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Auteur M. El Hajj |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (4)
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H. Bazzi ; N. Baghdadi ; M. El Hajj ; M. Zribi ; H. Belhouchette |This paper presents a comparison between the Sentinel-1/Sentinel-2-derived soil moisture product at plot scale (S 2 MP) and the new Copernicus surface soil moisture (C-SSM) product at 1-km scale over a wide region in southern France. In this stu[...]Article
A. Nasrallah ; N. Baghdadi ; M. El Hajj ; T. Darwish ; H. Belhouchette ; G. Faour ; S. Darwich ; M. Mhawej |The ability of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Sentinel-1 data to detect the main wheat phenological phases was investigated in the Bekaa plain of Lebanon. Accordingly, the temporal variation of Sentinel-1 (S1) signal was analyzed as a function o[...]Article
H. Bazzi ; N. Baghdadi ; D. Ienco ; M. El Hajj ; M. Zribi ; H. Belhouchette ; M.J. Escorihuela ; V. Demarez |Mapping irrigated plots is essential for better water resource management. Today, the free and open access Sentinel-1 (S1) and Sentinel-2 (S2) data with high revisit time offers a powerful tool for irrigation mapping at plot scale. Up to date, f[...]Article
H. Bazzi ; N. Baghdadi ; M. El Hajj ; M. Zribi ; D. Ho Tong Minh ; E. Ndikumana ; D. Courault ; H. Belhouchette |This study proposes an effective method to map rice crops using the Sentinel-1 SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) time series over the Camargue region, Southern France. First, the temporal behavior of the SAR backscattering coefficient over 832 plot[...]