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10 recherche sur le mot-clé 'MODELE MULTI-AGENTS'
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Despite the growing societal demands to reduce pesticide use, public policies struggle to reverse the current upward trend. Agroecology emerges as a promising solution, as it promotes ecological regulation and sustainable practices. The systemic[...]Article
L. Shang ; J. Wang ; D. Schäfer ; T. Heckelei ; J. Gall ; F. Appel ; H. Storm |Technological change co-determines agri-environmental performance and farm structural transformation. Meaningful impact assessment of related policies can be derived from farm-level models that are rich in technology details and environmental in[...]Article
O. Parra Rivero ; A. Ojeda Roldan ; R. González Álvarez-Ossorio ; C. Staboulis ; D. Natos ; K. Mattas ; W. Bojar ; R. Kusmierek-Tomaszewska ; P. Baranowski ; J. Krzyszczak |During the last decade, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has prioritised measures focused on sustainability and quality over production. The purpose of the AGRICORE project is to develop a tool based on agent-based modelling to assist policymake[...]Article
M. Coronese ; M. Occelli ; F. Lamperti ; A. Roventini |This paper presents a dynamic agent-based model of land use and agricultural production under environmental boundaries, finite available resources and endogenous technical change. In particular, we model a spatially explicit smallholder farming [...]Article
Diverse public policies encourage farmers to adopt eco-friendly practices to address the issue of diffuse pollution from agriculture, including measures based on the provision of information on the environment. Indeed, farmers perception of the[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
K.K. Guzel | 2023This thesis aims to couple the gap between Agent Based Modelling (ABM) and Mathemathical Programming (MP) in the context of sustainable agricultural systems, with a focus on reducing the use of phytosanitary products Also, aiming to use of the s[...]Article
Agent-based models (ABMs) are an increasingly popular choice for simulating large systems of interacting components, and have been applied across a wide variety of natural and environmental systems. However, ABMs can be incredibly disparate and [...]Article
Nonpoint source pollution from agriculture is one of the main causes of water quality degradation. To cope with this issue, diverse policy measures have been implemented to promote farming practices that favour water quality. Among these measure[...]Article
Analyzing governance is particularly important for understanding and managing social-ecological systems (SES). Governance systems influence interactions between actors and the ecological system and are in turn influenced by the changes that occu[...]Thèse, Mémoire, Master
A. Bourceret | 2021Lapprovisionnement des citoyens en eau potable de qualité est un enjeu de santé publique, auquel sajoutent des enjeux environnementaux et économiques. Lagriculture est lune des principales menaces pour la qualité de la ressource en eau potab[...]
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