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Auteur G. Brunori |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (32)

O.M. Moreno-Pérez ; L. Arnalte-Mur ; P. Cerrada-Serra ; V. Martinez-Gomez ; A. Adamsone-Fiskovica ; H. Bjørkhaug ; G. Brunori ; M. Czekaj ; D. Duckett ; P.A. Hernández ; C. Noble ; T. Pinto-Correia ; A. Plonka ; P. Prosperi ; M. Redman ; M. Rivera ; S. Sumane ; D. Ortiz-Miranda |This study stems from a participatory foresight exercise conducted in nine Mediterranean, Baltic, Nordic and Eastern European regions, aiming to strengthen the role of small farms and small food businesses in ensuring food security. A wide range[...]![]()
This paper sheds light on the integration of digitalisation in multifunctional and diversified agriculture. In this empirical work based on socio-cyber-physical assemblage thinking, first we found that on-site material and immaterial conditions [...]![]()
In this paper some of the key issues related to digitalisation in agriculture and rural areas are addressed. In line with the Green Deal, the paper proposes a framework on how to address the "twin transition" (ecological+digital) through transfo[...]![]()
P. Prosperi ; F. Galli ; O.M. Moreno-Pérez ; Y. Chiffoleau ; S. Grando ; P. Karanikolas ; M. Rivera ; G. Goussios ; T. Pinto-Correia ; G. Brunori |With growing concern for the unsustainability of food systems, the international research community has turned its attention to small farms as key actors to potentially face the global food crisis. This study aims to support a policy design that[...]![]()
P. Prosperi ; J. Kirwan ; D. Maye ; E. Tsakalou ; G. Vlahos ; F. Bartolini ; D. Vergamini ; G. Brunori |European small-scale fisheries are confronted with several challenges, notably a decrease in the number of people engaged in capture fishing, growing competition from less expensive extra-EU markets, rising operational costs, strict regulations [...]![]()
This paper addresses the implementation of the Kawasan Mandiri Pangan (KMP) program, a microfinance program for farmer groups, assessing whether the program affects farmers decisions concerning production, marketing, and consumption or not, and[...]![]()
K. Rijswijk ; L. Klerkx ; M. Bacco ; F. Bartolini ; E. Bulten ; L. Debruyne ; J. Dessein ; I. Scotti ; G. Brunori |Digital technologies are often seen as an opportunity to enable sustainable futures in agriculture and rural areas. However, this digital transformation process is not inherently good as it impacts on many aspects (e.g. economic, environmental, [...]![]()
N. Molina ; G. Brunori ; E. Favilli ; S. Grando ; P. Proietti |Recently, the interpretation of the innovation process has changed significantly. Its linear model has evolved to a dynamic and ongoing participatory approach where cooperation, oriented to generate co-ownership, is the essence to co-produce kno[...]![]()
M. Knickel ; S. Neuberger ; L. Klerkx ; K. Knickel ; G. Brunori ; H. Saatkamp |Existing research suggests that regions can develop their long-term competitive advantage through well-functioning interregional innovation cooperation. In this article, we use the example of innovation in small and medium-sized agri-food enterp[...]![]()
G. Brunori ; G. Branca ; L. Cembalo ; M. D'Haese ; L. Dries |The Agenda 2030 of the United Nations and the Paris climate agreement, both signed in 2015, have given a new frame of reference to the international scientific community. Food is at the center of this debate. The question of How to feed the wor[...]![]()
A. Antonelli ; G. Brunori ; J. Jawhar ; D. Petruzzella ; R. Roma |This paper is the outcome of a reflection on the MIP report 2020, a collection of information and data used to describe the scenario on youth innovation and entrepreneurship in agrifood sector in Mediterranean countries. In particular, it highli[...]![]()
F. Galli ; P. Prosperi ; E. Favilli ; S. D'Amico ; F. Bartolini ; G. Brunori |A new food policy coherent with the goal of achieving sustainable food systems implies changing visions and radically revising the understanding of the system on which agricultural and food-related policies act. This paper identifies and discuss[...]![]()
F. Galli ; S. Grando ; A. Adamsone-Fiskovica ; H. Bjørkhaug ; M. Czekaj ; D.G. Duckett ; H. Almaas ; P. Karanikolas ; O.M. Moreno-Pérez ; D. Ortiz-Miranda ; T. Pinto-Correia ; P. Prosperi ; M. Redman ; M. Rivera ; I. Toma ; P. Sánchez-Zamora ; S. Sumane ; K. Zmija ; D. Zmija ; G. Brunori |Despite a longstanding literature on small farm-households, there is limited consideration of small farms role in food and nutrition security (FNS) at territorial level. The purpose of this study is to provide insights about how small farms con[...]![]()
Farm structure is a multi-dimensional concept that can be measured through different criteria. Meanwhile, farm structure has been identified to discern small farms or well-endowed farms from the other farms. Distinguishing and identifying these [...]![]()
O. Gava ; F. Bartolini ; F. Venturi ; G. Brunori ; A. Pardossi |Life cycle assessment is a widespread method for measuring and monitoring the environmental impacts of production processes, thereby allowing the comparison of business-as-usual with more ecological scenarios. Life cycle assessment research can [...]![]()
