Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (299)
P. Prosperi ; Y. Soltanpour ; S. Ahmadi Kaliji ; L. Ouahi ; M. Ait Hou ; C. Achillas ; H. Ahmed ; D. Aidonis ; L. Bartoli ; M. De Rosa ; A. Ghannouchi ; J. Harm ; E.D. Lioutas ; T. Terilli ; L. Camanzi |Fruit and vegetables play a crucial role in ensuring food and nutrition security, and developing more sustainable value chains in agriculture and the agri-food sector. To support a greater supply of fruit and vegetables, small farmers productio[...]Article
The increasingly adverse impacts of climate change (e.g., rainfall patterns, droughts, and floods), coupled with the ever-increasing water demands, are often translated into a contingent liability for water users communities. Additional complex[...]Article
O.M. Moreno-Pérez ; L. Arnalte-Mur ; P. Cerrada-Serra ; V. Martinez-Gomez ; A. Adamsone-Fiskovica ; H. Bjørkhaug ; G. Brunori ; M. Czekaj ; D. Duckett ; P.A. Hernández ; C. Noble ; T. Pinto-Correia ; A. Plonka ; P. Prosperi ; M. Redman ; M. Rivera ; S. Sumane ; D. Ortiz-Miranda |This study stems from a participatory foresight exercise conducted in nine Mediterranean, Baltic, Nordic and Eastern European regions, aiming to strengthen the role of small farms and small food businesses in ensuring food security. A wide range[...]Article
The European Commission is directing efforts into triggering the storage of carbon in agricultural soils by encouraging the adoption of carbon farming practices under the European Green Deal and in other key EU policies. However, farmers that wa[...]Article
Climate change has many negative effects on the viticulture sector, as it does in all sectors. In recent years, global climate change has also shown its effect in the form of sudden climatic events. There is an urgent need to develop preventive/[...]Article
In the contemporary discourse, smart agriculture (SA) stands out as a potent driver for sustainable economic growth. The challenges of navigating SA transition are notably intricate in developing nations. To effectively embark on this transforma[...]Article
Improving the quality of CAP strategic planning through enhancing the role of agricultural economics
Extending strategic planning to the full range of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) interventions could improve the impacts of this controversial public policy. Science, particularly agricultural economics, can play a role in improving the qualit[...]Article
C. Bernard-Mongin ; X. Poux ; I. Herzon ; J. Moran ; T. Pinto-Correia ; D.E. Dumitras ; M. I. Ferraz-de-Oliveira ; F. Gouriveau ; D. Goussios ; M. Jitea ; Y. Kazakova ; R. Koivuranta ; F. Lerin ; M. Ljung ; A. Lomba ; V. Mihai ; M. Puig de Morales ; G. Vlahos |High Nature Value (HNV) farmlands currently retain most of the biodiversity associated with agricultural landscapes in Europe. In a time of globalized food systems, the social-ecological conditions to maintain these low-intensity and thus less p[...]E-Book
Biodiversity conservation calls for a revolutionary approach to our relationship with nature and the living world. But it also requires completely rethinking the way we develop international policies and strategies. While these instruments must [...]Ouvrage
De la Méditerranée au Caucase, voire au-delà, les conceptions géopolitiques turques, avec leurs prolongements stratégiques et militaires, ébranlent lOTAN et interpellent lOccident. Au Karabakh comme en Libye ou dans le nord syrien, Recep Tay[...]Ouvrage
A. Naulleau ; C. Gary ; L. Prévot ; F. Vinatier ; L. Hossard |Context Climate change threatens wine growing systems in varying ways because of their high diversity, even at a local scale. This diversity needs to be considered when designing and assessing adaptation strategies to coordinate better with thes[...]Article
M. Donner ; Y. Erraach ; F. López-i-Gelats ; J. Manuel-i-Martin ; T. Yatribi ; I. Radic ; F. El Hadad-Gauthier |The circular economy and bioeconomy can contribute to transitioning towards more sustainable production and consumption in the olive oil sector. This article is the first to analyse multi-actor strategies and multi-level socio-economic condition[...]Article
Areas where there is a scarcity of water frequently experience significant drought periods, which may become exacerbated in the future due to climate change. In this paper we propose a novel and integrated method for a semi-distributed analysis [...]Article
