DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLESynonyme(s)EcodéveloppementVoir aussi |
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The aim of this review is to present a holistic view on irrigation with respect to local environmental and social conditions. Future irrigation development is addressed with a focus on sustainable development. However, technical irrigation aspec[...]Article
K. Sredl ; M. Prasilova ; L. Severova ; R. Svoboda ; M. Stebetak |The aim of this article was to express social and economic aspects of the sustainable livestock production in relation to meat consumption in the Czech Republic and to predict the possibilities of further development of livestock production in t[...]Article
The natural protected areas of a territory represent an essential instrument of environmental policy and, if adequately exploited, a significant added value resource for European Regions. The evaluation of adopted policies and the economic plann[...]Article
More and more people worldwide live in urban areas, and these areas face many problems, of which a sustainable food provision is one. In this paper we aim to show that a transition towards more sustainable, regionally organized food systems stro[...]Article
The present research aimed to provide an extensive comparative analysis regarding the socioeconomic development paths of three selected Balkan countriesBulgaria, Croatia and Romaniaas well as Hungary, which was originally classified as a membe[...]Article
The Southeastern Spanish Region of Guadix is a mainly agrarian territory located in the Granada province, which is in demographic decline and has low economic dynamism. Reversing such a difficult socioeconomic situation requires the implementati[...]Article
Sustainable configuration of the tunisian olive oil supply chain using a fuzzy TOPSIS-based approach
Agricultural production of olive oil is a sector with high significance. The olive sector is a very important sector for several countries in the world, in particular, for Tunisia. In addition, the impacts of olive oil production and extraction [...]Article
In recent times, the need for food systems that, in addition to being economically viable and socially equitable, use environmentally friendly production processes has made sustainable production one of the olive oil sector's main concerns and p[...]Série
The coronavirus pandemic has upended local, national, and global food systems, and put the Sustainable Development Goals further out of reach. But lessons from the worlds response to the pandemic can help address future shocks and contribute to[...]Article
Agency shifts in agricultural land governance and their implications for land degradation neutrality
Given current land degradation trends, Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN, SDG Target 15.3) by 2030 could be difficult to attain. Solutions to avoid, reduce, and reverse land degradation are not being implemented at sufficiently large scales, poin[...]Article
A. Malago ; S. Comero ; F. Bouraoui ; C.M. Kazezyilmaz-Alhan ; B.M. Gawlik ; P. Easton ; C. Laspidou |Understanding the complex relationships amongst Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems (WEFE nexus) together with the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is critical for the development of a sustainable and secure future in the Medit[...]Ouvrage
A. Akerkar ; S. Juan, préf. | Paris [France] : L'Harmattan | Histoire et Perspectives Méditerranéennes, ISSN 0980-5265 | 2021La coopération franco-algérienne a évolué : après l'échec relatif de la coopération bilatérale, la coopération décentralisée est devenue un support, voire une alternative à cette coopération traditionnelle. De nouveaux acteurs non-étatiques ont [...]Article
D. Alami ; S. Bouslihim |Le présent papier vise à diagnostiquer et analyser la situation actuelle de la filière romarin et à dégager ses perspectives de développement. Pour escompter cet objectif principal, lanalyse en termes de filière et de la matrice SWOT est dune [...]Série
Banque Mondiale (Washington, États-Unis) | Washington [États-Unis] : Banque Mondiale | Rapport sur le Développement dans le Monde, ISSN 0163-5085 | 2021Todays unprecedented growth of data and their ubiquity in our lives are signs that the data revolution is transforming the world. And yet much of the value of data remains untapped. Data collected for one purpose have the potential to generate [...]Article
M.Z. Dhraief ; B. Dhehibi ; L. Albouchi ; M. Oueslati ; H. Ben Salah ; M. Kharrat |The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the adoption of a new technological package on smallholders income in the durum wheat-based production system in northwestern Tunisia starting in the cropping year 2014-2015. A sample of 1[...]Article
