Détail de l'auteur
Auteur G. Martino |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (7)

Agribusiness firms requiring a consistent supply of high quality agricultural raw materials have increasingly adopted production contracts to coordinate their supply chains. The present work is aimed to shed light on the role played by sources o[...]![]()
The increasing request for food sustainability is affecting the pasta sector in Italy. This phenomenon introduces different sources of uncertainties that, in turn, put pressure on all the stages of the supply chain, with a consequent emerging ne[...]![]()
The paper investigates how food safety investment decisions are affected on the one hand by laws and on the other by firms economic and organizational drivers. The paper shares findings from an empirical study that considers investments in HACC[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
S. Féret ; T. Berchoux ; M. Requier-Desjardins ; O. Chartier ; T. Kiss-Galfalvi ; G. Martino ; G. Brunori, collab. ; D. Viaggi, collab. ; D. Miller, collab. ; A. Maréchal, collab. ; P. Crehan, collab. | 2020In 2020, the European Commission initiated the preparation of a new long-term vision for rural areas. SHERPA can contribute to the process by feeding in the views of science-society-policy actors from 20 European territories. SHERPA Multi-Actor [...]![]()