Catégories principales > 06 - AGRICULTURE. FORÊTS. PÊCHES > 6.5 - Gestion des Exploitations
6.5 - Gestion des Exploitations |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (417)
Agricultural Big Data is a set of technologies that allows responding to the challenges of the new data era. In conjunction with machine learning, farmers can use data to address problems such as farmers decision making, water management, soil [...]Article
C. Roman ; M. Peris ; J. Esteve ; M. Tejerina ; J. Cambray ; P. Vilardell ; S. Planas |Agricultural productivity cannot be sustained without the application of plant protection measures. Within the framework of integrated pest management (IPM), the use of chemical pesticides should be limited to the last option among the available[...]Article
A. Perrin ; M. Czyrnek-Delêtre ; M. Ben Jaballah ; A. Rouault ; H.M.G. van der Werf ; M. Ghali ; A. Sigwalt ; C. Renaud-Gentié |There is an urgent need for agriculture in general, and for viticulture in particular, to reduce their impacts on the environment. Doing so requires an approach that supports transitioning to more environmentally friendly practices. Involving fa[...]Article
Generational renewal is a core issue in European agriculture. Despite the continuous efforts of governments and the EU Council, the ageing of farmers seems an unstoppable process, accompanied by land concentration, the decrease in agricultural a[...]Article
Nowadays, the sustainability of Greek dairy cattle farms is questionable due to low competitiveness and high GHG emissions. In this context, the BIOCIRCULAR project, funded by the EYDE ETAK, developed a series of alternative practices focusing o[...]Article
Depuis sa création en 2011, lorganisme d'auto-construction et de formation au machinisme agricole devenu lAtelier paysan vise à développer un plaidoyer et des alternatives au service de lautonomisation technique des paysans et paysannes. Dans[...]Article
Cet article analyse la prise en charge par les coopératives de la critique environnementale au moyen doutils numériques et la façon dont leur cadre dusage se construit avec les technico-commerciaux (TC) et les agriculteurs. À partir du cas du[...]Article
With the European Green Deal, presented in December 2019, the EU Commission aims at making Europe the worlds first climate neutral continent by 2050. In this plan agriculture plays a key role and so does organic farming. The aim of this work is[...]Article
Farms face various risks such as uncertainties in the natural growth process, obtaining adequate financing, volatile input and output prices, unpredictable changes in farm-related policy and regulations, and farmers' personal health problems. Ac[...]Article
Agricultural policymakers call for the operationalisation of farm resilience as a dynamic concept. Therefore, we quantify farm resilience along the dimensions of robustness, adaptation and transformation. Using the rich Farm Accountancy Data Net[...]Article
Z. Benedek ; L. Barath ; I. Ferto ; E. Merino-Gaibor ; A. Molnar ; E. Orban ; G. Nemes |The outbreak of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused unprecedented disruption to the global food distribution network (Barrett, 2020; Hobbs, 2020; Torero, 2020). Although the major impact, with the exception of those who suffered from [...]Article
I. Ferchichi ; I. Mekki ; A. Biarnès ; M. Elloumi ; A. Zaïri |Dans le monde rural tunisien, la libéralisation de léconomie a favorisé le développement des grandes exploitations entrepreneuriales, souvent irriguées et intensifiées au détriment des autres types dexploitations : en particulier, les petites [...]Article
M. Albert ; J.-E. Bergez ; S. Couture ; R. Faivre ; M. Willaume |Agricultural practices are heterogeneous among farmers in the face of climate hazards. Structural and material resources as well as risk preferences explain some of this heterogeneity, but little is known about how psychological factors associat[...]Article
The need to produce safe food products for an ever-growing world population while reducing the impact on climate change makes it necessary for the farm business to combine productivity and sustainability. As more efficient and sustainable produc[...]Article
Keeping rural areas alive is a major objective of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) through the promotion of employment in the agri-food sector. Changing demographics on traditional EU farms challenge that objective.Article
