Compatible avec la réalisation d'une thèse de doctorat
RestPoll (Restoring Pollinator habitats across European agricultural landscapes based on multi-actor participatory approaches) is a project under the Horizon Europe programme. RestPoll aims to position Europe as a global leader and set the future agenda for pollinator restoration worldwide. The transdisciplinary RestPoll consortium will develop, test, evaluate and refine cross-sectoral pollinator restoration approaches to conserve biodiversity and to benefit nature and society. RestPoll will co-design measures with stakeholders from local field to farm, landscape and to European scales, from governments to individual land managers, in agricultural landscapes that are dominated by intensively managed crops and grasslands to restore wild pollinator diversity and their vital pollination services. Our holistic approach, informed by cutting-edge transdisciplinary research, will integrate stakeholders and actors at multiple levels as well as natural and social science disciplines to engage in participatory planning and development of new business models. Learning outcomes will be disseminated by regional to European multi-actor partners and collaborators, which will ensure impact beyond the end of the project.
- Data analysis and mapping pollinators dynamics at the landscape;
- Estimating pollination services supply and demand at the landscape;
- Living-Lab organization and management;
- Provide regular short progress reports on the advancement of the WPs and contributions to the corresponding project deliverables.
The ER candidate must meet the following requirements:
- Master 2 in Geography;
- Excellent knowledge of data analysis and GIS;
- Knowledge on pollination services dynamics;
- Excellent oral and written communication skills in English;
- Knowledge of French and/or Greek will be a plus.
- Excellent organizational skills, ability to establish and maintain lasting and constructive formal relationships;
- Dynamism, reactivity and autonomy;
- Excellent skills of writing and synthesis (work plans, technical reports and other acts and management, ordinary correspondence, notes, messages, summary sheets);
- Good teamwork abilities, particularly in a multicultural and multi-disciplinary context;
- Ability to propose solutions to problems and critical issues that might arise during the project.
- Contract duration: fixed term contract of 12 months’ renewable twice (up to 36 months);
- Salary: according to experience;
- Location: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (Route de Mende, Montpellier, France) with occasional travels in different partner countries.
- This call for applications is compatible with the completion of a doctoral thesis. However, the proposed contract does not correspond to a doctoral contract.
- This job offer is subject to Grant Agreement to be signed shortly.
Contact for any information on the project:
The application must be written in English and include a CV and a cover letter concerning the missions defined in the job description.
Deadline for Submission: 21st of September 2023
RestSelection Committee: 25th of September 2023
Starting Date: 1st of October 2023
The application file must be sent by email with the following object "RestPoll RE candidate Vacancy" to