Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (239)
G. Sacchi ; L. Romanello ; M. Canavari |Third-party certification (TPC) is the standard approach to quality assurance for organic production, but its administrative burden and cost make it difficult for smallholders to access it. Internal Control Systems (ICS) and Participatory Guaran[...]Article
A. Rezazga ; C. Ruiz ; G. Montanaro ; G. Falcone ; G. Koubouris |Human population growth has resulted in increased food consumption, followed by agrifood production intensification. Human activities have a significant impact on the environment, causing, among other things, air and water pollution and biodiver[...]Article
We have investigated the role of the state in the creation of democratic alternatives to private voluntary food sustainability standards (VFSS). Our study illustrates the complex relationship between civil society (in this case, the Participator[...]Article
La future PAC affiche une plus grande ambition climatique et environnementale recherchée via notamment le nouvel instrument de l'éco-régime du premier pilier. Cet article analyse les conditions d'accès des agriculteurs à l'éco-régime français pa[...]Article
The EU's ?Farm to Fork? strategy aims to promote healthier diets that include more nutritious and natural foods instead of ultra-processed products. Although several producers of geographical indication (GI) foods such as Parma ham advertise the[...]Article
Recognition of the link between the origin of local food, farming practices and their territorial settings is important in increasing consumers trust and perceived value of quality schemes. Using the concepts of social learning and Participator[...]Article
The rise of blockchain technology has disrupted the traditional traceability method of organic agricultural products supply chain (OASC) by emerging authentication or certification. For an offline business scenario, a blockchain certification tr[...]Article
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the perception of environmental attributes and food safety in Italy and Spain and how these different perceptions influence the importance of various attributes and certifications related to food. These tw[...]Article
Le phénomène de valorisation des produits de terroirs a depuis les dix dernières années suscité lintérêt des producteurs et agriculteurs, des groupements professionnels et des institutions publiques, mais, lessor attendu pour le développement [...]Article
M. Ingrassia ; S. Chironi ; G. Lo Grasso ; L. Gristina ; N. Francesca ; S. Bacarella ; P. Columba ; L. Altamore |The Italian wine industry is strongly committed to sustainability. Among the numerous sustainability certifications and programs implemented in Italy for the wine sector, SOStain is the oldest at the regional level. The SOStain Foundation promot[...]Article
Third party certified food labelling schemes can be used to reduce asymmetric information in anonymous markets. However, in short food supply chains (SFSCs) trust linkages can be also built through direct contact between consumers and producers.[...]Article
F. Bimbo ; R. Viscecchia ; B. De Devitiis ; A. Seccia ; R. Roma ; A. De Boni |Sustainable certifications communicate the environmental benefits of food products to consumers, and allow producers to differentiate their products from conventional ones. This study expands existing knowledge on fish consumers by assessing the[...]Article
Participatory guarantee systems (PGSs) have emerged as a response to exclusion and intermediation processes involving third-party certification, which is currently the only guarantee system recognised by the European Union for organic food. Desp[...]Article
M. Borrello ; L. Cecchini ; R. Vecchio ; F. Caracciolo ; L. Cembalo ; B. Torquati |Traditional agricultural landscapes provide cultural ecosystem services to human communities. However, the limited profitability of these landscapes often discourages farmers from preserving them. The current research evaluates: (i) whether the [...]Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)
F. Bacha ; F. El Hadad-Gauthier | 2022La présente étude consiste à analyser la mise en place de processus de labellisation IG des dattes Deglet Nour de Tolga en Algérie et dont lobjectif est de déterminer les facteurs clés de succès ou de freins à cette la labellisation. Par le bia[...]Article