Larticle examine les conditions sociales de ladhésion dagriculteurs au mode de production biologique. À partir dune enquête ethnographique menée auprès de maraîchers, il interroge les contextes dans lesquels se forgent et sexpriment les dis[...]Article
E. Paroissien ; L. Latruffe ; L. Piet |This article investigates the effects of economic performance and neighbours characteristics on farmers exit behaviour before retirement age. Using a unique set of social security data describing all French farmers under 50 over the years 2004[...]Article
M. Engen ; E. Sando ; B.L. Sjolander ; S. Arenberg ; R. Gupta ; M. Goodwin |Farm-scale crop yield prediction is a natural development of sustainable agriculture, producing a rich amount of food without depleting and polluting environmental resources. Recent studies on crop yield production are limited to regional-scale [...]Article
L.E. Dewenam ; S. Er-Raki ; J. Ezzahar ; A. Chehbouni |The main goal of this investigation was to evaluate the potential of the WOFOST model for estimating leaf area index (LAI), actual evapotranspiration (ETa), soil moisture content (SM), above-ground biomass levels (TAGP) and grain yield (TWSO) of[...]Article
L. Turner ; M.T. Harrison ; M. Monjardino ; P. deVoil ; D. Rodriguez |Decision support systems (DSS) have long been used in research, service provision and extension. Despite the diversity of technological applications in which past agricultural DSS canvass, there has been relatively little information on either t[...]Article
Determination of suitable locations for agricultural products is an important subject to study, as it is essential to identify optimal areas for crop productivity and sustainable farming activities. This study proposes a site selection assessmen[...]Article
In 2018, Spain was the third largest producer and the leading exporter of wine in the world. Viticulture is an important economic activity in the Castilla y León region, and is an element capable of halting the flight from the countryside and fa[...]Article
L. Piet ; V. Chatellier ; N. Delame ; Y. Desjeux ; P. Jeanneaux ; C. Laroche-Dupraz ; A. Ridier ; P. Veysset |Larticle décrit les principaux résultats de la recherche AgrIncome, financée par le ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation, et réalisée en 2019 par l'UMR SMART-LERECO (INRAE), qui visait à analyser le revenu des agriculteurs français [...]Article
La mesure du revenu agricole, lanalyse de ses principaux déterminants et limpact des politiques publiques sur son niveau et son évolution constituent des enjeux importants. En effet, celui-ci est tout à la fois un indicateur de la performance [...]Article
Définir et évaluer le revenu agricole est porteur denjeux pour tout acteur public ou privé qui y fait référence. Les indicateurs macroéconomiques du revenu agricole sont pertinents pour des comparaisons entre pays tandis que les indicateurs mic[...]Article
La frontière entre sphère privée et sphère professionnelle est encore aujourdhui difficile à tracer pour les revenus et le patrimoine des ménages agricoles. Dans les formes sociétaires, le patrimoine foncier est souvent détenu par les associés [...]Article
C. Laurent ; B. Oger ; J.A. Taylor ; T. Scholasch ; A. Metay ; B. Tisseyre |Grapevine yield is defined as the quantity of harvest, expressed as either grape mass or wine volumeunits, which has been collected per surface unit are and per crop cycle. The information about current and future yield, termed a yield assessmen[...]Article
S. Akdemir ; E.A. Kougnigan ; F. Keskin ; H. Akcaoz ; I. Boz ; I. Kutlar ; Y. Miassi ; G. Kusek ; M. Turker |Agriculture is a sector that is widely known to be impacted not only by the natural conditions of a country but also by other economic and political sectors. Turkish agriculture, in a context marked in recent years by a rural exodus of young peo[...]Article
To achieve sustainability, agricultural insurance is one of the main tools capable of reducing the vulnerability of farmers. This is the reason it is important to investigate the different factors that affect the farmers agricultural insurance [...]Article
La sécurité alimentaire en Tunisie ou à léchelle nationale est une question sensible et stratégique. La grande diversité du domaine climatique tunisien et l'extension des terres agricoles sur une superficie de 10 millions d'hectares, dont (5 mi[...]