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In view of climate change, mass migration and resource scarcity, cities have started to interrogate themselves about the capacity to cope with future catastrophes. It is now clear that the way to cope with them cannot be found without a careful [...]E-Book
Les bouleversements planétaires remettent radicalement en cause la façon dont nous produisons, transportons et consommons notre nourriture. Le système alimentaire dominant est particulièrement vulnérable face à ces menaces. Pour assurer collecti[...]Article
E. Degani ; S.G. Leigh ; H.M. Barber ; H.E. Jones ; M. Lukac ; P. Sutton ; S.G. Potts |Given the challenges posed to agriculture by future climatic changes, and the need to reduce environmental impacts, a key challenge is to develop resilient food production systems. Ecological intensification is an approach proposed to partially [...]Article
R. Oostendorp ; M. van Asseldonk ; J. Gathiaka ; R. Mulwa ; M. Radeny ; J. Recha ; C. Wattel ; L. van Wesenbeeck |Inclusive agribusiness models aim at benefitting broad layers of the farming population in developing countries, not only farmers in well-structured value chains, but also (remote) subsistence smallholders producing for local markets. Under clim[...]Article
M.P.M. Meuwissen ; P.H. Feindt ; A. Spiegel ; C. Termeer ; E. Mathijs ; Y. de Mey ; R. Finger ; A. Balmann ; E. Wauters ; J. Urquhart ; M. Vigani ; K. Zawalinska ; H. Herrera ; P. Nicholas ; H. Hansson ; W. Paas ; T. Slijper ; I. Coopmans ; W. Vroege ; A. Ciechomska ; F. Accatino ; B. Kopainsky ; P.M. Poortvliet ; J.J.L. Candel ; D. Maye ; S. Severini ; S. Senni ; B. Soriano ; C.-J. Lagerkvist ; M. Peneva ; C. Gavrilescu ; P. Reidsma |Agricultural systems in Europe face accumulating economic, ecological and societal challenges, raising concerns about their resilience to shocks and stresses. These resilience issues need to be addressed with a focus on the regional context in w[...]Article
S.R. Cooley ; B. Bello ; D. Bodansky ; A. Mansell ; A. Merkl ; N. Purvis ; S. Ruffo ; G. Taraska ; A. Zivian ; G.H. Leonard |The U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Changes (UNFCCCs) Paris Agreementwhich aims to limit climate change and increase global resilience to its effectswas a breakthrough in climate diplomacy, committing its Parties to develop and update n[...]Article
Lagroécologie est perçue comme la réponse aux défis de la productivité des systèmes agricoles face à une demande croissante et, dans le même temps, à latténuation du changement climatique, à la restauration des milieux, à la réduction des surf[...]Article
H. Jeder ; E. Hamza ; H. Belhouchette ; A. Mzoughi |Tunisia is among the Mediterranean countries that are threatened by climate change. The agricultural sector is the economic sector that will be most affected by this phenomenon. Thinking of adequate adaptation policies to increase the resilience[...]Article
E. Bottani ; T. Murino ; M. Schiavo ; R. Akkerman |This paper addresses the Resilient Food Supply Chain Design (RFSCD) problem, which is the problem of designing a food supply chain that is resilient enough to ensure business operations continuity in the event of risks or disruptions. Based on a[...]Article
S. Mithun Ali ; M.A. Moktadir ; G. Kabir ; J. Chakma ; M.J.U. Rumi ; M.T. Islam |Over the years, food supply chains (FSCs) have faced various challenges, including supply chain interruptions. Previous studies focused only on household food waste. In this study, the FSCs risks is connected with food wastage to develop sustain[...]Article
A. Fallot ; F. Bousquet ; S. Dury |Larticle analyse les correspondances et les décalages entre la pensée sur la résilience dans la littérature et la façon dont on traite de résilience en matière de développement et de sécurité alimentaire dans les projets et dans les guides prat[...]Article
J. Hansen ; J. Hellin ; T. Rosenstock ; E. Fisher ; J. Cairns ; C. Stirling ; C. Lamanna ; J. van Etten ; A. Rose ; B. Campbell |Climate variability is a major source of risk to smallholder farmers and pastoralists, particularly in dryland regions. A growing body of evidence links climate-related risk to the extent and the persistence of rural poverty in these environment[...]Article
The food and agriculture sectors contribute significantly to climate change, but are also particularly vulnerable to its effects. Industrial ecology has robustly addressed these sectors contributions to climate change, but not their vulnerabili[...]Article
This paper analyses territorial resilience in rural Andalusia, Spain, after the impact of the recent economic crisis and identifies the factors associated with the highest recovery rates in different contexts and territories. To this end, we dev[...]Article
