PACSynonyme(s)Politique agricole communeVoir aussi |
Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (1160)
M. Helena Guimarães ; T. Pinto-Correia ; M. de Belém Costa Freitas ; I. Ferraz-de-Oliveira ; E. Sales-Baptista ; J.F.F. da Veiga ; J. Tiago Marques ; C. Pinto-Cruz ; C. Godinho ; A.D.F. Belo |The Montado is a silvopastoral system with a tree cover of predominantly Quercus suber but also Quercus rotundifolia, where cattle or sheep graze the understory. It occupies more than one million hectares in southern Portugal, and a similar land[...]Article
La future PAC affiche une plus grande ambition climatique et environnementale recherchée via notamment le nouvel instrument de l'éco-régime du premier pilier. Cet article analyse les conditions d'accès des agriculteurs à l'éco-régime français pa[...]Article
A. Varacca ; L. Arata ; E. Castellari ; P. Sckokai |The Common Agricultural Policy reform 20132020 has conditioned 30 per cent of the direct payments to greening requirements. Our study investigates whether one of these requirements, the ecological focus area (EFA) obligation, has led to e[...]Article
In this article, we quantify the impact of the crop diversification measure implemented in France as part of the 2013 common agricultural policy greening reform. We exploit a discontinuity in the constraints imposed on farms larger and smaller t[...]Article
Many Member States and diverse stakeholders continue to present conservative positions in the CAP reform process to enhance environmental sustainability. During the last process of reform, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture favoured the mainten[...]Article
New social demands, opportunities in the green economy, opportunities opened up by digital technology, and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the spread of remote work have again drawn attention to rural areas. In 2020, the European C[...]Article
G. Fusco ; F. Campobasso ; L. Laureti ; M. Frittelli ; D. Valente ; I. Petrosillo |Agriculture is a key activity in guarantying food security, one of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. However, agriculture can be an environmental impacting activity when it is managed withou[...]Article
The Income Stabilisation Tool (IST), which was recently added to the European Common Agricultural Policy's risk management toolkit, is a mutual fund that aims at stabilising farmers' income. We investigate the drivers of farmers' participation i[...]Bulletin : Revue
Alim'agri, n. 1573 - Février 2023 - Politique agricole commune 2023-2027 : nouveau cap pour la PAC
The new CAP implementation model requires each Member State to design a CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) to deliver operational actions under the two CAP pillars. Each CSP must be built from an evidence-based needs assessment that undergoes rigorous pri[...]Série
FER (Madrid, Espagne) | Madrid [Espagne] : UPA. Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos | Agricultura Familiar en Espana: Anuario, ISSN 1887-9292 | 202330 años de Agricultura Familiar En 1994, UPA comenzó la aventura de publicar un Anuario de la Agricultura Familiar. El objetivo era sencillo, aunque ambicioso: recoger en una obra de carácter anual los principales datos, ideas y propuestas de e[...]Série
S. Abis, dir. ; A. Marie, coord. | Paris [France] : Club Déméter | Déméter : Economie et Stratégies Agricoles, ISSN 1166-2115 | 2023Lagriculture et lalimentation sont au cur des défis contemporains et des solutions de demain. Toujours déterminantes pour la sécurité collective et lexistence de chacune et chacun, elles conditionnent les trajectoires de développement durabl[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
T. Latorre Carrascosa | 2023The adoption of sustainable practices is essential to ensure the adaptability of agri-food systems. This is even more evident in the context of climate change and the uncertainty in which farming systems operate today, within the sharp changes i[...]E-Book
A. Tibi, coord. ; V. Martinet, coord. ; A. Vialatte, coord. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2023Lavènement des engrais et des pesticides de synthèse a permis aux agriculteurs de saffranchir des contraintes environnementales limitant les rendements et sest accompagnée dune simplification des parcelles et des paysages agricoles. Les impa[...]Article
Due to the environmental radicalization of European politics, which is reflected in the European Green Deal, Farm to Fork strategy, and new CAP 2023-2027, this paper aims to determine the impact of agri-environmental indicators on soil productiv[...]Article