A.C. Farcas ; C.M. Galanakis ; C. Socaciu ; O.L. Pop ; D. Tibulca ; A. Paucean ; M.A. Jimborean ; M. Fogarasi ; L.C. Salanta ; M. Tofana ; S.A. Socaci |One of the biggest challenges in managing the food sector during a pandemic crisis is sustaining a robust food security system and adopting the right strategies in correlating the consumers needs and requirements with those of food safety, the [...]Article
J.M.P. Ribeiro ; I.I. Berchin ; S. da Silva Neiva ; T. Soares ; C.L. de Albuquerque Junior ; A.B. Deggau ; W.S. de Amorim ; S.B. Barbosa ; L. Secchi ; J.B.S.O. de Andrade Guerra |Global environmental changes coupled with socioeconomic changes are major challenges to food security. Changes in climate affect most food crops, particularly in countries that rely on agriculture for subsistence. The article proposes a model to[...]Article
Forest land provides several environmental services and goods with significant implications for different socioeconomic and environmental dimensions. Forestry and its management are determinant activities for sustainable development, specificall[...]Ouvrage
Quelles stratégies de développement durable pour les pays du Tiers-monde ? Avec quel rôle pour les États et dans quelles conditions dinsertion internationale ? Comment analyser lévolution contemporaine du capitalisme et de la crise qui sappro[...]Article
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una visión general de las principales tendencias del sistema agroalimentario global tras la pandemia del COVID-19. La crisis económica resultante, las transiciones climática y digital, y las cada vez may[...]Article
R. Bucea-Manea-Tonis ; O.M. Dourado Martins ; D. Ilic ; M. Belous ; R. Bucea-Manea-Tonis ; C. Braicu ; V.-E. Simion |Green Public Procurement (GPP) became an efficient instrument to achieve the objectives of environmental policy expressed by the European Commission in its Communications. At the same time, it must be addressed by the public authorities as a com[...]Article
The academic literature on consumer engagement and sustainable consumption has developed gradually over the last two decades. The body of knowledge related to the role of food and non-food retailers in this context, however, is only beginning to[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Notre travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet MASSIRE (Renforcement des systèmes d'innovation agricole et rurale dans les zones oasiennes et arides du Maghreb), qui est un projet de développement durable et de renforcement de la résilience[...]Article
Agriculture and food systems are in urgent need of transformation. Various foresight reports unpack food systems challenges and propose diverse pathways of change towards sustainability. We interrogate the framings and proposed pathways of elev[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
Dans une période où le co-management est étudié mondialement dans différentes zones géographiques, les chercheurs de lUniversité de Catane sintéressent à la conception dune technique qui analyse la gestion ou cogestion de zones de pêche, tech[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
R. Capone, ed. ; F. Bottalico, ed. ; H. El Bilali, ed. ; G. Ottomano Palmisano, ed. ; G. Cardone, ed. ; A. Acquafredda, ed. | Bari [Italie] : CIHEAM-IAMB | Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens, ISSN 0253-1542 | 2021This issue of Options Méditerranéennes encompasses the Proceedings of the international e-Workshop Pastoralism and Sustainable Development. The two-day e-workshop took place on July 14-15, 2021, within the project PACTORES (Pastoral ACTORs, Ecos[...]Article
The purpose of this research is to find if the stakeholders involved in rural tourism (primary producers of ecological goods, tourism service providers, and tourists, as carriers of demand for tangible products and ecological services) are conce[...]Ouvrage
H. Pauliat, dir. ; M. Senimon, dir. ; C. Bonnotte, dir. | Paris [France] : L'Harmattan | Entretiens Universitaires Réguliers pour l'Administration en Europe | 2021L'agriculture est-elle un outil d'attractivité des territoires ? Au moment où est rediscutée la politique agricole commune, il parait opportun d'apporter des réponses aux attentes des institutions et de la société sur le développement rural en E[...]Article
This paper examines a community-based food system which emerged recently around the Simeto River Valley Agreement (SRA) in Sicily (Italy) through the lens of food citizenship. The concept of food citizenship develops an understanding of how food[...]Article
E. Pagliarino ; S. Rolfo ; I.M. Zoppi |Cet article est axé sur lexpérience dun groupe de cultivateurs italiens qui utilisent les pratiques et les méthodes de lagriculture biologique pour la production du riz. Celle-ci représente encore un phénomène de niche concernant un nombre li[...]