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Auteur B. Di Terlizzi |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (8)

Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
M. Petit ; P. Bergeret, coord. ; B. Di Terlizzi, coord. ; O. Bessaoud | Paris [France] : CIHEAM | 2021This report was written as CIHEAMs contribution to understanding the short and mid-term consequences of the COVID 19 crises on the food security of selected Mediterranean countries, in a bid to anticipate desirable steps that could be taken by [...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
The COVID 19 pandemic is a major world phenomenon. Its economic impact is just beginning to unfold, but we already know that its size will be huge, of an unprecedented order of magnitude. It already has impacted many aspects of human and social [...]![]()
C. Lacirignola, dir. ; S. Abis, dir. ; P. Blanc, dir. ; L.M. Albisu, collab. ; B. Di Terlizzi, collab. ; A. Felice, collab. ; P. Kalaïtzis, collab. ; F. Luguenot, collab. ; S. Tozanli, collab. | Paris [France] : Presses de Sciences Po | Mediterra, ISSN 1960-8527 | 2014In a context of globalisation and socio-political upheavals in the Mediterranean, the development of Mediterranean agricultural trade is increasingly determined by the capacity of countries to develop modern infrastructure to facilitate exchange[...]![]()
C. Lacirignola, dir. ; S. Abis, dir. ; P. Blanc, dir. ; L.M. Albisu, collab. ; B. Di Terlizzi, collab. ; A. Felice, collab. ; P. Kalaïtzis, collab. ; F. Luguenot, collab. ; S. Tozanli, collab. | Paris [France] : Presses de Sciences Po | Mediterra, ISSN 1960-8527 | 2014Dans un contexte de mondialisation et dune Méditerranée en plein bouleversement sociopolitique, le développement du commerce agricole méditerranéen est de plus en plus déterminé par les capacités des pays à se doter dinfrastructures modernes p[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Virus and virus-like diseases of stone fruits, with particular reference to the Mediterranean region
A. Myrta, ed. ; B. Di Terlizzi, ed. ; V. Savino, ed. | Bari [Italie] : CIHEAM-IAMB | Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches, ISSN 1016-1228 | 2003This issue includes the Proceedings of the Mediterranean Network on Fruit Tree Viruses (MNFTV) meetings held at the Plan Biotechnology Centre of Lija (Malta), from 3-4 March 2000 and at the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania), from 2-3 N[...]![]()
A. Myrta, ed. ; B. Di Terlizzi, ed. ; V. Savino, ed. | Bari [Italie] : CIHEAM-IAMB | Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches, ISSN 1016-1228 | 2001This issue includes the study Production and exchange of virus-free plant propagating material in Mediterranean region promoted and coordinated by IAM-Bari. The implementation of this study was the logical continuation of the activities carried [...]![]()
B. Di Terlizzi, ed. ; A. Myrta, ed. ; V. Savino, ed. | Bari [Italie] : CIHEAM-IAMB | Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches, ISSN 1016-1228 | 1998