G. Brunori, ed. ; S. Grando, ed. | Bingley [Royaune Uni] : Emerald | Research in Rural Sociology and Development | 2020The volume provides an in-depth exploration of the determinants, dynamics and outcomes of rural and agricultural change processes, with a special focus on the role of family farming. Covering both the system and the farm level of analysis, the b[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
S. Féret ; T. Berchoux ; M. Requier-Desjardins ; O. Chartier ; T. Kiss-Galfalvi ; G. Martino ; G. Brunori, collab. ; D. Viaggi, collab. ; D. Miller, collab. ; A. Maréchal, collab. ; P. Crehan, collab. | 2020In 2020, the European Commission initiated the preparation of a new long-term vision for rural areas. SHERPA can contribute to the process by feeding in the views of science-society-policy actors from 20 European territories. SHERPA Multi-Actor [...]![]()
Chapitre d'ouvrage
S. Grando ; F. Bartolini ; I. Bonjean ; G. Brunori ; E. Mathijs ; P. Prosperi ; D. Vergamini | Bingley [Royaune Uni] : Emerald | Research in Rural Sociology and Development | 2020This chapter opens the second part of the Volume, focusing on the small farms' role and dynamics within the evolving food system. Assessing small farmers' actual and potential contribution to the change towards a sustainable food and nutrition s[...]![]()
L. Palmioli ; S. Grando ; F. Di Lacovo ; L. Fastelli ; F. Galli ; P. Prosperi ; M. Rovai ; G. Brunori |Small farms contribution to food and nutrition security (FNS) is widely acknowledged; however, the diversity of context-specific characteristics of small farms is still barely documented in terms of farm strategies and household dynamics. The p[...]![]()
Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
G. Mazzocchi ; P. Prosperi ; S. Rolandi ; G. Brunori ; J. Potters | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | 2020The aim of this document is to provide an overview and a systematic synthesis of key information from the Dynamic Action Plans of the first 20 MAPs (Phase 1 of SHERPA). This synthesis gathers the main elements related to the objectives, topics, [...]![]()
Chapitre d'ouvrage
In view of climate change, mass migration and resource scarcity, cities have started to interrogate themselves about the capacity to cope with future catastrophes. It is now clear that the way to cope with them cannot be found without a careful [...]![]()
In a traditional wine region such as Tuscany (Italy), the wine production is perceived by several industry players as weak and fragmented because it is mainly managed by small and medium-sized wineries that have limited market power compared to [...]![]()
J.D. van der Ploeg ; D. Barjolle ; J. Bruil ; G. Brunori ; L.M. Costa Madureira ; J. Dessein ; Z. Drag ; A. Fink-Kessler ; P. Gasselin ; M. González de Molina ; K. Gorlach ; K. Jürgens ; J. Kinsella ; J. Kirwan ; K. Knickel ; V. Lucas ; T. Marsden ; D. Maye ; A. Wezel |This article discusses the economic dimensions of agroecological farming systems in Europe. It firstly theoretically elaborates the reasons why, and under what conditions, agroecological farming systems have the potential to produce higher incom[...]![]()
The increasing diversity of food networks and initiatives has given rise to a variety of analyses and approaches among which the literature on Alternative Food Networks (AFN) and the quality turn stand out for the role of European and more s[...]![]()
P. Prosperi ; J. Kirwan ; D. Maye ; F. Bartolini ; D. Vergamini ; G. Brunori |This paper presents an analysis of the diversification and non-productivist practices and strategies deployed by European small-scale fishers vis-à-vis contextual regulatory and market factors. Building on resilience thinking combined with a q[...]![]()
O. Gava ; F. Bartolini ; F. Venturi ; G. Brunori ; A. Zinnai ; A. Pardossi |In pursuit of agricultural sustainability and food security, research should contribute to policy-making by providing scientifically robust evidence. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an excellent candidate for generating that evidence, thereby hel[...]![]()
N. Guiomar ; S. Godinho ; T. Pinto-Correia ; M. Almeida ; F. Bartolini ; F. Bezák ; M. Biró ; H. Bjørkhaug ; S. Bojnec ; G. Brunori ; M. Corazzin ; M. Czekaj ; S. Davidova ; J. Kania ; S. Kristensen ; E. Marraccini ; Z. Molnár ; J. Niedermayr ; E. ORourke ; D. Ortiz-Miranda ; M. Redman ; T. Sipiläinen ; H. Sooväli-Sepping ; S. Sumane ; D. Surová ; L.-A. Sutherland ; E. Tcherkezova ; T. Tisenkopfs ; T. Tsiligiridis ; M.M. Tudor ; K. Wagner ; A. Wästfelt |The contribution of small farms to local food supply, food security and food sovereignty is widely acknowledged at a global level. In the particular case of Europe, they often are seen as an alternative to large and specialised farms. Assessing [...]![]()
Sustainability assessment is one of the keys to competition by food supply chains over sustainability. The way it is conceived and embodied into decision-makers choices affects the competitiveness of local and global chains. Science-based asses[...]