La crise syrienne a eu un impact significatif sur lagriculture et les zones rurales au Liban : pression sur les ressources, fermeture des itinéraires dexportation, mais aussi augmentation de la production agricole et des investissements en rép[...]Article
Resilience-based approaches to climate change have yet to be widely applied in agriculture. In this sector, indicators have been centered on the impacts of climate on production systems, crops, yields, infrastructure, financial performance, farm[...]Article
Le modèle coopératif est considéré comme une valeur porteuse à long terme du fait des nouvelles exigences de la société.Article
P. Prosperi ; J. Kirwan ; D. Maye ; F. Bartolini ; D. Vergamini ; G. Brunori |This paper presents an analysis of the diversification and non-productivist practices and strategies deployed by European small-scale fishers vis-à-vis contextual regulatory and market factors. Building on resilience thinking combined with a q[...]Article
T. Allen ; P. Prosperi ; B. Cogill ; M. Padilla ; I. Peri |Recurrent food crises and global environmental change are critical issues that pushed food security and sustainability to the top of the policy agenda. Policy-makers need assessment tools that help them decide what actions they should take to ac[...]Article
M.Z. Dhraief ; B. Dhehibi ; H. Daly-Hassen ; M. Zlaoui ; C. Khatoui ; S. Jemni ; O. Jebali ; M. Rekik |Due to the decrease of household incomes, the increase of food prices, and the negative effects of climate change on agricultural production, Tunisia faces a food insecurity challenge, especially in rural and arid areas. The purpose of our resea[...]Ouvrage
S.M. Gardner ; S.J. Ramsden ; R.S. Hails | Cambridge [États-Unis] : Cambridge University Press | Ecological Reviews | 2019Agriculture as a social-ecological system embraces many disciplines. This book breaks through the silos of individual disciplines to bring ecologists and economists together to consider agriculture through the lens of resilience. It explores the[...]Article
Tunisia faces severe challenges due to climate change resulting in the decrease of the agricultural production and income and the increase of the households food insecurity especially in rural areas. The objective of this study is to analyze ho[...]Ouvrage
La démarche présentée dans cet ouvrage sadresse aux « agripreuneurs ». Cest une contraction dagriculteur et dentrepreneur. Tel quil est mis en avant dans ce livre, lagripreneur est un décisionnaire autonome et responsable à la tête de son [...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
A. Klauschen ; N. Bourlion, coord. ; C. Dubreuil, coord. ; K. Attia ; E. Cohen Shacham ; I. Geijzendorffer ; L. Lazaro ; E. Lemaitre-Curri ; D. Povh ; A. Satta ; L. Segura ; M. Thibault | Marseille [France] : Plan Bleu | Policy Paper | 2019While climate change is becoming more and more of a concrete reality, impacting people and places throughout the Mediterranean region, a broad range of Nature-based Solutions are available to enhance societys resilience in this new, dynamic and[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Laccord de Paris signé lors de la COP21 à Paris en 2015, reconnaît « la priorité fondamentale consistant à sauvegarder la sécurité alimentaire et à éliminer la faim ainsi que la vulnérabilité des modes de production alimentaire aux effets du ch[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Face à la montée des préoccupations environnementales dans les relations internationales depuis les années 1960, les états sont appelés à prendre en considération ces questions pour répondre aux critères internationaux et légitimer leur place su[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Lagriculture au Liban, dépend principalement des facteurs climatiques surtout leau. Certaines études montrent que la quantité deau dans les années à venir va diminuer, ce qui va affecter négativement lagriculture au Liban, et lépuisement de[...]Article
Plant diversity is associated with resilient ecosystems. Loss of plant biodiversity triggered by anthropogenic and climatic factors jeopardizes environmental stability and sustainable forage production. The understanding of biodiversity mechanis[...]Article
M. El Amrani ; A. Bentassil ; H. Houry ; Z. Abbad ; M. Lamine Ley |Dans le Rif occidental au Nord du Maroc, le bassin versant du Tleta est affecté par de nombreux changements globaux, dont la magnitude sest amplifiée ces 15 dernières années. Il sagit dune baisse tendancielle des pluies, mais aussi et surtout[...]