie de transformation digitale renvoie à lensemble des actions qui doivent être mises en uvre autour du numérique par une organisation en vue datteindre ses objectifs. Elle intègre à la fois de façon native une orientation « business[...]Article
Les secteurs agricole et alimentaire sont capitaux pour l'économie française.