La géographie et lhistoire dabord, un ensemble de facteurs sociaux, économiques, politiques et environnementaux ensuite, sont à lorigine des importantescirculations migratoires observées entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée. À mesure que l[...]Article
Vieille puissance méditerranéenne, la Russie a opéré un retour en force dans la région à la faveur de sa reconquête de la Crimée et de son intervention en Syrie. Cette politique, contrairement aux apparences, répond à un sentiment de menace de M[...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
K. Kevany ; P. Prosperi | 2022Nothing less than a call to action can be the focus of this final chapter. This handbook has put forth profound and compelling arguments for rapid transition to sustainable diets. Inaction and excuses cannot be justified; protection of public re[...]Ouvrage
N. Abdi ; O. Bessaoud, préf. | Vulaines sur Seine [France] : Editions du Croquant | Sociétés et Politique en Méditerranée | 2022Cet ouvrage est laboutissement de longues années de travail par le chercheur Nourredine Abdi. Après son décès, à linitiative de son épouse, son texte, écrit à des périodes diverses, a été relu et harmonisé. Pour ce livre, on sest efforcé d[...]Article
Grasslands can significantly contribute to climate mitigation. However, recent trends indicate that human activities have switched their net cooling effect to a warming effect due to management intensification and land conversion. This indicates[...]Article
P. Karanikolas ; V. Martinez-Gomez ; F. Galli ; P. Prosperi ; P.A. Hernández ; L. Arnalte-Mura ; M. Rivera ; G. Goussios ; L. Fastelli ; E. Oikonomopoulou ; A. Fonseca |This study aims to identify the various forms of integration of olive-oil-producing small farms (OSFs) into food systems in four Southern European regions, as well as to identify the most beneficial strategies of integration. Drawing on data fro[...]Article
R. Anton ; A. Ruiz-Sagaseta ; L. Orcaray ; F.J. Arricibita ; A. Enrique ; I.D. Soto ; I. Virto |The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the different agricultural management adaptive strategies considered in the framework of a regional climate change adaptation roadmap in Navarre (Spain), from the point of view of soil p[...]Article
Strategic foresight is systematic means to explore plausible futures. In the agricultural context, strategic foresight allows decision-makers to explore how alternative investments in agriculture research may function given anticipated futures a[...]Article
M. Bouchetara ; M. Wotto ; S. Eyih |Les stratégies nationales de modernisation agissent comme des facteurs favorisant des innovations pour créer des emplois et la richesse nationale, spécialement dans le domaine agricole. Quels sont les effets des stratégies nationales de modernis[...]Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)
J. Manuel-i-Martin ; M. Donner ; I. Radic ; Y. Erraach ; F. El Hadad-Gauthier ; T. Yatribi ; F. López-i-Gelats | 2021Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Agricultural land use is a major driver of biodiversity losses and changes in ecosystem services. Thus, for the sake of both humans and wild organism per se, effective strategies that enable both agricultural production and conservation of biodi[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
H. Abdallah | 2021La présente étude a pour objectif principal d'analyser et d'évaluer la compétitivité du secteur agricole libanais, prenant comme étude de cas la filière pommes. En vue de répondre aux objectifs de l'étude, la méthode utilisée s'est basée sur l'a[...]Article
The olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is an ancient traditional crop in the Mediterranean Basin. In the Mediterranean region, traditional olive orchards are distinguishable by their prevailing climatic conditions. Olive trees are indeed considered o[...]Article
C. Contini ; G. Marotta ; B. Torquati |This special issue of Agricultural and Food Economics consists of four articles that were part of the scientific programme of the First SIDEA-SIEA Joint Conference, held in Bisceglie in September 2017. The conference afforded agricultural econom[...]Article
Resilience, defined as the ability to recover quickly and effectively from a disruption, is critically important for supply chains. Yet, it has not been quantified as frequently as supply chain robustness. In this paper we review the existing me[...]