[2022 - 2026] Fostering Agro-Ecological Transition in North Africa Through Multi-Actor Design, Evaluation and Networking NATAE (Fostering agroecology transition in North Africa through multi-actor, evaluation, and networking) is a recently awarded project under the Horizon Europe program. Based on a multi-actor and interdisciplinary approach, this four-year project will generate new perspectives to evaluate agroecology-inspired practices…
[2022 - 2026] Fostering agroecology transition in North Africa through multi-actor, evaluation, and networking Discovering the value of data economy in European food systems The main objective of the Data4Food2030 project is to improve the data economy for food systems by clarifying what it entails, mapping its development, performance and impact to create new insights…
[2023 - 2027] Excellence hub in green technologies: Introducing innovation ecosystems in the Mediterranean food value chain. The overarching objective of EXCEL4MED is to create an Excellence Hub in Mediterranean fruit supply chains. The project aims at identifying high-impact strategies and establish lines of resilience for producers, processors, consumers and policymakers. This will be achieved…
[2022 - 2025] ALLIANCE: A hoListic framework in the quality Labelled food supply chain systems' management towards enhanced data Integrity and verAcity, interoperability, traNsparenCy, and tracEability The ALLIANCE project is a framework created to ensure data veracity and transparency in EU quality-labelled food chains. It proposes systemic solutions that go beyond current practices in order…
[2022 - 2026] Giving Rural Actors Novel data and re-Useable tools to Lead public Action in Rural areas Departing from an updated conceptualisation of rurality based on the multi-dimensional nature of contemporary rural-urban interrelations and interdependencies, GRANULAR will generate new insights for characterising rural diversity. Led by CIHEAM Montpellier, GRANULAR gathers 23 partners (academic institutes,…
Med-Amin Network
Mediterranean Agricultural Markets Information Network The MED-Amin network was created in 2014 at the request of the Ministers of Agriculture of the 13 CIHEAM member countries, against the background of the world food crises in 2008-2009, then 2011. MED-Amin is a network for monitoring agricultural markets and food systems that contributes to Pillar 4 "Crises…
Healthy Food Africa
[May 2020 - November 2024] Improving nutrition in Africa by strengthening the diversity, sustainability, resilience and connectivity of food systems HealthyFoodAfrica is an EU-funded research & innovation action aiming at sustainable, equitable and resilient food systems in African cities. The project is a collaborative effort by 17 partners in both Europe and Africa. The overall…
[November 2020 - November 2024] Collective and contextualized strategies to promote resilient and sustainable agricultural production in rural Mediterranean areas Réduire d’une façon structurelle et durable la surexploitation des ressources hydriques et à améliorer le revenu des ménages agricoles au Liban et en Egypte dans un contexte de changement climatique. Proposer, mettre en œuvre et…
[July 2021 - June 2024] Multi-agent Agri-food living labs for new supply chain Mediterranean systems The main objective of LAB4SUPPLY is to provide practical solutions to address the current difficulties of Mediterranean smallholders and traditional farmers, who face the main challenges that arise in the Agri-food value chain. The Project will offer innovative and viable…
[June 2021 - May 2024] Data-Enabled Business Models and Market Linkages Enhancing Value Creation and Distribution in Mediterranean Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chains MED-LINKS aims at providing small-scale producers with tailored and effective solutions enhancing efficiency, sustainability and fairness along fruit and vegetable supply chains in Mediterranean countries. The project tackles five Specific Objectives: to…
[2019 - 2023] Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors SHERPA aims to gather knowledge that contributes to the formulation of recommendations for future policies relevant to EU rural areas, by creating a science-society-policy interface which provides a hub for knowledge and policy. SHERPA will contribute to policy development in three main areas:…
[October 2020 - September 2022] Innovative education for sustainable development in peripheral rural areas RUR’UP is an international cooperation project between Higher Education Institutions (HEI), intergovernmental organisations and rural development stakeholders, funded by the EU Programme Erasmus+. The project aims to support Higher Education institutions in equipping their graduates with skills and competencies relevant for…