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Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
L'UNESCO a déclaré la diète méditerranéenne comme patrimoine culturel immatériel de lhumanité en novembre 2010. Mais ce patrimoine nétait pas proposé comme un modèle nutritionnel ni même comme la possibilité de mettre en valeur une série d'ali[...]Article
The uniqueness of diets consumed by local populations living in the Mediterranean basin, e.g., in the southern European countries and Crete, can be attributed to a number of factors, from local climatic conditions to ethnobotanical and cultural [...]Ouvrage
F. Mombiela, dir. ; S. Abis, dir. | Paris [France] : Presses de Sciences Po | Mediterra, ISSN 1960-8527 | 2012Lédition 2012 de Mediterra fonde sa réflexion sur le potentiel mobilisateur de la diète méditerranéenne en proposant un itinéraire multidimensionnel qui fait appel à lhistoire, à la sociodémographie, à la santé, à lécologie, à lentreprise, à[...]Ouvrage
F. Mombiela, dir. ; S. Abis, dir. | Paris [France] : Presses de Sciences Po | Mediterra, ISSN 1960-8527 | 2012The 2012 edition of Mediterra takes the mobilising potential of the Mediterranean Diet as a basis and proposes a multidimensional itinerary involving sociodemographics, health, ecology, enterprise, geo-economics and citizens initiative. Consume[...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
Lalimentation méditerranéenne est-elle un atout ou un risque pour le développement de la région ? Elle fait indéniablement lobjet dun intérêt international : pour preuve, les quelque 3,5 millions de sites référencés par Google sur ce thème. U[...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
¿Constituye la alimentación mediterránea una ventaja o es más bien un riesgo para el desa rrollo de la región? Indiscutiblemente, está siendo la gran protagonista del panorama informativo a escala internacional; y para convencerse de ello basta [...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
M. Padilla ; R. Capone ; G. Palma | 2012The Mediterranean diet is considered as a paragon among the world's diets. The reference is the diet of Crete in the late 1960s. Is it provided sustainable? Various authors have commented on the design of sustainable food. Some emphasize healthy[...]Ouvrage
F. Mombiela, dir. ; S. Abis, dir. ; A. Diaz-Ambrona, dir. | Paris [France] : Presses de Sciences Po | Mediterra, ISSN 1960-8527 | 2012La edición 2012 de Mediterra toma el potencial movilizador de la dieta mediterránea como base y propone un itinerario multidimensional que involucra las características sociodemográficas, de salud, ecológicas, empresariales y neoeconómicas; así [...]Ouvrage
Recent large-scale epidemiological studies have confirmed the pre-eminence of the Mediterranean diet for reducing the risk of primary and secondary heart disease and cancer. There is also increasingly convincing evidence for its protective value[...]Chapitre d'ouvrage
Mention of Mediterranean food can be found in all kinds of information at international level. You only have to look at any of the almost 3,500 sites on Google to be convinced of this. If a commercial, political, or scientific language is built [...]Ouvrage
C. Lacirignola, ed. ; S. Dernini, ed. ; R. Capone, ed. ; A. Meybeck, ed. ; B. Burlingame, ed. ; V. Gitz, ed. ; H. El Bilali, ed. ; P. Debs, ed. ; V. Belsanti, ed. | Bari [Italie] : CIHEAM-IAMB | Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches, ISSN 1016-1228 | 2012This paper is the outcome of the collaboration between FAO and MAI Bari (CIHEAM). It was prepared for the session on Food Systems and Sustainable Diets: The Mediterranean diet as a Pilot Study of the International Seminar on The Sustainabilit[...]Ouvrage
C. Lacirignola, ed. ; S. Dernini, ed. ; R. Capone, ed. ; A. Meybeck, ed. ; B. Burlingame, ed. ; V. Gitz, ed. ; H. El Bilali, ed. ; P. Debs, ed. ; V. Belsanti, ed. | Bari [Italie] : CIHEAM-IAMB | Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches, ISSN 1016-1228 | 2012Ce présent document est le résultat de la collaboration entre la FAO et le CIHEAM-Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Bari. Il a été préparé pour la session intitulée "Systèmes alimentaires et Diètes durables : la Diète méditerranéenne comme é[...]Article
Objective: To compare and evaluate the reliability of several indexes of adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Design: The ten indexes included in the analysis were: Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS), Mediterranean Score (MS), Dietary Score (DS), Me[...]Article
Objective: To define the Mediterranean diet model inside a Mediterranean social and cultural food framework and from the perspective of a local model of consumption. Design: Reflexion and review of literature available in relation to the Mediter[...]Article
Changes in diet, reducing animal products and increasing consumption of vegetables can not only benefit human health and the overall use of land, but can also play a decisive role in the politics of climate change mitigation. In this sense, the [...]Article
Objective: To present the Mediterranean diet as an example of a sustainable diet, in which nutrition, biodiversity, local food production, culture and sustainability are strongly interconnected. Design: Review of notions and activities contribut[...]Film
C. Demestihas ; P. Arragon ; H. Belhouchette, ed. ; M. Padilla, ed. ; V. Dollé, dir. | Montpellier [France] : CIHEAM-IAMM | 2011Le régime alimentaire crétois est la référence pour les nutritionnistes, pourtant la Crète est dans le peloton de tête pour lobésité et les maladies cardiovasculaires. Dans un contexte mondial incertain, lEtat grec est accusé dêtre « désengag[...]Communication à un Congrès (avec Actes)
G. Quaranta ; C. Salvia | 2011It is largely recognised that the Mediterranean and its landscape symbolises a cultural heritage for the world as a whole. It represents the place where different countries with different languages and cultures converge. Today all this culture a[...]Article
In this paper our aim is to analyse the way the relationship between health and food has been changing at the same time as Spanish society itself. From the beginnings of the consumer society until the present day the modernization process has ma[...]Rapport, Expertise, Working Paper
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée
Chapitre d'ouvrage
The Mediterranean diet, which developed over the centuries as the result of the intermingling of the peoples of the basin, is known and recognised the world over. A series of epidemiological studies has shown, for example, that the dietary chara[...]Article
Actes de Congrès ou Communication isolée