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Auteur I. Mekki |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (15)

Bulletin : Revue Electronique
Cahiers Agricultures, vol. 33 - Janvier 2024 - Les systèmes agricoles des zones arides du Maghreb face aux changements : acteurs, territoires et nouvelles dynamiques
M.T. Sraïri, coord. ; F. Ameur, coord. ; I. Mekki, coord. ; C. Lejars, coord. | 2024![]()
A. Dolinska ; E. Hassenforder ; A.M. Loboguerrero ; B. Sultan ; J. Bossuet ; J. Cottenceau ; M. Bonatti ; J. Hellin ; I. Mekki ; A. Drogoul ; V. Vadez |CONTEXT To contribute to building sustainable and effective climate change adaptation solutions avoiding usability gap, it is largely recommended to engage in the process of co-production, integrating expertise and knowledge from various academi[...]![]()
Z. Bouzidi ; N. Faysse ; I. Mekki ; I. Ferchichi ; E. Hassenforder ; J.-D. Rinaudo |Au Maroc et en Tunisie, la surexploitation des eaux souterraines saccentue, dans un contexte de baisse de la pluviométrie et daugmentation des usages. Après plusieurs années de mise en uvre, lapproche réglementaire et celle cherchant à mobil[...]![]()
V. Vadez ; R. Pilloni ; A. Grondin ; A. Hajjarpoor ; H. Belhouchette ; Y. Brouziyne ; G. Chehbouni ; M.H. Kharrou ; R. Zitouna-Chebbi ; I. Mekki ; J. Molénat ; F. Jacob ; J. Bossuet |Water scarcity will be one of the main issues of the 21 st century, because of competing needs between civil, industrial, and agriculture use. While agriculture is the largest user of water, its share is bound to decrease as societies develop. C[...]![]()
M. Dhouib ; R. Zitouna-Chebbi ; L. Prévot ; J. Molénat ; I. Mekki ; F. Jacob |Exploring crop spatial organizations within landscapes is a promising solution for agroecological transitions and climate change adaptation in Mediterranean rainfed hilly agrosystems. A prerequisite is to ensure that crop models can simulate a r[...]![]()
I. Ferchichi ; I. Mekki ; A. Biarnès ; M. Elloumi ; A. Zaïri |Dans le monde rural tunisien, la libéralisation de léconomie a favorisé le développement des grandes exploitations entrepreneuriales, souvent irriguées et intensifiées au détriment des autres types dexploitations : en particulier, les petites [...]![]()
A. Biarnès ; J.-S. Bailly ; I. Mekki ; I. Ferchichi |CONTEXT In cultivated landscapes, land use patterns related to the diversity of crops, their spatial arrangement into patches and their succession over several years influence many biophysical processes and the production of ecosystem services a[...]![]()
C. Esgalhado ; M.H. Guimaraes ; S. Lardon ; M. Debolini ; M.V. Balzan ; S.C. Gennai-Schott ; M. Simon Rojo ; I. Mekki ; S. Bouchemal |The influence of human use and management of natural resources has grown to the point that it becomes difficult to separate socio-economic from environmental components in land systems (Turner, Lambin, & Reenberg, 2007). Sustainability in these [...]![]()
I. Ferchichi ; I. Mekki ; M. Elloumi ; L. Arfa ; S. Lardon |Groundwater resources became a recognized enabler of important rural and socio-economic development in Mediterranean countries. However, the development of this groundwater economy is currently associated with an increased pressure on the availa[...]![]()
One of the challenges of eco-efficient agriculture is the development of operational farming practices to increase the level of agricultural production, maximize the efficiency of resource use and reduce environmental impacts. Based on the effic[...]![]()
I. Mekki ; J.S. Bailly ; F. Jacob ; H. Chebbi ; T. Ajmi ; Y. Blanca ; A. Zaïri ; A. Biarnès |Mediterranean agricultural landscapes provide ecosystem services and disservices that are driven by land use pattern dynamics, the latter of which results from the crop spatiotemporal distribution. Farmland fragmentation is known to be a driver [...]![]()
I. Souissi ; J.-M. Boisson ; I. Mekki ; O. Therond ; G. Flichman ; J. Wery ; H. Belhouchette |This study considers a quantitative approach for assessing the performance of Tunisian farming systems to face climate change. It is based on the resilience concept and the calculation, with a modelling chain, of three indicators: land stock, la[...]![]()
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
Y. Ben Zekri Mghirbi ; K. Barkaoui ; I. Mekki ; H. Marrou ; H. Belhouchette ; J. Wery | 2016![]()
Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)
Y. Ben Zekri Mghirbi ; K. Barkaoui ; I. Mekki ; H. Marrou ; H. Belhouchette ; J. Wery | 2015In most Mediterranean regions, durum wheat yield is variable with time and location, depending on several factors, primarily water and nitrogen supply (Boussen et al., 2005). Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important nutrients applied as a ferti[...]![]()
I. Mekki ; S. Marlet ; W. Ghazouani ; J.-L. Fusillier ; H. Ammami ; P.-Y. Le Gal |Petite oasis historique de la région de Kébili (sud tunisien), Fatnassa Nord est un milieu difficile soumis à de fortes pressions sur les ressources en eau souterraines peu renouvelables et présentant les contraintes environnementales et socioéc[...]