O. Gava ; A. Povellato ; F. Galioto ; J. Prazan ; G. Schwarz ; A.L. Quero ; U.Y. Iragui ; C.A. Massa ; A. Zilans ; J. Carolus |Agroecological transitions have the potential to deliver multiple environmental and social benefits. However socio-economic barriers have prevented those transitions in many European contexts. This article aims to inform policymakers about polic[...]Article
The goals of the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity call for a global transition to sustainability. To achieve these goals, subsidies can be implemented. Subsidies are pervasive especially (but not only) in the agricultur[...]Article
G. Hurduzeu ; R.L. Pânzaru ; D.M. Medelete ; A. Ciobanu ; C. Enea |The development of sustainable agriculture is treated as a priority at the EU level, and the importance and role of agriculture, in general, and sustainable agriculture, in particular, is undeniable. The European Commission pushes for sustainabi[...]Article
This study aims to answer the following research questions: (a) to what extent do EU rural development supports for investments address territorial differences of rural areas, especially concerning the differences between rich and intensive area[...]Article
Les aides de la Politique agricole commune (PAC) sont, pour la plupart, distribuées par hectare de surface agricole utile. Par définition, les petites exploitations en touchent peu et pourtant, leurs contributions économiques, environnementales [...]Article
The agricultural sector is one of the key sectors that need to be transformed in order to mitigate climate change. The use of predictive models supported by big data ("big data predictive tools") has already been named in the literature as one k[...]Article
A. Paulus ; N. Hagemann ; M.C. Baaken ; S. Roilo ; V. Alarcón-Segura ; A.F. Cord ; M. Beckmann |Agri-environmental schemes (AES) belong to the main instruments of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to foster sustainable farming practices that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, ecosystem services, climate cha[...]Article
A. Zickiene ; R. Melnikiene ; M. Morkunas ; A. Volkov |This study presents an innovative approach to measuring the impact of EU CAP direct payments on the economic resilience of agriculture at a sectoral level. The construct of resilience is approached from the perspective of the resilience of the m[...]Article
This paper assesses how efficiently Common Agricultural Policy direct payments enhance farm incomes by applying a quantile continuous treatment effect model on the Italian Farm Accountancy Data Network sample. Adding to previous analyses, we sho[...]Article
M.R. Mosquera-Losada ; F.J. Rodriguez-Rigueiro ; J.J. Santiago-Freijanes ; A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez ; P. Silva-Losada ; A. Pantera ; J.L. Fernández-Lorenzo ; M.P. González-Hernández ; R. Romero-Franco ; J.A. Aldrey-Vázquez ; N. Ferreiro-Dominguez |Silvoarable is a type of agroforestry practice where a woody component is deliberately integrated with an arable crop as part of the understory. Silvoarable practices are generally associated with the delivery of more ecosystem services than mon[...]Article
A. Linares Quero ; U.I. Yoldi ; O. Gava ; G. Schwarz ; A. Povellato ; C. Astrain |This article is aimed at analyzing the potential that CAP 20142020-related instruments have on supporting agroecological transitions in Europe by focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of key instruments. Through a stepwise participatory rese[...]Article
The concept of resilience has been increasingly adopted on the European Union's (EU) policy agenda as a principle for agro-food policy-making. However, resilience is an ambiguous concept, allowing for different understandings and uses in the con[...]Article
E. Varela ; A.M. Olaizola ; I. Blasco ; C. Capdevila ; A. Lecegui ; I. Casasús ; A. Bernues ; D. Martín-Collado |Silvopastoral systems combine wood perennials with forage and livestock. These multipurpose wood-pasture habitats represent an important part of European bio-cultural and ecological heritage. However, their gradual disappearance due to processes[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Rural connections, n. 1 - June 2022
2022This edition of Rural Connections includes updates on the work of the ENRD in recent months, including new Thematic Groups and events. Rural development stakeholders from across the EU share their views and experiences with successful projects t[...]