Documents disponibles dans cette catégorie (25)
This paper reviews, compares, and critically evaluates two broad groups of sustainable agriculture models: sustainable agriculture and sustainable agrifood systems. The sustainable agriculture modelscomprising organic farming, regenerativ[...]Article
G. Kleftodimos ; L.S. Kyrgiakos ; S. Kartakis ; C. Kleisiari ; M. Vasileiou ; M.D. Kremantzis ; G. Vlontzos |Precision Agriculture Technologies (PATs) are providing a great potential in alleviating adverse impacts arising from climate change. This study evaluates the decision-making process of farmers regarding the adoption and implementation of PATs i[...]Article
M. Gemtou ; K. Kakkavou ; E. Anastasiou ; S. Fountas ; S.M. Pedersen ; G. Isakhanyan ; K.T. Erekalo ; S. Pazos-Vidal |Agriculture is currently facing major challenges related to ensuring the food security of a rising population and climate change with extreme weather patterns. At the same time, agriculture is a cause of environmental degradation, pollution and [...]Article
A. Zaidi ; S.-S.M. Ajibade ; M.A. Shah ; F.M. Bashir ; E. Falude ; Y.A. Dodo ; A.O. Adewolu ; D.-L. Ngo-Hoang |The integrated approach of bibliometric mapping and literature review was adopted to critically examine the evolution of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) research climate from 2012 to 2023 using publications data recovered from the Elsevier Scopu[...]Article
S. Predieri ; M. Cianciabella ; G.M. Daniele ; E. Gatti ; N. Lippi ; M. Magli ; C. Medoro ; F. Rossi ; C. Chieco |Understanding climate change awareness and its related risks is crucial to plan efficient climate-smart strategies. An online survey was conducted on Italian consumers with the aim to understand consumers inclination toward food products obtain[...]Article
Global climate change has posed serious threats to agricultural production. Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and ensuring food security are considered the greatest challenges in this century. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is a concept t[...]Article
S. Selbonne ; L. Guindé ; F. Causeret ; P. Chopin ; J. Sierra ; R. Tournebize ; J.-M. Blazy |Conceptualized by the Food and Agriculture Organization in 2010, climate-smart agriculture aims to simultaneously tackle three main objectives. These are increasing food security, building the resilience of agricultural systems for adaptation to[...]Article
CONTEXT Adaptation to climate change is crucial to achieve food security and sustainable agricultural development. United Nations Sustainable Development Goal on climate action urges to combat climate change impacts that are more pronounced in d[...]Article
La transformation des modes de production par les technologies numériques et par la « révolution des données » est au centre du paysage médiatique, politique et institutionnel des mondes agricoles. En témoigne la prolifération des événements déd[...]E-Book
M. Behnassi ; M.B. Baig ; M.T. Sraïri ; A.A. Alsheikh ; A.W.A. Abu Risheh | Cham [Suisse] : Springer | 2022The resilience of food systems and security to emerging challenges and threats, especially in the context of environmental and climate risks and global pandemics such as the Covid-19 crisis, is currently gaining growing importance in research, p[...]Article
H. Azadi ; S. Movahhed Moghaddam ; S. Burkart ; H. Mahmoudi ; S. Van Passel ; A. Kurban ; D. Lopez-Carr |Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is seeking to overcome the food security problem and develop rural livelihoods while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. However, when such synergies exist, the situation of small-scale farmers is ofte[...]Bulletin : Revue Electronique
EU rural review, n. 30 - April 2021 - Climate action in rural areas
2021Climate action, particularly climate change mitigation, can provide opportunities for the primary sector, rural communities and businesses to become more sustainable, resilient and competitive. These rural development stakeholders can make a maj[...]Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
J. Wery, ed. ; Y. Tessema, ed. ; C. Adamolle, ed. ; H. Belhouchette, ed. | 2021Article
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is a technologically innovative response to the challenges faced by agriculture due to climate change. Its implementation needs a change of mentality in the direction of an approach that takes into account how the[...]Article
The eco-schemes proposed by the European Commission for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP ) have the potential to make agriculture more sustainable and climate smart. Based on Dutch policy advice we suggest basing the implementation on foo[...]Article
Resilience-based approaches to climate change have yet to be widely applied in agriculture. In this sector, indicators have been centered on the impacts of climate on production systems, crops, yields, infrastructure, financial performance, farm[...]Article
CSA aujourdhui, il serait inconcevable quun programme soit consacré à la viabilité future de lagriculture sans que soit mentionné cet acronyme de « Climate-Smart Agriculture » (agriculture climato-compatible). Mais à quoi cette expression f[...]Article
Linsécurité alimentaire et le changement climatique ont enfin ramené lagriculture sous les feux de la rampe du débat international sur le développement. Pour que tout le monde puisse manger à sa faim, la productivité des terres agricoles actue[...]Article
Climate change projections for the Mediterranean region are predicting a significant rainfall decrease and an increase of temperatures. The consequences of these changes on food security and natural resources in this region might be very dramati[...]Article
Lagriculture climato-intelligente (Climate-smart agriculture CSA) a pour objectifs simultanés ladaptation au changement climatique, latténuation du changement climatique et la sécurité alimentaire, grâce à des politiques, des pr[...]Article
L'agriculture intelligente face au climat (climate-smart agriculture CSA) a comme objectifs d'être adaptée au changement climatique et de l'atténuer, tout en contribuant de manière durable à la sécurité alimentaire. Né en 201[...]Article
Alors que de manière surprenante, lagriculture reste en marge des négociations et des accords sur la lutte contre les changements climatiques, la FAO propose et porte depuis 2009 le concept dagriculture intelligente face au climat (climate-sma[...]E-Book
C. Huyghe, ed. ; P. Bergeret, ed. ; U. Svedin, ed. | Versailles [France] : Editions Quae | Matière à Débattre et Décider | 2016This book focuses on innovation in the agri-food system and the new paradigm drawn by bioeconomic approaches and principles. It draws on contributions presented during the 29th EURAGRI annual conference held in Luxemburg (September 2015) as well[...]Ouvrage
Depuis quelques années, et à lapproche de la 21e Conférence des parties des Nations unies sur le changement climatique qui se tiendra à Paris fin 2015, le nombre de publications, congrès et autres conférences sur le changement climatique est en[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
La question du changement climatique (CC) est devenue un défi planétaire et constitue lune des plus grandes préoccupations de ce 21ème siècle. Les catastrophes engendrées par les phénomènes de changements et perturbations climatiques ont de lou[...]