V. Bellassen ; M. Drut ; M. Hilal ; A. Bodini ; M. Donati ; M.D. de Labarre ; J. Filipovic ; L. Gauvrit ; J.M. Gil ; V. Hoang ; A. Malak-Rawlikowska ; K. Mattas ; S. Monier-Dilhan ; P. Muller ; O. Napasintuwong ; J. Peerlings ; T. Poméon ; M. Tomic Maksan ; Á. Török ; M. Veneziani ; G. Vittersø ; F. Arfini |To identify whether EU certified food here organic and geographical indications is more sustainable than a conventional reference, we developed 25 indicators covering the three sustainability pillars. Original data was collected on 52 produc[...]Ouvrage
A. Autréau ; J. Cayron, préf. | Paris [France] : L'Harmattan | Alternatives Rurales, ISSN 0751-3925 | 2022Depuis le milieu du XXe siècle, l'agroécologie est un mouvement cherchant à ce que l'agriculteur puisse vivre de sa terre, en étant autonome, tout en respectant l'environnement. Dans le cadre du futur modèle agricole envisagé par la France et l'[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
The world's food and artisanal heritage encompasses a multitude of products linked to their origin that rely on the knowledge, skills, practices and traditions developed collectively by local producers over time and transmitted across generation[...]Article
F. Boncinelli ; A. Dominici ; F. Gerini ; E. Marone |Several studies have focused on the behaviour of consumers towards organic wine, finding varying and sometimes conflicting results. Some scholars have noted that consumers may perceive wine labelled as organic to be of a lower quality, whereas o[...]Article
C. Grovermann ; S. Quiédeville ; A. Muller ; F. Leiber ; M. Stolze ; S. Moakes |Certification in agriculture ensures compliance with tangible standards and should generate economic opportunities for farmers. This study quantifies the variable profit and efficiency impacts of organic certification in dairy farming across Eur[...]Article
Dans lombre des laiteries de lappellation Roquefort durant presque tout le XXème siècle, les productions fromagères de Corse rencontrent depuis une trentaine dannées un succès commercial lié à la forte tradition pastorale de lîle. Si la Cors[...]Article
Le texte porte sur la question de la fraude alimentaire dont limportance est saisie au niveau international. Les solutions développées localement pour y remédier sont diverses et sappuient sur une valorisation identitaire des spécificités. Par[...]Article
Le châtaignier tient une place prépondérante dans le descriptif végétal de lîle. Il est, comme le chêne, le pin larricciu et lolivier, un élément essentiel de lenvironnement montagnard. Le châtaignier a trouvé sur le territoire corse la répon[...]Article
V. Russo ; M. Zito ; M. Bilucaglia ; R. Circi ; M. Bellati ; L.E. Milani Marin ; E. Catania ; G. Licitra |Over the years, the territorial origins of agri-food products have become a consolidated marketing model which stand as an alternative to mass production. References to territory, whether on packaging or in advertising, have become an increasing[...]Article
Apparu dans la filière fruits et légumes il y a une quinzaine dannées, le métier de responsable qualité na cessé de se développer et de prendre de limportance au sein des entreprises. Son avènement leur a permis de se structurer. En 2021, le [...]Article
F. Solfanelli ; F. Solfanelli ; E. Ozturk ; P. Pugliese ; R. Zanoli |The new EU Organic Regulation 848/2018 allows group certification to be applied to EU organic smallholders. Group certification is endorsed by IFOAM-Organics International and is the dominant approach to certify small organic farmers in many non[...]Article
In theory, eco-labels have great potential to reduce the environmental and social impact of products via consumer choice. In practice, the diffusion of eco-labels remains limited, with consumers expressing concerns about their value. One problem[...]Article
Soilless cultivation systems were primarily developed in response to the excessive spread of soil pathogens; however, they also allow an optimal control of plant grow, high productivity and product quality as well as very high efficiency of wate[...]Article
La conversion au bio est lourde pour les exploitants agricoles, qui doivent revoir leur processus de production. Cela demande du temps et de largent, mais les convertis ne regrettent pas.Article
G. Di Vita ; R. Zanchini ; G. Falcone ; M. D'Amico ; F. Brun ; G. Gulisano |This paper aims to identify the hierarchical relationship in a consumers mind with respect to the three main and different quality schemes. With this purpose, we decided to analyse the role that local, organic, and traditional attributes have o[...]