Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (545)
En France, les politiques agricoles ont longtemps fait primer lagrandissement sur linstallation de nouvelles fermes. Pour renouveler la profession et faire face à la réduction du nombre dexploitations, un renversement simpose.Article
Larticle analyse si les aides du premier pilier de la PAC ont été distribuées, entre 2002 et 2017, selon des critères environnementaux et de revenu. Les niveaux individuels démissions de gaz à effet de serre des exploitations sont calculés à l[...]Article
Petites fermes des villes, petites fermes des montagnes et soutiens de la Politique agricole commune
Ce papier présente à partir denquêtes de terrain deux grandes stratégies de maintien partagées par des petites exploitations agricoles dans des territoires aussi différents que le périurbain de Montpellier et les Baronnies des Pyrénées. La prem[...]Article
Volatile prices and income uncertainties are major issues for farmers, leading to a demand for policies that mitigate such risks. However, the budgetary consequences of risk management schemes are uncertain due to their dependence on market pric[...]Article
The Common Agricultural Policy 20142020, set up in 2015 and extended until 31 December 2022, introduced a payment instrument called Greening. The aim of Greening was to encourage agricultural practices that are beneficial for the environment wh[...]Article
M. Constantin ; I.D. Radulescu ; J.V. Andrei ; L. Chivu ; V. Erokhin ; T. Gao |European agriculture is the result and experiences of a numerous and md determinant reforms during last period of time. Labor productivity and green gas emissions represents two major turning points in analyzing the Common Agricultural Policy ev[...]Article
Contributing to the ongoing debate on the future of European agriculture and rural areas, the study states that, in the light of the present historical contingency, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will need to support the reconciliation bet[...]Article
Today, a model for an eco-friendly agricultural sector represents a necessity. Organic agriculture is a production system that tries to reach this goal. European programs encourage farmers into being more environmentally conscious: the funds for[...]Article
This article seeks to highlight the performance of the farm sector in the main EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom). Based on the productivity surplus account method (PSAM), our performance analysi[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
This study modelled the responsiveness of small-scale farmers in France to two types of producer subsidies available under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): the small farmers scheme and voluntary coupled support. The potential impacts of sub[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Cette étude a modélisé limpact potentiel sur la prise de décision des agriculteurs à petite échelle en France, par rapport à deux types de régimes de subventions à la production dans le cadre de la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC) : un régime d[...]Article
El objetivo de este artículo es examinar las propuestas agrícolas y financieras presentadas en 2018 al tiempo que se identifican sus principales hilos conductores y singularidades. El análisis incluye los cambios efectuados por la Comisión en 20[...]Article
Sustainable agricultural production, including its economic, environmental and social dimensions, is now explicitly recognised as one of the principal objectives for the EUs Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This is in line with the 2030 Agenda[...]Article
Considering the existing world population, set of environmental impacts, and predicted changes in dietary trends, one can expect that, in the coming decades, food security will remain high on the list of sustainability concerns. In relation to t[...]Article
As a multi-objective policy, the EU Common Agricultural Policy continues to secure significant income support for farmers as one of the nine specific objectives. We estimate the income transfer efficiency of a broad set of pivotal policy measure[...]Article
L'UE a activé des outils limités pour juguler les conséquences de la crise sanitaire sans renoncer au paradigme de l'abandon de la gestion des marchés.Article
Il faut du temps pour comprendre ce que la Commission européenne a exactement proposé pour le budget de la Pac, dans le cadre de sa nouvelle proposition de perspectives financières 2021-2027Article
Over the last 30 years, the European Union has significantly reformed its Common Agricultural Policy by introducing direct payments to farmers and reducing price support levels. While the European agricultural prices become more volatile, all ec[...]Article
Il y a déjà plus de trente ans, Michel Petit a proposé un cadre danalyse des politiques agricoles insistant sur le caractère séquentiel du processus délaboration et dévolution des politiques publiques. Ce cadre danalyse a été employé par div[...]Article
The eco-schemes proposed by the European Commission for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP ) have the potential to make agriculture more sustainable and climate smart. Based on Dutch policy advice we suggest basing the implementation on foo[...]Article
H. Guyomard ; C. Détang-Dessendre ; P. Dupraz ; A. Gohin ; V. Réquillart ; L.-G. Soler ; V. Chatellier ; C. Brennetot ; B. Dedieu ; L. Delaby ; S. Pellerin ; J.-L. Peyraud ; B. Schmitt |Cet article propose une analyse de plusieurs aspects des propositions législatives pour la PAC de laprès 2020 présentées par la Commission européenne le 1er juin 2018. La première section, de nature transversale, aborde les questions des object[...]Article
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was established by the European Community in the 1950s to provide financial support to farmers in member states, increase agricultural productivity by promoting technical progress, and ensure a fair standard [...]Article
La politique agricole commune (PAC) date de 1962. La situation de l'Europe a beaucoup évoluée depuis, comme le montre l'essoufflement de son projet politique. Pourtant l'Europe occupe la première place des exportateurs mondiaux dans un secteur d[...]Article
We quantitatively assess the impacts of re‐allocating budgetary resources within Pillar 1 of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) from direct income support to a direct greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction subsidy for EU farmers. The analys[...]Article
R. Simoncini ; I. Ring ; C. Sandström ; C. Albert ; U. Kasymov ; R. Arlettaz |The European Unions Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), being one of the strongest drivers of agricultural land-use practices, has a substantial impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Member States. The initial focus of the CAP to i[...]Article
Jobs and agricultural policy: Impact of the common agricultural policy on EU agricultural employment
This paper investigates the relationship between EU agricultural subsidies and the outflow of labor from agriculture. We use more representative subsidy indicators and a wider coverage (panel data from 210 EU regions over the period 2004-2014) t[...]Article
N. Vivier ; C. Lippert ; E. Moyano Estrada ; N. van Opstal ; D. Ciolos ; G. Bazin |Cette séance est à linitiative de la section 4 (Nadine VIVIER qui fera lintroduction) et de la section 10 (Gilles BAZIN qui fera la conclusion). Quatre interventions de 20 minutes (maximum) sont prévues, suivies dune demi-heure de débats. La [...]Article
The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (CAP) is one of the oldest and most controversial of the UE policies. Different possible scenarios of the future reforms of the CAP are currently being discussed. They vary in terms of the ext[...]Article
L. Nilsson ; Y. Clough ; H.G. Smith ; J. Alkan Olsson ; M. Brady ; J. Hristov ; P. Olsson ; K. Skantze ; D. Stahlberg ; J. Dänhardt |As a part of the greening of the EUs Common Agricultural Policy in 2013, Ecological Focus Areas (EFA) became mandatory for many European farmers, with the aim to enhance on-farm biodiversity. However, their effects on biodiversity have been dis[...]Article
Le maintien de la PAC et de son budget sont indispensables pour garantir l'égalité de traitement entre les agriculteurs.